W. Wynn Westcott - Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues - Part 4 The Apocalyptic Numbers lyrics


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W. Wynn Westcott - Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues - Part 4 The Apocalyptic Numbers lyrics

1st Resurrection, Revelation xx. 5. 2nd d**h, xx. 14. 2 Witnesses, xi. 3. 2 Olive Trees, 2 Candlesticks before throne of God of the Earth, xi. 4. 2-Horned Beast who spoke like a Dragon, xiii. 11; his number is 666. 3 Woes, ix. 12. 1/3 part of Vegetation k**ed, viii. 7-do. of Sea became Blood, and do. of Fish died, viii. 8-do. of Waters became bitter, viii. 11-do. of Sun, Moon, Stars, viii. 12. 3½ days, Bodies lay unburied, xxi. 9. 4 quarters of the Earth, xx. 8. 4 Beasts, full of eyes and have 6 wings, iv. 6–9 ("Beasts" should be living beings.—W.). 4 Horses, White, Red, Pale, Black. 4 Horns of the golden altar before God, ix. 13. 4 Angels of the Euphrates, ix. 14. 4 Angels of the Winds of the 4 corners of the Earth, vii. 1. 5 Months the Locusts had power to hurt Men, ix. 5–10. 6 Wings of the Beasts (living beings), full of eyes, iv. 8. 7 Churches, i. 20. 7 Candlesticks, i. 20. Represent the 7 Churches. 7 Stars, i. 20; ii. 1. Represent 7 angels of the Churches. 7 Angels of the Churches, i. 20. 7 Lamps stand near the Throne, iv. 5. 7 Seals, v. 5, opened by the Lamb, produce 4 horses, etc. 7 Trumpets, viii. 2. Given to 7 Angels. 7 Thunders utter their voices, x. 3. 7 Plagues held by 7 Angels, xv. 1. 7 Vials of Wrath, xv. 7. 7 Spirits of God, v. 6. p. 127 7-horned and 7-eyed Lamb, v. 6; near the Throne are the 7 Spirits of God. 7-headed and 10-horned Scarlet Beast, on which is a Woman, xvii. 3. 7-headed and 10-horned Dragon with 7 Crowns, xii. 3. 7-headed and 10-horned Beast rose out of Sea, xiii. 1. 10 Crowns on Ten horns of beast which had 7 heads, xiii. 1. 10-horned Dragon with 7 heads, xii. 3. 10-horned Beast with 7 heads rose out of sea, xiii. 1. 10-horned Scarlet Beast with 7 heads, on which was a woman, xvii. 3. 12 Tribes of Israel. 12 Apostles of the Lamb, xxi. 14. 12 Gates of the New Jerusalem, 12 Angels guarding them xxi. 12. 12 Foundations of the Walls of the New Jerusalem. 12 Stars on the head of the Woman, xii. 1. 12 sorts of Fruit on the Tree of Life, xxii. 2. 24 Elders around the Throne, on 24 seats, iv. 4–10. 42 months the Gentiles tread over the outer court of Temple, xi. 2. 42 months the 7-headed Beast to have power to blaspheme, xiii. 5. 144 cubits, the height of the Walls of the New Jerusalem, xxi. 17. 666, the number of "The Beast." 1000 years, the Dragon bound for, xx. 2–3. 1000 years, Souls of the Faithful to live and reign, xx. 4. 1260 days, the two Witnesses prophesy, xi. 3. 1260 days, the Woman to be in the wilderness, xii. 6. 12,000 of each Tribe chosen. 12,000 furlongs, length of the sides of the New Jerusalem, xxi. 16. 144,000 chosen from the whole of the Tribes. 100,000,000, or ten thousand times ten thousand Angels, round the Throne, v. 11.