Afterglow |
Tales Beyond the Basement
Camera Shy |
Cartoon Theme Song Medley |
Live From Hell
Day-to-Day |
Arsenic Sundae
Debauchery |
Arsenic Sundae
Do You Wanna Be My Soulmate? |
Introspective of An Anal-Retentive History
Egotist |
Arsenic Sundae
f** Grape |
Arsenic Sundae
Get Off Your Soapbox |
Goodbye, Dear Friend |
The Essential Anal Cysts
Him |
Arsenic Sundae
I'm Not A Commie |
Introspective of An Anal-Retentive History
Jackie |
Arsenic Sundae
Lava Lamp Central |
Introspective of An Anal-Retentive History
Love, Wisconsin Style |
Tales Beyond the Basement
Napoleon Complex |
Arsenic Sundae
Never Mind |
Arsenic Sundae
Smelly Monkey Ass Elephantiasis |
Introspective of An Anal-Retentive History
The Cat Never Came Home |
Arsenic Sundae
The First Time |
Tales Beyond the Basement
Their Little Clam Days (Go Blow A Clam) |
Urethral Prick |
Arsenic Sundae
While Coca-Cola Outruns Pepsi |
Whore |
Introspective of An Anal-Retentive History
Your Pride |
Arsenic Sundae