Thank you, thank you. I wonder who could that be? Oh, yeah?
Hello... who? Gerald? Well I'll be dog-... who? Gerald Ford? Well
I'll be doggone! I thought you had left the White House. What?
Oh, you're leavin' now. Yeah... Well... yeah... Well who... is Jimmy in
there yet? Jimmy who? Jimmy Carter? Yeah, he's comin' in... Huh...
he been doin' what? Sellin' peanuts all over the place? Yeah? He
even sold you a bag of peanuts? Doggone! Peanuts must be good in
the White House, hey? Yeah... Ah... eh eh now look here Gerald, ah,
they tell me that ah, Jimmy Carter done changed Abraham Lincoln's
shirt... Yeah, it used to be white, he's givin' him a black shirt... yeah I
understand... What? He took the book out his hand? Well what did
he put in his hand now? A bag of peanuts? I'll be doggone!
Ah... hey Gerald ah... what you gonna do now since you're leavin' the
White House? What? You and Kissinger gonna do what? You all
gonna open up a plantation!?... Yeah... but, but... yeah... But look
here Gerald, don't let trouble... you ain't got enough n******gs there!
Yeah! Because... yeah... you need a lot of n******gs and Jimmy Carter
got all of 'em, you understand. Yeah! What he doin'? Paintin' the front
of the White House black? Oooh, I see! He gon' make it the Black
House. Black And White House, yeah, I thought that, yes... yes...
Well look Gerald, I tell you what you do. You take a tip from Jack
Dupree... you go on down there... and if you can find you enough
n******gs to make your plantation, you won't have to sell no peanuts
next time the election come around... You sell what? You try to...
yeah, raise... popcorn! popcorn, yeah, tha