I stayed up late to watch 'em counting the votes
While all the networks were rescinding their quotes
It first was going Gore then it was going Bush
Forget that recount
I've got a new plan to push
Well, I want a brand new pair of candidates
I'd say they both have lost
I want to hold a new election
I'd gladly pay the cost
Tell 'em in Nashville and Austin
I don't like what I've seen
I want a brand new pair of candidates
Someone like Martin Sheen
Al Gore claims he was there when God made the Earth
George Dubbya got no cerebellum at birth
Al Gore is kinda like his shoes are way too tight
And Dubbya looks like a deer caught in the headlights
Oh, somebody ditch that pair of candidates
We've really hit the trough
If they were on the show Survivor
We'd kick both of those guys off
Get these guys off the ticket
I am voting instead
For somebody like Missouri's senator
Somebody who is dead!