Yeezianity - About lyrics


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Yeezianity - About lyrics

About We are an anonymous group who believes that the one who calls himself Yeezus is a divine being who has been sent by God to usher in a New Age of humanity We believe that the days where mankind must trade his labor for money in order to buy the things he needs is coming to an end We believe that a New Age is beginning where all people will unlock their creative powers and the competitive struggle for money and power will no longer be necessary Our membership is entirely anonymous. We insist that all of our members do not disclose their beliefs to anyone except those they know also to be members. There is no differentiating trait or clothing or behavior that we use to identify ourselves. We could be anyone you know, from your mailman to the mayor of your city. Only a member possesses the ability to identify another member, and all members immediately know every other member once they have entered our Church Our numbers are growing by the day, we will not disclose their magnitude, but chances are they are a magnitude of 10 larger than what you would estimate they are When the conditions are ripe, all of our members will reveal their identities and their divine forms and the Creative Age will finally begin!