All Cosmo Jarvis Songs

Songs In album
Betty Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Blame It On Me Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Clean My Room Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Collaborating With Rihanna -
Crazy screwed up lady Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Dave's House Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Dont Use -
Friend Of The Devil Think Bigger
Gay Pirates Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Get happy Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Girl From My Village * Think Bigger
Girl in the French Film Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Gone Like You * Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Good Citizen Think Bigger
Goodnight Everyone Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
He Only Goes Out On Tuesdays * Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Hopeless Bay Think Bigger
Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h (2009) * Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
I Don't Wanna See Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
I Love This -
Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange (2011) * Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Is The World Strange? Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Jack Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Jessica Alba's Number Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Jupiter's Falling Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Kate Was Ere * Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Lacie -
Let Me Out Of My Head Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Lonely Stroll * Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Love This Think Bigger
Lovely and Dad's Dead * Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Maxine Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Mel's Song Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Mummy's Been Drinking * Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
My Day Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Problems -
Road Closed * Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Screw You Moon Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Shag Me I'm Single * Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
She Doesn't Mind Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
She's Got You Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Sort yourself out Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Sunshine and Dandelions * Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Sure As Hell Not Jesus Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Tell Me Who to Be Think Bigger
The Girl from My Village Think Bigger
The Royal F**k Up * Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
The Talking Song Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
The Wave That Made Them Happy Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Think Bigger Think Bigger
Think Bigger (2012) * Think Bigger
Train Downtown Think Bigger
We Just Wanna Talk * Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Wealth Care * Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
Whatever -
Wild Humans Humasyouhitch/Sonofab**h
Wrong Kind Of Happy Is The World Strange Or Am I Strange
You Got Your Head -