United States Department of Justice - Section One - Introduction lyrics


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United States Department of Justice - Section One - Introduction lyrics

I. INTRODUCTION The United States of America and the City of Cleveland (collectively “Parties”) are committed to ensuring that police services in Cleveland are delivered in a manner that is constitutional, effective, and consistent with community values, while preserving officer and public safety. To further these goals, the Cleveland Division of Police (“CDP”) and the Cleveland community must have a strong relationship that is built on mutual trust and respect. The provisions of this Agreement are designed to bolster this relationship and ensure that it endures. The Constitution requires the City to prevent excessive force, to ensure that searches and seizures are reasonable, and to ensure that police services are delivered free from bias. These precepts also are fundamental to a strong community-police relationship. To further these goals, the City has agreed to provide clear guidance to officers; increase accountability; provide for civilian participation in and oversight of the police; provide officers with needed support, training, and equipment; and increase transparency. The Parties acknowledge that nothing in this Agreement alters the fact that the City of Cleveland is a governmental entity organized under the laws of Ohio and governed in accordance with its Municipal Charter (“Charter”). This Agreement does not alter the Cleveland Charter provisions regarding control and supervision of the police force. The Mayor of Cleveland and Director of Public Safety retain their authority over CDP and the Chief of CDP retains authority to oversee the operations of CDP. For these reasons, and noting the general principle that settlements are to be encouraged, particularly settlements between government entities, the Parties agree to implement this Agreement under the following terms and conditions