Union Express - Ring A Ring A Roses lyrics


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Union Express - Ring A Ring A Roses lyrics

Ring a ring a roses a pocket full of poses ti-shoo to-shoo we all fall down ev'rybody sing now: Ring a ring a roses a pocket full of poses we all fall down together we can make it last forever 'cos it's all right now. Ring a ring a roses a pocket full of poses we all clap hands in time gonna sing a song. Want you all to sing along so here's a little nursey-rhyme now did you hear about. Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating her curds and honey along came a spider and sat down beside her. Frightened Miss Muffet away. Humperty Dumperty sat on a wall Humperty Dumperty had a grest fall all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humperty together again. Little Jack Horner sat in a corner eating his Christmas pie he put in his thumb and he pulled out a plum and said: What a good boy am I ev'rybody sing now.