(On screen) This is how to do Aussie insults. Extreme language warning even for my standards. Simply fill in the blank. "What are you, some kind of (space) c*nt?" What are you, some kind of dumb c*nt? What are you, some kind of stupid c*nt? What are you, some kind of gay c*nt? What are you, some kind of co*k-s**ing, f*ggot c*nt? What are you, some kind of curry-munching, pin-dick c*nt? (On screen) It doesn't even have to make sense if you say it aggressively enough. What are you, some kind of goggle c*nt? What are you, some kind of muffin c*nt? What are you, some kind of Pictionary c*nt? What are you, some kind of Belkin wireles c*nt? What are you, some kind of hoover-bagless c*nt? (On screen) Otherwise if it's a compliment elsewhere it's an insult in Australia. Elsewhere: You're so intelligent. Australia: What do you think, you're f**ing smart or something? Elsewhere: Every time I see you, you look perfect. Australia: La-di-da. If it isn't the f**ing princess.
Elsewhere: Congratulations on being sober for thirty days. Australia: I didn't even have a drink with the boys, you f**ing. Elsewhere: It's a lovely white Labrador you've got there. Australia: f**ing white dog. Elsewhere: I love liberal thought and liberal people. Australia: f**ing liberals ruining our country. Elsewhere: He's the leader of our country. I'll give him the upmost respect. Australia: I don't care how good they are. The prime minister's always a f**ing co*k-head. Elsewhere: Wow, well done. You are so rich. Australia: Hell, if it isn't Mr. "f**ing Hotshot". What, you think you're f**ing better than us now? Elsewhere: sh**, you mainstream and commercial. That means you made it as a rapper. Australia: f**ing sell-out c*nt. (On screen) And you'll never go wrong with h*mophobic slurs. Poofter; f*ggot; h*mo; gay c*nt. Mate, you made two guys bu*t-f**ing in the middle of Mardi Gras look like a steel-caged monster truck rally.