I heard him say the other day
I'm a Vegan
I don't eat meat or cheese
I don't eat honey
I don't touch dairy products
I can't wear wool
I think this has beef broth in it
I can't eat that!
What the f** is wrong with cheese?
What the f** is wrong with honey?
I heard him say the other day, I'm a vegetarian
I won't touch red meat, and I don't eat pork
I only keep chickens for pets, and I hardly eat fish
Get that steak away from me, I'll have a salad!
What the f** is wrong with steak?
And how the f** can you eat fish?
I heard them say the other day, we eat organic
We shop at community market, what the f**'s a twinkie?
Only non-GMO soybean products, it better be cruelty free!
We only eat unbleached flour, white sugar's the devil!
What the f** is wrong with twinkies?
What the f** is wrong with you?