it's friday night, I am talking to my cat.
talking to my cat I think, ‘I am really tired, I don't know what I am doing, my life is stupid.'
it's stupid to say things like, ‘all you need is love,' that's like saying, ‘all you need is an abstraction.'
like an abstraction is how I feel sometimes when I am holding my cat.
holding my cat is the beginning of disappointment.
the end of disappointment is an english lit cla** in which we don't discuss books, just their covers.
the cover of a book is most people's favorite part.
my favorite part of any book is when the author is still alive.
I want to team up with all the authors who are still alive and co-write a book called, ‘f** everyone.'
f** anyone who says, ‘stalk me,' it takes all the fun out of online stalking.
stalking my own profile online makes me feel like I am just a product of my productivity.
my productivity is directly related to making terrible personal decisions.
a terrible personal decision is being alone on a friday night and thinking, ‘my life is stupid.'
‘my life is stupid, why am I talking to my cat.'