Semper crescis Aut decrescis; Vita detestabilis
Nunc obdurate Et tunc curat Ludo mentis aciem
Egestatem, Potestatem Dissolvit ut glaciem
Sors immanis Et inanis, Rota tu volubilis
Status malus, Vana salus Semper dissolubilis
Obumbrata Et velata Michi quoque niteris
Nunc per ludum Dorsum nudum Fero tui sceleris
Sors salutis Et virtutis Michi nunc contraria
Est affectus Et defectus Semper in angaria
Obumbrata Et velata Michi quoque niteris
Nunc per ludum Dorsum nudum Fero tui sceleris
Sors salutis Et virtutis Michi nunc contraria
Est affectus Et defectus Semper in angaria
Hac in hora Sine mora Corde pulsum tangite
Quod per sortem Sternit fortem, Mecum
omnes plangite!
Translation by Robert Webb:
Egg air egg dish, in there egg wish
Is there a car in Phyllis?
I sump a duck, you sump a duck
Somehow we both get rickets
In tests our men, ingest a gem
All we need now are tickets
More cannabis, more cannabis
Don't give no more to Billy
You stroke the puss, they stoke the puss
I'd rather play with Willy
Old broom-broom car and velo-car
Micky the Quock just nicked 'em
Mum just bought scalextric
So salve thy wounds - and make it snappy
Micky is contradictory, he's effective
...and defecates, ...and often gets angry
He's hacked into the village
taken the cine-camera
and the adapter
and was last seen dancing the tango
That should sort him out!
Silly nit
Some people will do anything for a packet of nuts
Bring me some fresh fruit, love:
I mean banana