All Neil Patrick Harris Songs

Songs In album
2009 Tonys Recap Song -
2012 Tony's Recap Song -
2013 Emmys Choreography Numbe -
A Better Way -
A Man'S Gotta Do -
Act 1 Scene 1: Horrible Theme/My Freeze Ray/Bad Horse Chorus -
Act 1 Scene 2: Caring Hands/A Man's Gotta Do -
Act 2 Scene 1: My Eyes -
Act 2 Scene 2: Bad Horse Chorus (Reprise) -
Act 2 Scene 3 -
Act 2 Scene 4: Penny's Song/Brand New Day -
Act 3 Scene 1: So They Say/Everyone's a Hero/Slipping/Everything You Ever -
All About Me Commentary! The Musical
Another National Anthem -
Barney Stinson, That Guy's Awesome -
Better than Neil Commentary! The Musical
Bigger (Tony Awards 2013 Opening Song) -
Bollywood -
Brand New Day -
Commentary (Reprise) Commentary! The Musical
Commentary! Commentary! The Musical
Everybody's Got The Right (Reprise) -
Everything You Ever -
Heart Broken Commentary! The Musical
Hey Beautiful (Barney Version) -
High Hopes -
It's The Count -
Main Title Theme (The Bad Beginning) -
Main Title Theme (The Miserable Mill) -
Main Title Theme (The Reptile Room) -
Main Title Theme (The Wide Window) -
Moist Commentary! The Musical
My Eyes -
My Freeze Ray -
Neil's Turn Commentary! The Musical
New York (Tony Awards 2013 Closing Song) -
Ninja Ropes Commentary! The Musical
Nobody's Asian in the Movies Commentary! The Musical
Nothing Suits Me Like a Suit How I Met Your Music
November 22, 1963/"Take a Look, Lee"/You Can Close the New York Stock Exchange -
Slipping -
So They Say -
Steve's Song Commentary! The Musical
Strike! Commentary! The Musical
Ten Dollar Solo Commentary! The Musical
Tend Dollar Solo Commentary! The Musical
That's Not How the Story Goes -
The Art Commentary! The Musical
The Ballad of Booth -
The Ballad of Czolgosz -
The Ballad of Guiteau -
The Lullabye -
The Rap Commentary! The Musical
Tony Awards 2011 Closing Song -
You Just Got Slapped How I Met Your Music
Zack's Rap Commentary! The Musical