Latin Text (Edited): Iovei Iunonei Minervai / Falesce quei in Sardinia sunt / donum dederunt magistreis / L(ucius) Latrius K(aesonis) f(ilius) C(aius) Salv[e]na Voltai f(ilius) /5 coiraveront // onlegium quod aciptum aetatei age(n)d[ai] opiparum a[d] veitam quolundam festosque dies / quei soveis aastutieis opidque Volgani / gondecorant sai[pi]sume comvivia loidosque /10 ququei huc dederu[nt i]nperatoribus summeis / utei sesed lubent[es be]ne iovent optantis
English Translation: To Jove Juno (and) Minerva / the Falesci who are in Sardinia / give a gift to the magistrates / Lucius Lartius Caesones son of Caius Salvena son of Voltai / The Brotherhood which admits a lifetime procession of wealth to the games and the festival gods. / Who by their own cunning / and the help of Vulcan / embellish frequently / banquets and entertainments]/ give this to the highest commander / (utei sesed) if it pleases, a**ist and select