Bob Dylan at the height of his fame Was overly obnoxious again and again He put down poor Donovan Tell us Bob why really pick on Donovan Dylan replied 'He's an upstart He's cuter and sings better than me It's not so hard to picture him With his flower in a garden That banana ain't a gold record And his songs all have the melody I hear in my sleep' Bob Dylan past the height of his fame And overly obnoxious he remained Speaking through his nose
Tell us, Bob, who really picks out your clothes Dylan himself a Space Jew With a big house out in Malibu Wasn't keeping up with the new wave scene (Probably just as well) Although he no longer needed to be so evasive About that elusive Mr Jones He's a real person, you know him You don't have to be so imaginative The answer is blindingly obvious Mr Jones is a man Who doesn't know who Howard Jones is