United States Department of Justice - Section Three - Community Engagement and Building Trust lyrics


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United States Department of Justice - Section Three - Community Engagement and Building Trust lyrics

III. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND BUILDING TRUST 14. This Agreement recognizes the importance of community input into the way police services are delivered. Ongoing community input into the development of reforms, the establishment of police priorities, and mechanisms to promote community confidence in CDP will strengthen CDP and the police-community relationship that is necessary to promote public safety. To promote public trust and confidence in CDP, constitutional and effective policing, officer and public safety, and the sustainability of reforms, CDP will create, in accordance with this Agreement, formal and informal mechanisms that facilitate ongoing communication between CDP and the many Cleveland communities it serves A. Community Police Commission 15. To leverage the experience and expertise of the people of Cleveland, and to ensure that CDP recognizes and operates in a manner consistent with cooperative community understanding and engagement, the City will establish, within 90 days of the Effective Date, a Community Police Commission (”Commission”) consisting of 13 members who represent the many and diverse communities in Cleveland. The Commission will have the following mandate: a. to make recommendations to the Chief of Police and the City, including the Mayor and the City Council, on policies and practices related to community and problem-oriented policing, bias-free policing, and police transparency; b. to work with the many communities that make up Cleveland for the purpose of developing recommendations for police practices that reflect an understanding of the values and priorities of Cleveland residents; and c. to report to the City and community as a whole and to provide transparency on police department reforms 16. To ensure diverse representation, within 30 days of the Effective Date, the City will establish a selection panel made up of representatives from each or the following: (a) faith based organizations; (b) civil rights advocates; (c) the business/philanthropic community; (d) organizations representing communities of color; (e) advocacy organizations; (f) youth or student organizations; (g) academia; and (h) individuals with expertise in the challenges facing people with mental illness or the homeless The members of this panel will be selected by the Mayor in consultation with DOJ and with participation by members of Cleveland City Council as determined by the Council President. Within 30 days of their appointment, the selection panel will accept applications for membership on the Commission from individuals who reside or work in the City of Cleveland. Within 30 days thereafter, in an open public forum, the selection panel will recommend 10 persons to be appointed as members of the Commission for a term of no more than 4 years, ensuring at least 1 representative from each of the categories identified above. The persons recommended by the selection panel shall be appointed as provided in the Charter. Current members of the selection panel cannot apply to become members of the Commission. In addition, the Cleveland Patrolmen's Association, the Fraternal Order of Police, and the Black Shield will each identify one member to be appointed as provided in the Charter to serve on the Commission. Vacancies within the original four year term will be filled in the same fashion as the original appointments. At the end of four years, a selection panel will be reconstituted and members of the Commission will be selected as described above One member of the Commission will be selected by the Commission to attend meetings of, and receive relevant information and reports from the Community Relations Board of the City of Cleveland, and one member of the Community Relations Board will be selected by the Community Relations Board to attend meetings of, and receive relevant information and reports from the Commission. The Commission will meet periodically with the Chief of Police and provide recommendations and reports to him or her, but remain independent from, the Chief of Police, the Mayor, and the City Council 17. The Commission will: A. within 90 days of appointment, hold public meetings across the City, complete an a**essment of CDP's bias-free policing policies, practices, and training, and make recommendations; B. on an ongoing basis, including through its membership on the Training Review Committee, a**ist as appropriate in CDP's development of training related to bias-free policing and cultural competency; C. on an ongoing basis, a**ess CDP's community activities, and make recommendations for additional strategies for CDP to consider to increase community engagement with and community confidence in CDP; D. on an ongoing basis, review CDP's civilian oversight structure to determine if there are changes it recommends for improving CDP's accountability and transparency; and E. perform other function as set out in this Agreement 18. In addition to the above, the Commission has the authority to: a. review and comment on CDP's policies and practices related to use of force, search and seizure, and data collection and retention; B. review and comment on CDP's implementation of initiatives, programs, and activities that are intended to support reform; and C. hold public meetings to discuss the Monitor's reports and to receive community feedback concerning CDP's compliance with this Agreement 19. The City will provide access to all information requested by the Commission related to its mandate, authority, and duties unless it is law enforcement sensitive, legally restricted, or would disclose a personnel action 20. At least annually, the Commission will issue reports, including any recommendations for improvement, related to each activity that it undertakes. The City will post the Commission's reports and recommendations to the City's website 21. The City will consider and timely respond in writing to the Commission's recommendations for improvements. Those responses also will be posted to the City's website 22. The budget for the Commission will be visible as a separate line item in the budget proposal that is submitted annually pursuant to the Charter to the Cleveland City Council with the appropriations ordinance. The Parties will endeavor to secure private funding for the Commission as appropriate. The Monitor will an*lyze the Commission's budget and advise the Parties and the Court as to whether it affords sufficient independence and resources to meet the terms of this agreement B. District Policing Committees 23. Working jointly, the Commission, CDP, and Community Relations Board (“CRB”), will work with the District Policing Committees (formerly called District Community Relations Committees) to fac ilitate regular communication and cooperation between CDP and community leaders at the local level. These District Policing Committees should meet, at a minimum, every quarter 24. Working jointly, the Commission, CDP, and CRB will develop a mechanism to recruit and expand the membership of the District Policing Committees, each of which should include a representative cross-section of community members, including, for example, representatives of social services providers, faith leaders, local business owners, youth, etc., from that District. Each District Policing Committee also include at least one CDP officer from that District. CDP will work with the Commission to select officers for each District Policing Committee 25. CDP will work closely with the District Policing Committees to identi fy strategies to address crime and safety issues in their District. In developing appropriate strategies, the District Policing Committees should consider and address law enforcement priorities and community policing strategies in their District, and should address any concerns or recommendations about specific CDP policing tactics and initiatives in their District 26. At least annually, each District Policing Committee will present its identified strategies, concerns and recommendations to the Commission. At the same time, an officer who is a member of the District Policing Committee will present to the Commission CDP's a**essment of ways to address, and barriers to, implementing the strategies, concerns and recommendations of the Committee