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All Tom Daily Albums
The Burlington Northern (2001)
A Period of Time Containing the Year 1983 *
A World of Yawns
Allison, It's True *
I Am in a Time Machine *
Oh My *
On the Chin (U.K. Surf) *
Reese Witherspoon
The Hitler of Crickets
The Kids Are Not Alright
What's It Like? *
Your Walkman *
Tragedy of Fanbelts (2000)
Cleanliness Is Wealth *
Dimebag Eyes *
Feats of Casualty *
In the Parking Lot *
The Night That I Slept in My Car
When You're Driving
Happily Deceiving Culture (1999)
Daylight Savings Time *
Elizabeth Peabody
God Help Me *
Hearing Adrienne *
I Have a Vampire *
Looking Forward to You *
Minneapolis *
On the Chin *
Railroad Chair *
Today Is the Worst Day of the Rest of Your Life *
Typesetting Jets
See all Tom Daily songs