I saw a dog, walking a dog, little voice said:
"That ain't no dog, that's a hog"
And I said: "Which one?"
When I grow up I'm gonna get me a girl
Don't have to be pretty, as long as she's a rich one
I saw a beast with a two-fisted feast, little voice said:
"That can't be right", I said: "No". And it ain't pretty
I saw a trout with too much hanging out
Just another day in the city
I spend some time, looking at the world around me
If life was a symphony, how would the sound be?
Beautiful dreams, filling my head
Maybe it's time for me to get out of bed, no
Todo loco, my world is crazy
Can't remember yesterday, everything's too hazy
Think about tomorrow, all I hear is maybe
Todo loco, this world is crazy
I saw an old guy doing some tricks, little voice said:
"That guy's so sneaky", I said: "Must be a magician"
And then I listened to the things that he said, I saw
That ain't no magic, he's just a politician
He's asking me to put an "X" by his name
So he can carry on playing his game
Nothing will change it will all be the same
And he'll just find someone to blame
Todo loco, my world is crazy
Can't remember yesterday, everything's too hazy
Think about tomorrow, all I hear is maybe
Todo loco
The time will come, you'll have your choice
You'll have the power of a single voice
But be careful where you place your faith
The man may have another face
He'll tell you what you want to hear
If you'll just give him four more years
But when he's back in his nice big house
He'll eat you up and spit you out
Todo loco, my world is crazy
Can't remember yesterday, everything's too hazy
Think about tomorrow, all I hear is maybe
Todo loco, this world is crazy
Todo loco