All Central Intelligence Agency Songs

Songs In album
Agent Use in the War With Iran Intelligence Assessment of Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Area 51 officially acknowledged -
Benghazi Talking Points Revisions - 9/14/2012 -
Benghazi Talking Points Revisions - 9/15/2012 -
Calling For Julian Assange's Assa**ination Wikileaks
CIA Assa**ination Proposals (Operation PBFORTUNE, Guatemala) -
CIA Assa**ination Proposals (Operation PBSUCCESS, Guatemala) -
CIA Propaganda Commentary: Mossadeq's Spy Service -
CIA Propaganda Commentary: Our National Character -
Consequences of The Partition of Palestine -
Dependency on Foreign Sources Intelligence Assessment of Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Details Of Attacks By NATO Forces / Predators In Fata -
Future Prospects Intelligence Assessment of Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Implications for the United States Intelligence Assessment of Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Iran-Iraq: Situation Report Number 27 Central Intelligence Agency Chemical Weapons
Key Judgements Intelligence Assessment of Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Memo on Noam Chomsky -
Memorandum for the Director, "MONGOOSE Operations and General Lansdale's Problems" -
Memorandum for the Record, "MONGOOSE Meeting with the Attorney General" -
Memorandum of Meeting with the President, Attorney General, Secretary McNamara, General Taylor, and Mr. McCone, 10:00 a.m. - 10/21/62 -
Memorandum of MONGOOSE Meeting Held on Thursday, October 4, 1962 -
Memorandum of MONGOOSE Meeting in the JCS Operations Room, October 26, 1962, at 2:30 p.m. -
Opinions and Motivations Intelligence Assessment of Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Overthrow of Premier Mossadeq of Iran (TPAJAX) -
Plan to Engineer Weather -
Possible Future Targets for Iraqi Chemical Weapons Intelligence Assessment of Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Production Capability and Facilities Intelligence Assessment of Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Program Cost Intelligence Assessment of Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Program Development Intelligence Assessment of Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare (Contra Manual) -
The Western Embargo Intelligence Assessment of Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Wikileaks: Afghanistan: Sustaining West European Support for the NATO-led Mission Wikileaks
Wikileaks: What If Foreigners See the United States as an “Exporter of Terrorism” Wikileaks