United Nations - Among the Gentiles lyrics


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United Nations - Among the Gentiles lyrics

...Anti-Semitism is not worrisome. I believe the Jewish people erred in blaming anti-Semitism for all the trials and tribulations that befell it in the Diaspora. That is one of the blind spots affecting the Jews in foreign lands. Should and can the entire world behave toward us as ministering angels? Does a people base its existence on the existence of the rule of justice --- within other peoples? Do the Jews maintain the rue of justice amongst themselves? Do we not have within us jealously and hatred with good cause and with none/ Do we treat members of other Jewish communities and other parties with understanding and perfect objectivity? We. who differ from every people and language, who maintain with unique stubborness our peculiar customs, ethics, beliefs and habits, and who have refused for hundreds of years to give up to renounce the irritating and suspicious difference that discriminates between us and the peoples amongst whom we are settled, Yet we a**ume that that others will empathize with us, will satisfy our wants, will accept us with love and brotherhood. If they do not do so. we are angry and warn of their bad heartedness and lack of understanding, their evil nature and poor character. Do we really fail to understand that every nation designs their life style out of their own needs and wishes -- and the framework of their existence and relations result from their historical reality, and it is not to be imagined that these will try to adapt themselves to the existence and mentality of the universal exception called "Judaism." Our enemy is not the wickedness of the gentiles that we call anti-Semitism -- but our peculiar status that does not suit the framework of normal life of the nations of the world, and what is anti-Semitism that we should complain of it? Our existence as Jews is threatened, and hatred of Jews increases in the world, not when gentiles become more wicked to us -- but when the requirements of the peoples amongst whom we are settled can only be satisfied by changes in the political, social or economic structure that do not suit our peculiar existence as a Jewish minority that seeks to maintain its connection with the Jewish people and a**ure its national future. Our problem is not posed by anti-Semitism. The trends and laws of development of the peoples amongst we dwell are not subservient to the needs of Israel - That are peculiar needs of a people unlike any other in the world, and there is no logical or ethical reason to demand that the world adapt its way of life, ways of thinking, and state policies to the needs of a scattered and separated minority that is unexampled in history, rather than to the requirements of the majority peoples, that are concentrated in their own countries and based upon accepted universal principles that are similar in all countries. The existence of the Jewish people without a state is impossible. We shall be different from all peoples -- as each nation differs from others. But in order to be different we must be -- and we shall not be if we do not have a state.