All Brad Wood Songs

Songs In album
2 Sisters -
36 Degrees -
6'1" -
A Month Today -
About Falling -
An Insult To The Dead -
Anyone / Anything -
Ava Adore -
Away With The Pixies -
Baby Girl, I'm A Blur -
Bionic -
Blue Angels -
Bolt -
Bruise Pristine -
Canary -
Career Choice -
Chopsticks -
Come Home -
D-Minor -
Daisy -
Daphne Descends -
Deep Talk In The Shallow End -
Died A Jew -
Divorce Song -
Don't Leave -
Ductile -
Eight Years Old -
Empty Plane -
Flawed Design -
Flawed Design (Afro DJ Remix) -
Four Word Letter (Pt. Two) -
Frigid -
Goodbye Young Tutor, You've Now Outgrown Me -
Grammercy Park Hotel -
Green Hearts -
H K Farewell -
Hang On To Your IQ -
Hangover Song -
Harbor -
Have At Thee! -
Here Tonight -
Household Name -
How Can That Be? -
How To Survive A Broken Heart -
Hug Bubble (Brad Wood Mix) -
I Know -
I Used To Have A Heart -
I'm With The Star -
In A Sweater Poorly Knit -
In Defense of the Genre -
Is Survived By -
January 1979 -
Johnny Feelgood -
Just Exist -
Kerosene -
Ketchum -
Lady of The Flowers -
Long Train Ride -
Murray -
My Drifting Nature -
My Guitar -
Nancy Boy (radio edit) -
New Song -
No Soul -
Non Fiction -
Pathetic -
People Like You Are Why People Like Me Exist -
Plea -
Polyester Bride -
Pop Queen -
Praise / Love -
Retarded In Love -
Seven -
Shadows -
Shiksa (Girlfriend) -
Side View -
Skinny, Mean Man -
Social Caterpillar -
Song 4 You -
Sorry, Dudes. My Bad. -
Spay Me -
Spores -
Sprawl -
Steps -
Stumbling Block -
Supernova -
Surgically Removing The Tracking Device -
Teenage Angst -
That Is Why -
The Business Of Things -
The Church Channel -
The Loft -
The Truth Is, You Should Lie With Me -
The Word You Wield -
This Is f**ing Ecstasy -
To Write Content -
Vexed -
We k**ed It -
You're The Wanker If Anyone Is -