UNFCCC - Paris COP decision (23.10.2015 advance unedited version) lyrics


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UNFCCC - Paris COP decision (23.10.2015 advance unedited version) lyrics

B. DRAFT DECISION [ The Conference of the Parties, Pp1 Recalling decision 1/CP.17 on the establishment of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action, Pp2 Also recalling decisions 2/CP.18, 1/CP.19, and 1/CP.20, Pp3 Welcoming the outcome of the "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," in particular its goal 13, and the outcome of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, Pp4 Recognizing that climate change represents an urgent and potentially irreversible threat to human societies and the planet and thus requires the widest possible cooperation by all countries and their participation in an effective and appropriate international response, with a view to accelerating the reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions and recognizing that deep cuts in global emissions will be required to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention and emphasizing the need for urgency to address climate change, Emphasizing the importance of respecting and taking into account human rights, gender equality, the rights of indigenous peoples, intergenerational concerns, and the needs of particularly vulnerable groups, including women, children and persons with disabilities, when taking action to address climate change, as well as of aligning actions with the goal of promoting food security, restoration of degraded lands, national health policies, participation in environmental decision-making by civil society and individuals, and a just transition of the workforce and creation of decent work and quality jobs in accordance with nationally defined development priorities and strategies; I. ADOPTION OF THE [PARIS AGREEMENT] [PARIS IMPLEMENTING AGREEMENT UNDER THE UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE] 1. Decides to adopt the [Paris Implementing] Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, contained in the annex; 2. Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations to be the Depositary of the Agreement and to have it open for signature in New York, the United States of America, from [22 April 2016] to [21 April 2017]; 3. Invites the Secretary-General to convene a high-level signature ceremony for the Agreement in early 2016; 4. Also invites all Parties to the Convention to sign the Agreement at the ceremony to be convened by the Secretary-General, or at their earliest opportunity, and to deposit their respective instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval, or instruments of accession, where appropriate, as soon as possible; 5. [Recognizes that Parties to the Convention [may provisionally] apply [all of the provisions of] the Agreement pending its entry into force, and requests Parties to provide notification of any such provisional application to the Depositary;] Option 1 (paras 6-9bis): 6. Notes that the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) in accordance with decision 1/CP.17, paragraph 4, has been completed and decides that it is therefore terminated; 7. Decides to establish an Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee (IPC) to prepare for the entry into force of the Agreement and the convening of the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Agreement (CMA); 8. Decides to oversee the implementation of the work programme resulting from the relevant requests contained in section[s] III [and IV] of this decision [in a balanced manner, inter alia, on mitigation adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, capacity-building, and transparency of action and support, to facilitate the entry into force of the Agreement and to complete its work by 2020] [and authorizes the IPC to guide the work of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and other Convention bodies in relation to the work programme, where appropriate, in accordance with their respective mandates]; 9. Requests the IPC to report regularly to the COP on the progress of its work; 9bis. Decides that the IPC shall hold its first session of 2016 in conjunction with the first session of the SBSTA and SBI in 2016 to organize its work on the implementation of the work programme referred to in paragraph 7-9 above and to prepare draft decisions to be recommended by the COP to the CMA for consideration and adoption at its first session; Option 2 (paras 6-9bis): 6. Notes that the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) in accordance with decision 1/CP.17, paragraph 4, has been completed and decides that the ADP shall continue under the mandate contained in paragraphs 7-9 below; 7. Requests the ADP to prepare for the entry into force of the Agreement and the convening of the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Agreement (CMA) and to conduct this work; 8. Decides to oversee the implementation of the work programme resulting from the relevant requests contained in section[s] III [and IV] of this decision [in a balanced manner, inter alia, on mitigation adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, capacity-building, and transparency of action and support, to facilitate the entry into force of the Agreement and to complete its work by 2020] [and authorizes the ADP to guide the work of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and other Convention bodies in relation to the work programme, where appropriate, in accordance with their respective mandates]; 9. Requests the ADP to report regularly to the COP on the progress of its work; 9bis. Decides that the ADP shall hold its first session of 2016 in conjunction with the first session of the SBSTA and SBI in 2016 to organize its work on the implementation of the work programme referred to in paragraph 7-9 above and to prepare draft decisions to be recommended by the COP to the CMA for consideration and adoption at its first session; Option 3 (paras 6-9bis): 6. Notes that, in accordance with decision 1/CP.17, paragraph 4, the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action has been completed and decides that it is therefore terminated; 7. Requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) to prepare for the entry into force of the Agreement and the convening of the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Agreement (CMA); 8. Decides to oversee the implementation of the work programme resulting from the relevant requests contained in section[s] III [and IV] of this decision [in a balanced manner, inter alia, on mitigation adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building, and transparency of action and support, to facilitate the entry into force and complete its work by 2020]; 9. Requests the SBSTA and the SBI to report regularly to the COP on the progress of their work; 9bis. Also requests that the SBSTA and the SBI at their first session in 2016 organize their work on the implementation of the work programme referred to in paragraph 7-9 above and in order to prepare draft decisions to be recommended by the COP to the CMA for consideration and adoption at its first session; II. INTENDED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTIONS 10. Welcomes the intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) that have been communicated by Parties in accordance with decision 1/CP.19, paragraph 2(b); 11. Reiterates its invitation to all Parties that have not yet done so to communicate to the secretariat their INDCs towards achieving the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 [as soon as possible and well in advance of the twenty-second session of the Conference of the Parties][by 1 October 2016] and in a manner that facilitates the clarity, transparency and understanding of the INDCs; [11bis Calls on each developed country Party to communicate to the secretariat its INDC on the provision of finance, technology and capacity-building support including in particular the financial targets and road map for the period 2021-2030, as soon as possible and well in advance of COP 22 (by the first quarter of 2016 by those developed country Parties ready to do so) in a manner that facilitates the clarity, transparency and understanding of the INDCs on the provision of support;] 12. Requests the secretariat to continue to publish the INDCs communicated by Parties on the UNFCCC website[, in particular those on finance, technology and capacity-building support communicated by developed country Parties referred to in paragraph 11bis above]; 13. Reiterates its call to developed country Parties [and Parties with economies in transition in a position to do so], the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism and any other organizations in a position to do so to provide support for the preparation and communication of the INDCs of Parties that may need such support; 14. Option 1 : [Requests the SBI to clarify in a facilitative, non-intrusive and consultative manner the information provided by Parties when communicating their INDCs, which shall report on progress made to the [ADP][COP] [at its X session][in 2017];] Option 2: No text. 15. [Takes note of] [Welcomes] the synthesis report on the aggregate effect of INDCs contained in document FCCC/CP/2015/7 [and notes with concern the gap between the aggregate effect of Parties' INDCs and the aggregate effect of emissions consistent with having a likely chance of holding the increase in global average temperature to below 2 °C or 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, as well as their adequacy in fulfilling the purpose of the Agreement and the relative fair efforts made by Parties in implementing their commitments; 16. Requests the secretariat to update the synthesis report referred to in paragraph 15 above so as to cover the INDCs communicated by Parties by [1 October 2016] (in particular those on finance, technology and capacity-building support communicated by developed country Parties referred to in paragraph 11bis above) and to make it available by [1 November 2016], [and to provide information on the fairness and ambition of the INDCs and NDCs communicated by Parties]; Option 1 (paras 17—17quinqiues): 17. [Invites] [Strongly urges] all Parties to consider enhancing the ambition of their mitigation efforts [and adaptation efforts] before they submit their nationally determined [mitigation] [contribution][commitment][other] [in accordance with the provisions of Article [17] of the Agreement on the preconditions for joining the Agreement] [, and requests Parties to ensure that there is no backsliding from the level of mitigation effort in a Party's intended nationally determined contributions when submitting their nationally determined mitigation commitment]; 17bis. Notes that a developing country Party may adjust its INDC when severely affected by an extreme natural event or force majeure, or when adequate finance, technology development and transfer, or capacity-building support is not available; 17ter. Decides that the level of effort represented by each Party's nationally determined commitment shall be at least equal to that communicated through its intended nationally determined commitment; 17quater.Invites developed country Parties to take the lead by enhancing the ambition of their commitments on mitigation and the provision of finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building support in their INDCs; 17quinquies. Notes that the enhancement of the INDCs of developing country Parties is premised upon the adequacy of the finance, technology transfer and capacity-building support provided by developed country Parties; Option 2 (paras 17—17quinqiues): No text; 18. Option 1: [Decides][Invites the President of the COP] to convene a facilitative dialogue among Parties to take stock of the collective efforts of Parties in [2018][2019] in relation to progress towards the long-term goal referred to in Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Agreement, and in order to inform the preparation of intended nationally determined commitments pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 6, of the Agreement;] Option 2: No such facilitative dialogue prior to 2020; Option 3: [Placeholder on provision for updating commitments before entry into force of the Paris Agreement]; 18bis. Requests the IPCC to provide a special report [in 2018] [in 2019] on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and the global greenhouse gas emission pathways required to achieve the long-term temperature goal; III. DECISIONS TO GIVE EFFECT TO THE AGREEMENT GENERAL 19. Welcomes the efforts of all actors to address climate change, including those of civil society, the private sector, financial institutions, cities and other subnational authorities, local communities and indigenous peoples; 20. Invites the actors referred to in paragraph 19 above to scale up their efforts and support further actions by Parties to reduce [and/or avoid] emissions and/or to build resilience and decrease vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change; 21. Also invites the actors referred to in paragraph 19 above to demonstrate their continued efforts to address climate change via the Non-State Actor Zone for Climate Action (NAZCA); MITIGATION 22. Option 1: [Decides that Parties shall [submit][communicate] their first nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitments][other] in accordance with Article 3 of the Agreement;] Option 2:[Develop modalities to implement the distribution of a global carbon budget based on climate justice, considering historical responsibilities, ecological footprint, capabilities, and state of development, and population.] [22bis. Parties shall, when pursuing all mitigation actions, ensure they are consistent with all relevant obligations, ensure integrity and resilience of natural ecosystems, and respect customary and sustainable land use systems.] 23. Also decides that the information to be provided by Parties when communicating their first [and each successive or resubmitted] nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitments][other] [shall][may] include, inter alia[, the information listed in decision 1/CP.20, paragraph 14]; [(a) Quantifiable information on the reference point (including, as appropriate for the type of nationally determined mitigation commitment/contribution, a base year); (b) Time frames and/or periods for implementation; (c) Pools, ga**es, and key categories of emissions by sources and removals by sinks included in the NDMC (d) Assumptions, metrics, methodological approaches, and key data sources, including those for projected baselines, if any, and estimating and accounting for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals; (e) If they intend to cooperate internationally on mitigation outcomes, a description of the intended use and how they intend to avoid double-counting; (f) How the Party considers that its intended nationally determined contribution is fair and ambitious, in light of its national circumstances, and; (g) How it contributes towards achieving the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2] (h) [The base year of base line of the commitment; (b) Its deviation from base year or base line expressed as a percentage change; (c) The coverage of the commitment including the anthropogenic GHG emissions and removals by sinks and the GHG not controlled by the Montreal Protocol that are included. (d) An estimate of the anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHG not controlled by the Montreal Protocol for the base year of base line; (e) An identification of where its intends to employ land of activity base accounting for anthropogenic land use, land use change and forestry categories of activities included in its commitment and the reference value for use in accounting for this categories or activities (f) The intended use of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes and projected impacts on nationally determined mitigation commitments. (g) Parties shall also include and explanation of wider commitment is considered to be a fair and ambitious contribution to the below 2°c objective.] 24. Option 1: Acknowledges that Parties may adjust the submission of their first nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] to make them consistent with the rules and guidance for accounting for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 5, of the Agreement[,consistent with Article 3, paragraph 3 of the Agreement][, subject to the requirement that Parties will ensure that there is no backsliding in the level of mitigation effort]; Option 2 - [No text for adjustment, land use and accounting] 25. Requests the [SBI] to develop modalities and procedures for the operation and use of the registry referred to in Article 3, paragraph 7, of the Agreement, for consideration by the IPC at its [X] session, with a view to the IPC making a recommendation thereon to the CMA at its first session; 26. Requests the secretariat to make available an interim registry in the first half of 2016 for the recording of nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitment][other] submitted in accordance with Article 3 of the Agreement pending the adoption by the CMA of the modalities and procedures referred to in paragraph 25 above; 27. Recommends that the CMA [consider][decide upon], at its first session, in regard to Article 3, paragraph 4 of the Agreement, [whether] any additional information [shall][to] be included by Parties when communicating their nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][[other][and what information shall be included by Parties when communicating their adaptation [contribution][commitment][other]]; 28. Requests the IPC to [consider the information presented by Parties with the communication of their first NDCs and how to increase the clarity, transparency and understanding of these, in order to] make a recommendation to the CMA regarding paragraph 27 above; [28bis Requests the IPC to facilitate the enhancement of the clarity, transparency and understanding of the successive or [revisited/recommunicated] intended nationally determined mitigation contributions communicated by Parties well before their finalization by providing Parties the opportunity to consider them through: (a) A facilitative dialogue that promotes clarity, transparency and understanding, and (b) An updated synthesis report on the aggregate effect of nationally determined mitigation contributions before their finalization.] [28ter Decides that each Party shall communicate a successive or [revisited/recommunicated] intended nationally determined contribution well before [the CMA in 2021];] 29. Decides, in relation to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations, implementing their nationally determined [contributions][commitments][other] jointly under Article 3, paragraph 8, of the Agreement that: (a) Parties, including regional economic integration organizations, that have reached an agreement to implement their nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitments][other] jointly shall notify the secretariat of the terms of such an agreement on the date of deposit of their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of this Agreement, or accession thereto; (b) The secretariat shall inform the Parties to this Agreement [and Parties to the Convention] of the terms of the agreement to implement jointly referred to in paragraph 29(a) above; (c) Any alteration to the composition of the Parties, including regional economic integration organizations, implementing jointly shall not affect any then current nationally determined mitigation [contribution(s)][commitment(s)][other] and shall become applicable for the purposes of this Agreement for the next nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] submitted by that organization, by Parties implementing jointly with Parties that have become members of that organization, or by Parties implementing jointly; [29bis. Also decides that the IPC, for consideration and adoption by the CMA at its first session, shall develop principles and guidelines for all actions in the land sector that: (a) Ensure integrity and resilience of natural ecosystems; (b) Respect customary and sustainable land use systems and security of indigenous peoples' and local communities' land tenure; (c) Are undertaken in an equitable, transparent and participatory manner; (d) Ensure food security; and (e) Are consistent with all relevant international obligations.] 30. [[Option 1: [Recognizing the importance of environmental integrity, transparency, accuracy, completeness, comparability, consistency, and of avoiding double counting] Also decides [that the rules and guidance for accounting [of action and support] referred to in Article 3, paragraph 5[,and Article 9, paragraphs 4] of the Agreement, for consideration and adoption by the CMA at its first session, should ensure that]: (a) [Each Party shall] [Parties] ensure methodological consistency [between the communication of nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitments][other] and their implementation][throughout each implementation term and when tracking progress towards the achievement of its nationally determined mitigation [commitment][contribution]]; (b) [Each Party shall] [Parties] include an explanation for the exclusion from their nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] of any key categories of emissions and removals, and strive to include these over time; (c) Parties, once a source, sink or activity is accounted for in a nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other], continue to include it or provide an explanation of why it has been excluded [and an a**essment that such exclusion has on its fulfilment of the nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other]]; (c bis) [Each Party shall: (i) to the extent that they use baselines, maintain them unchanged during implementation, except for technical corrections, and (ii) to the extent that they use projected baselines, reflect emissions and removals that would be expected without additional action]. (d) Parties use common metrics and methodologies adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and removals; (d bis) [Each Party shall account for both anthropogenic emissions and removals, and may exclude non anthropogenic and legacy effects]. [move a)-d) to agreement] (e) [Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes used by any Party to meet its nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] [will avoid double counting and]are supplemental to domestic action;](AILAC propose to delete para here, insert at Article 3.5 of agreement)] (f) [The use of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes is on the basis of an equivalent adjustment by both the transferring Party and the acquiring Party]. (g) [The use of realistic and meaningful reference values, based on historical and actual data or projections consistent with long term trends in historical emissions, building where appropriate on approaches established under the Convention and its instruments. In case of any changes to reference values, Parties shall provide an explanation of the change]. [Option 2: No provision on international transfer of mitigation outcomes.][no text] 30bis. Recognizes existing methodologies and approaches with regard to accounting established under the Convention for REDD+ be suitable for a**essing fulfilment of nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other], in accordance with Article 3, paragraph5, of the Agreement; (the insertion of 30bis will require the deletion of 32)] 31. Option 1: [Requests the SBSTA to develop [additional] methodologies and approaches[, where needed and appropriate,] with regard to accounting in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 5, of the Agreement [and paragraph 30 above], for consideration by the [IPC][CMA] at its [[X]][second] session;] Option 2: [no text] 31bis. [Requests the SBSTA to elaborate accounting guidance for Parties which engage in international transfers of mitigation outcomes to avoid double counting of effort, and guidance that would enable such Parties to demonstrate that mitigation outcomes are real, permanent, additional and verified, for consideration by the IPC at its [X] session and adoption by the CMA at its first session]. 31ter. [Requests the SBSTA to develop methodologies and approaches with regard to accounting in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 5, of the Agreement and paragraph 30 above, for consideration by the IPC at its [X] session in 2016; such guidance shall not apply retrospectively to Parties' NDMCs]. 32. [Also requests the IPC to elaborate the methodologies and approaches [, where needed and appropriate,] for accounting referred to in paragraph 31 above, taking into account the methodologies and approaches developed by the SBSTA, with a view to the [IPC][CMA] making recommendations thereon to the CMA at its first session;](deletion of para 32) Option 2: [no text] 32bis. Requests the SBSTA a) Pursuant to decision 1/CP. 17, to review the guidelines for International Assessment and Review (IAR) in 2016,together with guidelines for biennial reports, and in 2017, to review the guidelines for International Consultation and an*lysis (ICA), together with the guidelines for biennial update reports, and to report on progress and recommend any revisions to the guidelines for adoption by the COP at its 23rd session (2017); b) Informed by the process in sub-para a) above and any further guidance by the COP, develop a common framework for transparency of action and support, building on and further improving existing processes, including those for mitigation commitments, adaptation components of INDCs and undertakings on adaptation; and provision of support provided and received , as well as means of a**essment against the long-term goal for mitigation, global goal for adaptation and the aggregate scale of finance, with a view to recommending a decision to the COP at its 25th session (2019). 32ter. Requests the SBSTA pursuant to decision.1/CP.18 and building on the work on methodologies for finance, to develop accounting for the provision of support over time, enhancing the common tabular format for biennial reports and the methodology for reporting by developed countries on support provided and enhancing reporting by developing countries [,including those Parties whose special circumstances are recognized by the COP decisions] on support received, taking into account the imperative to avoid double and multiple counting, as well as means of a**essment against the aggregate goal for finance by developed countries, with a view to recommending a decision to the COP at its 25th session (2019); 33. [Option1: [Provision on response measures.][Parties decide to establish a cooperative mechanism by COP xx to address the specific needs and concerns of developing country Parties [,including those Parties whose special circumstances are recognized by the COP decisions] arising from the impacts of the implementation of response measures, by building on the work of the forum to develop a specific work program to be undertaken by the mechanism that shall be implemented with the view of recommending specific tools, actions and programs to address the impacts and the implementation gaps to avoid and minimize adverse effects on developing country Parties [,including those Parties whose special circumstances are recognized by the COP decisions].[Unilateral measures shall not constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade].[Parties strengthen existing arrangements by establishing a cooperative mechanism (platform) under the Convention to manage the transition to low greenhouse gas pathways, which would identify and then measure the impacts and which would use existing tools as much as possible and further develop tools to address identified gaps and ensure their operationalization. The governing body shall develop and adopt modalities for a permanent forum under the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)]]. [Option 2: no provision on response measures.] 34. [Option 1: [Recommends that the CMA at its first session consider establishing a] [A multi window] mechanism [is hereby established] to support [low emissions development pathways][sustainable development] to be available to a**ist Parties in fulfilling their nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitments] [other]. This mechanism would be under the authority and guidance of the CMA and be supervised by a body designated by the CMA, and would aim to: (a) E[Meet and]enhance mitigation ambition and the mobilization of financing for climate action; (b) Incentivize and enable participation in cost-effective mitigation action by public and private entities acting under the responsibility of a Party; [(c) Fully respect mitigation contributions of participating Parties to ensure that global mitigation effort is not undermined]; Requests the SBSTA to elaborate modalities and procedures for the mechanism [for sustainable development] referred to in paragraph 34 above and report to the [IPC] [CMA] at its [X] session [with a view to the IPC making recommendations,] for consideration and adoption [by the CMA] at its first session, that inter alia: (a) Provide, where desired by the participating Parties, for the creation and issuance of real, permanent, additional and verified mitigation outcomes that [fully respect nationally determined commitments of the host Party and that] may be used to meet nationally determined [contributions] [commitments][other] in a manner that is supplementary to domestic action, is consistent with the rules and guidance for accounting, [and provides for a share of proceeds for adaptation]; (b) Deliver, where desired by participating Parties, a net [decrease] [contribution to mitigation over and above the current NDCs of the Parties participating] [or avoidance of emissions] [ as well as a net increase in removals corresponding to a net C stock increase]; (c) [Build][Acknowledge)] [on] [experience from] the [lessons learned from implementation of the] [flexible] mechanism[s] [defined in [Article 12] of the Kyoto Protocol and related decisions of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol] ][and work undertaken in the context of the review of these mechanisms] [already established under the Convention];](delete, move to Agreement as modified) [(d) Use appropriate baselines that may be based on programmatic or sectoral approaches.] [Option 2: Recommends that the CMA at its first session consider establishing a mechanism to support holistic and integrated approaches to sustainable development in harmony with nature to be available to a**ist developing country Parties in fulfilling their nationally determined [contributions][commitments] [other] including in a balanced manner mitigation, adaptation, provision of finance, technology transfer and capacity. This mechanism would be under the authority and guidance of the CMA and be supervised by a body designated by the CMA, and would aim to: (a) Enhance mitigation and adaptation ambition and the provision of public financing, technology transfer and capacity building in an integrated manner for climate action; (b) Enhance non market-based approaches and enable participation in joint mitigation and adaptation action by public and private entities acting under the responsibility of a Party; (c) Support the implementation of the joint mitigation and adaptation approach for the integral and sustainable management of forests as an alternative policy approach to results - based payments. Requests the SBSTA to elaborate modalities and procedures for the mechanism for sustainable development referred to in paragraph 34 above and report to the IPC at its [X] session with a view to the IPC making recommendations, for consideration and adoption by the CMA at its first session, that inter alia: (a) Provide, where desired by the participating Parties, for achievement of real, permanent, additional and verified mitigation and adaptation outcomes to meet conditional nationally determined [contributions] [commitments][other] consistent with the rules and of the COP.] [Option 3: No text on this mechanism;] ADAPTATION 35. [Decides that the activities referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Agreement should: (a) Not be prescriptive or result in the duplication of efforts; (b) Facilitate country-owned and country-driven action; (c) Involve and facilitate the participation of relevant stakeholders, in particular women[, local communities] and indigenous peoples, in planning, decision-making, and monitoring and evaluation, and give priority to the poorest and most vulnerable communities and people; (d) Be participatory and inclusive, building on existing community-driven and traditional adaptation efforts[, in all interested developing countries, in particular in the least developed countries, small island developing States and countries in Africa][, recognizing the urgent and immediate needs and special circumstances of developing country Parties, especially those that are particularly vulnerable]; (e) Promote climate resilience and sustainable development trajectories; (f) Option 1: [Not be a prerequisite for financial, technological or capacity-building support for adaptation actions]; Option 2: [should facilitate access to financial, technological, and capacity-building support for adaptation action, without being a prerequisite]]. 36. [Requests the [SBSTA][AC][LEG] to develop modalities and procedures to a**ist developing countries to a**ess their adaptation needs without placing an undue burden on them, [taking into account the urgent needs of those developing countries that are particularly vulnerable,] through existing mechanisms under the Convention.] 37. [Requests the [SBI][AC][SCF][LEG] to develop methodologies for taking the steps necessary to ensure that the level of support meets the needs for adaptation in developing countries in the context of the limit to global average temperature increase referred to in Article 3 of this agreement, and make recommendations for adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its [X] session.] 38. [Requests the [AC][SBSTA][SCF][LEG] to develop methodologies and approaches to recognize the adaptation efforts of developing countries to respond to climate change.] 39. [ Requests the operating entities of the financial mechanism of the convention and developed country Parties country parties to provide financial support for undertaking the adaptation needs a**essments referred to in paragraph 36 above.] 40. [Requests the Adaptation Committee to: (a) Review the work of the adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the Convention in 2017, to ensure and enhance the coherence of their work, and prepare recommendation for consideration at COP 23, and to identify improvements in the articulation of these arrangements in order to respond effectively to the needs of Parties, for consideration of the COP and the IPC by their 23rd and second sessions, respectively; (b) Establish and maintain stronger linkages with the GCF, [taking into account the balanced 50:50 approach of the allocation of financing between mitigation and adaptation,] the AF, and other funds; (c) Evaluate information on finance, technology, and capacity-building support for adaptation; (d) Provide recommendations on existing methodologies for adaptation; (e) Take such other actions as may be appropriate to enhance and support via finance, technology transfer, and capacity-building for adaptation efforts; (f) Identify, as outlined in Article 4, paragraph [X] of the agreement, the implications of the aggregate mitigation effort for projected regional impacts on the basis of the best available science, with the aim of a**isting developing countries particularly vulnerable to adverse effects of climate change, including LDCs, SIDs, and Africa with: (i) National adaptation planning; (ii) Identification of gaps in capacities and knowledge in the light of projected impacts; (iii) Development of strategies to address projected impact.] 41. [Decides that the Adaptation Committee shall report annually to the CMA on priority areas of concern for regions.] 42. Option 1: Requests the [SBSTA][SBI][AC [and the LEG]] to develop modalities and procedures for the operation of the [registry] [other modality] referred to in Article 4, paragraph 9 of the Agreement with a view to making recommendations to the [IPC][CMP][CMA] at its [second][first] session. Option 2: no text (linked to option [X] in the agreement). 43. [Requests the GCF to establish programs for expedited support for the LDCs for the formulation of NAPs as defined in decision 1/CP.16 and 5/CP.17, and the subsequent implementation of policies, projects and programs identified by them.] 44. Option 1: [Requests the secretariat to make available an interim registry in the first half of 2016 for the recording of [adaptation communications][communications on adaptation], in accordance with Article 4 of the Agreement, [such as plans, priorities, needs, actions and/or contributions] pending the adoption by the CMA of the modalities and procedures referred to in paragraph 36 above;] Option 2: no text (linked to option [X] in the agreement) 45. [Requests the [AC][LEG][SBSTA][SBI] to [record][compile] priorities and needs communicated by Parties as established in Article 4, paragraph 7 of the Agreement with a view to the IPC making a recommendation to the CMA/CMP at its first session.] 46. [Establishes a technical and knowledge platform under [the AC and building upon] the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in order to[, inter alia][facilitate]: (a) Disseminate and enhance the use of climate change scenarios and of methods and tools for a**essing impacts and vulnerability, as well as information on the [outcomes and effectiveness of adaptation][adaptation benefits, practices and outcomes; in line with Article 4.1 (g) and 5 of the Convention]; (b) Develop and strengthen [global,] regional, national and local capacities, as well as social capacities, to address adaptation concerns [and to use adaptation metrics]; (c) Promote, coordinate and strengthen adaptation knowledge platforms, centres and networks at all levels in order to fill adaptation knowledge gaps; (d) [Scale up adaptation benefits, practices and outcomes;] (e) Incorporate the sustainable management of ecosystems into adaptation planning and actions; (f) Enhance the understanding of the [global][international][and regional] implications of adaptation actions, of interlinkages among local, national, [regional] and [global][international] adaptation actions[, and of progress made in reducing vulnerability at all levels and in achieving the [global goal for adaptation] [Article 2, paragraph 2 and Article 4, paragraph 1 of the Agreement]; (g)[Enhance regional cooperation to foster adaptation actions.] 47. [Requests the Adaptation Committee to operationalize the technical and knowledge platform referred to in paragraph 38 above [and where possible, build on existing work and processes to strengthen coherence];] 48. [Requests the SBI and SBSTA to review, by 2016, the institutional arrangements for adaptation under the Convention, encompa**ing the Cancun Adaptation Framework, the Adaptation Committee, the Nairobi work programme, and the LEG, to enhance the coherence and effectiveness of their work in light of Article 4 of the agreement.] 49. Invites all relevant United Nations institutions and international, regional and national financial institutions to provide information to Parties through the UNFCCC secretariat on how their [development a**istance][climate finance] programmes and finance incorporate climate-proofing and climate resilience measures; 50. [Requests Parties to strengthen regional cooperation on adaptation where appropriate and, where necessary, establish regional centres and networks, in particular in developing countries, with support from developed country Parties as previously agreed to in 1/CP.16 paragraph 13.] 51. Requests the [IPC][COP][AC][LEG] to prepare a recommendation [including modalities to streamline and simplify existing adaptation reporting instruments and mechanisms] to the [CMA] [CMP] regarding Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Agreement; 52. [Also requests the IPC to prepare a recommendation to the CMA regarding Article 4, paragraph 10, of the Agreement.] ] LOSS AND DAMAGE [Option 1 53 Recalls decisions 2/CP.19 and 2/CP.20 on the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage a**ociated with Climate Change Impacts; 54. Invites all Parties to reduce the risk of and address loss and damage a**ociated with the adverse effects of climate change; 55. Encourages all Parties to strengthen early warning systems and comprehensive risk management planning for both extreme and slow onset events a**ociated with the adverse effects of climate change; 56. Decides that the Warsaw International Mechanism under the Convention, will, following the review in 2016, continue to serve as the mechanism for loss and damage; 57. Requests the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism, which guides the implementation of the functions of the Warsaw International Mechanism, to develop guidance for a comprehensive approach to climate risk management; 58. Requests the Executive Committee to establish, as part of its work plan, a clearinghouse for risk transfer that serves as a repository for information on insurance and risk transfer in order to facilitate Parties' efforts to develop and implement comprehensive risk management strategies; 59. Further requests the Executive Committee to complement, draw upon the work of and involve, as appropriate, existing bodies and expert groups under the Convention, as well as that of relevant organizations and expert bodies outside the Convention, to enhance understanding, coordination and cooperation with regard to displacement, migration and planned relocation in the context of climate change, where appropriate, at the national, regional and international level;] [Option 2 53. Encourages Parties to develop early warning systems and risk management plans for both extreme events and slow onset events and communicate them to the secretariat as part of their national communications, in accordance with the modalities and procedures to be developed and adopted by the Conference of Parties; 54. Agrees that, as part of its work, the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage shall develop guidelines for a comprehensive approach to climate risk management; 55. Establishes a financial technical panel under the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage which shall explore approaches for: (a) Establishing regional and sub-regional pools to support regional and sub-regional risk transfer schemes; (b) Providing support for microfinance initiatives; (c) Exploring finance for slow onset events; 56. Decides to develop interim modalities and procedures for the operation of a climate change displacement coordination facility and which shall: (a) Assist in developing arrangements for emergency relief; (b) Assist in providing organized migration and planned relocation; 57. Establishes under the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage a clearing house for risk transfer that shall: (a) Provide a repository for information on insurance and risk transfer; (b) Assist Parties in developing risk management strategies and finding best insurance schemes; (c) Facilitate financial support for rehabilitation.] FINANCE 44. [[Decides that the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism (the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environment Facility), the Least Developed Country Fund[,] [and] the Special Climate Change Fund [and the Adaptation Fund] shall serve the Agreement.][Reaffirms that the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) shall serve the Agreement as the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism. The Least Developed Country Fund and the Special Climate Change Fund administered by the GEF will continue to serve the agreement.] [The CMA has the authority to modify this list.]] {Substantive overlap with Article 6paragraph 20 in the agreement section} 45. [The CMA shall provide guidance on the policies, programme priorities, and eligibility criteria for the Financial Mechanism related to this Agreement. The CMA should consider the special circumstances of LDCs, SIDS, and African States when providing this guidance. [A developing country Party in need of support is eligible to receive support from the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism if it has communicated an NDMC under Article 3 and has submitted timely reports under Article 9.]] {Substantive overlap with Article 6 paragraph 20 in the agreement section} 46. [Placeholder referring to Article 6paragraph 21 of Agreement text] 47. [Decides to establish a process for the consideration of new and alternative sources of finance beyond existing bilateral and multilateral sources, in accordance with the terms of reference to be developed by the COP at its twenty-second session, with a view to the COP taking a decision on this matter at its twenty-third session;] 48. [Requests the IPC to prepare a recommendation to the CMA regarding the creation of a process, which should include biennial in-session workshops, to consider progress in relation to the efforts referred to in Article 6, paragraph 5, of the Agreement;] 48 bis. [Decides to create a process, which will include annual in-session workshops, to consider progress in relation to the efforts of Developed Country Parties and other Parties included in Annex II of the Convention related to ensuring the balance of the provision of financial resources for adaptation relative to mitigation and in line with developing countries strategies, priorities and needs and to the efforts to improve adecuacy and predictability of resources and avoid double counting;] [Further decides that the process referred to in the paragraph above will a**es current procedures for simplyfing support for developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change, including the LDCs, SIDS and Africa;] [Requests the secretariat to organize and prepare a summary of the anual in-session workshops referred to in paragraph 48 bis above for consideration by the CMA;] 49. [Also requests the COP presidency to appoint co-chairs of the process referred to in paragraph 48 above, and requests the co-chairs, with the support of the secretariat, to organize and prepare a summary of the biennial in-session workshops referred to in paragraph 48 above for consideration by the CMA;] 50. [No provision on market mechanism] 51. [Placeholder for language on thematic funding, including technology development and transfer, capacity-building, REDD+, JMA, financing for forests, Article 6 of the Convention] 52. [Decides to consider ways to enhance the effectiveness of climate finance;] 53. [[Specification of ex-ante communication referred to in paragraph 10 of the Agreement text] a) Information to increase clarity on the expected levels of climate finance mobilized from different sources; b) Information on their policies, programmes and priorities; c) Information on actions and plans to mobilize additional finance d) Information on actions to enhance enabling environments in order to mobilize and attract climate finance from a variety of sources; e) Information on investment plans to implement nationally determined contributions, including financing needs to implement an enhanced level of ambition;] 54. [Urges developed country Parties to increase the mobilization of financial resources for climate actions of developing countries to USD 70 billion in 2016, USD 85 billion in 2018, and leading to achieving the existing commitment of USD 100 billion in 2020;] {Placementproposal: to be discussed under COP agenda item on long-term climate finance} 55. [Developed country Parties commit to mobilize at least USD XX billion in finance for adaptation by 2018, whilst striving to achieve greater balance in finance for mitigation and adaptation, on a grant basis as well as to develop new and additional sources of finance for adaptation, including the Adapation Fund.] {Placement proposal: to be discussed under COP agenda item on long-term climate finance} 56. [Decides that the significant share of new multilateral funding for climate change actions should flow through the Financial Mechanism of the Convention and the Funds established under the Convention and its Protocol;] {Placement proposal: to be discussed under COP agenda item on long-term climate finance} 57. [Decides that adequate, predictable and sustainable financial resources for the implementation of REDD+ activities, including for results-based payments, shall be provided by Parties pursuing the coordination of support to, inter alia, public and private sources, including the Green Climate Fund in accordance with relevant decisions by the COP;] 58. [Decides to support developing country Parties, including through the provision of financial resources, to determine and report on their financing needs and country programming priorities for the post-2020 period;] 59. [Further decides to establish a process to review the reports of developing countries in light of efforts to scale up financial support to developing countries in accordance with Article 11.3 (d);] 60. [Ensure that the provision of financial resources, development and transfer of technology and capacity-building for enhanced climate actions, including for loss and damage, shall be measured, reported and verified through modalities established under the Convention by the relevant subsidiary bodies of the Convention. Such modalities shall ensure that there shall be no double counting of financial resources provided and ensuring the environmental integrity of this agreement.] {Note: substantive discussions with regard to transparency are taking place with regard to Article 9 of the Agreement} 61. [Measurement, reporting and verification of financial resources, including for meeting costs of adaptation, transfer of technology and capacity-building shall be provided in accordance with Articles 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5, 4.8, and 4.9, in implementation of Article 4.7 of the Convention, as well as financing provided through the Warsaw Mechanism for Loss and Damage.] {Note: substantive discussions with regard to transparency are taking place with regard to Article 9 of the Agreement} TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFER 48. [Decides to strengthen the technology needs a**essment (TNA) process taking into account existing efforts, including under the Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer, by enhancing: (a) The implementation of the results of the TNA process through, inter alia, technology action plans and project proposals; (a) bis. [The alignment of TNAs more closely with bankable finance projects and] improving TNAs to result in implementable projects; (b) The synergy between the TNA process and other arrangements related to the implementation of mitigation and adaption actions, as appropriate; (c) The operationalization of decision 18/CP.20 in the TNA process towards achieving gender-responsive climate policy in all relevant activities under the Convention];* * This paragraph will be finalized in light of any relevant decision of COP 21 on strengthening the TNA process. 49. [Requests the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) to elaborate the means of strengthening the TNA process referred to in paragraph 48 above taking into account ongoing work relating to this matter, for consideration and adoption by the COP at its twenty-third session;] 49bis. [The Technology Mechanism of the Convention including the TEC and Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) shall be strengthened/augmented in order to effectively anchor technology development through dedicated nodal research, development and demonstration platform having appropriate human resources, infrastructure and facilities. To achieve this, an expert committee shall be constituted to a**ess the capacity and augmentation needs of TEC and CTCN along-with its other linkages, for example, financial mechanism, national focal points, with respect to effectively anchoring technology development and transfer to recommend and undertake appropriate measures.] 50. Option 1: [Encourages] [Parties][Developed country Parties][Parties included in annex X] [to][shall][should] take steps to [improve enabling environments] [and address barriers] for technology development and transfer by: (a) Option (a): Establishing and strengthening policy frameworks, institutions and capacity to build country ownership and innovation, integrating a gender perspective and involving and strengthening the potential of citizens and communities; Option (b) 1: Arrangements shall be established to address IPRs, such as collaborative research and development, shareware, commitments related to humanitarian or preferential licensing, fully paid-up or joint licensing schemes, preferential rates and patent pools; Option (b) 2: No text; (b) [Leveraging and attracting private sector investments and promoting access to [public sector technology][technology in the public domain];] (c) Strengthening the development and enhancement of endogenous capacities and technologies; (d) Option (a): In accordance with Article 4.5 of the Convention, developed country Parties shall provide financial resources to address barriers created by intellectual property rights (IPRs) and facilitate access to and the deployment of technology, including, inter alia, by utilizing the Financial Mechanism and/or establishing a funding window under the GCF to meet the full costs of IPRs of environmentally sound technologies and know-how, and such technologies will be provided to developing country Parties free of cost in order to enhance their actions to address climate change; Option (b): No text; Option 2: [Developed country Parties][Parties included in annex X] [shall][should][other] undertake steps to address barriers to accessing technology [and know-how] and to: (a) Establish and strengthen their necessary policy frameworks in order to facilitate the removal of barriers and enable and accelerate technology development and transfer to [developing country Parties][Parties not included in annex X]; (b) [Leverage enhanced support from the private sector for technology development and transfer to [developing country Parties][Parties not included in annex X]] [Promote access to public sector technology and promote development and transfer to developing country Parties]; (c) Provide financial and human resources and institutional and technical support for technology development and transfer to [, and for the development and enhancement of endogenous capacities and technologies of] [developing country Parties][Parties not included in annex X]; 51. Option 1: Requests the [IPC] to develop recommendations regarding the technology framework referred to in Article 7, paragraph 2, of the Agreement, for consideration and adoption by the [CMA] at its first session, taking into account the need to avoid duplication and the opportunity to create synergies. The [IPC] should consider, inter alia, the relationship between this framework and the technology transfer framework established by decision 4/CP.7, as well as the functions of the former and its linkage to the Technology Mechanism; Option 2: [Decides that the SBI review the Technology Framework with a view to strengthening it, taking into consideration that the Framework shall inter alia] [Requests the [IPC][SBI/SBSTA][others] to elaborate on the technology framework established in article 7.2 of the Agreement taking into consideration that it shall, inter alia,]: (a) Facilitate the undertaking and updating of TNA in developing country Parties; (b) Facilitate various options for enabling developing countries' access to technologies; (c) Facilitate the [undertaking of technology a**essments][conducting of regular a**essments [on][of] technologies that are ready for transfer]; (d) Make the list of ready-to-transfer technologies; (e) Set the target for supporting the development and transfer of each technology to developing countries; (f) [Mobilize resources to deliver the support] [[Facilitate] enhance financing and technical support for the implementation of the outcomes of technology needs of developing countries]; (g) Address barriers and create appropriate enabling environments for technology development and transfer; 52. Option 1: Decides that the TEC and the CTCN [shall] [should] report to the [CMA] through the subsidiary bodies on their activities relating to the implementation of the Agreement; Option 2: Decides that the [CMA][governing body] [may][shall][should] provide further guidance to [and strengthen] the [Technology Mechanism][institutional arrangements for technology[ development and transfer]] established under the Convention and serving this agreement, taking into account the specific needs of [developing countries][Parties not included in annex X] and countries with special circumstances in Africa, the LDCs and SIDS and promoting needs-based development, access, management and control, emphasizing the most marginalized; the guidance provided by the [CMA] [governing body] shall not conflict with the guidance provided by the COP; 52bis. [Decides that [CMA] [the governing body] [an ad hoc review and monitoring mechanism shall be established and] shall conduct a periodic a**essment of the effectiveness and adequacy [and implementation] of the [Technology Mechanism] [institutional arrangements] for technology development and transfer. [The [Technology Mechanism] [institutional arrangements] shall improve their performance, and be mandated new functions, as needed, in accordance with the result of the a**essment;] CAPACITY-BUILDING Option 1 53. Requests the SBI to act on the outcome of the 3rd review of the Capacity Building Framework, including ensuring appropriate institutional arrangements related to the implementation of art. [8] of the [Paris Agreement], and submit a proposal for consideration by the COP at its twenty-second session; Option 2: 53. Decides to launch a [two-year] work programme to enhance the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries established by decision 2/CP.7; [53.bis: Decides that the work programme should: (a) Facilitate the effective implementation of capacity-building actions of developing country at the national and regional levels, in particular addressing their INDCs; (b) Promote coherence between existing institutions established under the Convention which deliver capacity building activities; (c) Assess the effectiveness of the delivery of capacity-building support by ensuring the following; (i) Compilation of information from relevant sources, including from the comprehensive reviews and the outcomes of the Durban Forum on Capacity-building; (ii) an*lysis of information pertaining to capacity-building to identify, inter alia, gaps and needs and other relevant trends, communicated by Parties; (iii) Development and dissemination of tools and methodologies for the enhanced delivery of capacity-building; (iv) Development of tools for MRV of capacity-building; (d) Close collaboration with other multilateral and international organizations involved in capacity-building; (e) Reporting of MRV on support received for capacity-building against needs; (f) Facilitation of efforts of developing country Parties to elaborate plans and strategies for achieving climate resilience and sustainable development trajectories in accordance with their national priorities and legislation; [(g) Implement the capacity-building measures recommended by the decision on workstream II during the pre-2020 period;]] 54. Also decides that the work programme should address, inter alia: (a) Gaps and needs, current and emerging, in the delivery of capacity-building [in developing countries with the support from developed countries,] [respecting human rights and with a gender responsive approach,] in particular at the national level; (b) Ways and means to enhance coordination and coherence in the provision of capacity-building [of developing countries regarding to their implementation of mitigation and adaptation,] including within existing institutional arrangements; [(c) Ways to further enhance the monitoring of the effectiveness of capacity building support in developing countries through the development of indicators.] 55. Requests the SBI to [develop recommendations concerning] [report annually on the progress of] the work programme referred to in paragraphs 53 [, 53.bis] and 54 above [for consideration by the COP at its twenty-third session] [to the IPC and CMA]; 56. Option 1: Requests the [IPC] [SBI] to prepare a recommendation to the CMA for the enhancement and intensification of the work of the institutional arrangements on capacity-building; Option 2: Requests the [IPC] [SBI] to develop modalities and procedures for the capacity-building mechanism established in Article 8, paragraph 4, of the Agreement; 57. [Recalls the importance of] [Encourages Parties to ensure that] education, training and public awareness reflected in Article 6 of the Convention [and in Article 8.bis of the Agreement [are adequately considered in their capacity building efforts]]; 57.bis The CMA shall adopt modalities and procedures for the delivery of training, public awareness, public participation and public access to information so as to enhance actions under this agreement, at its first session. Textual Option on an International Mechanism for Capacity Building under the Convention and the 2015 Agreement [International Mechanism for Capacity Building under the Convention and the 2015 Agreement The International Mechanism for Capacity Building is the institutional arrangement for capacity building under the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the 2015 Agreement and constitutes the Durban Forum, the Portal and the proposed Capacity Building Coordination Committee (proposed decision xx/CP.21). The Mechanism is established under the Capacity Building Frameworks (decisions 2/CP.7 and 3/CP.7) to address capacity building needs and gaps in developing countries and countries with economies in transition as they implement the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the 2015 Agreement. In fulfilling its role in a comprehensive, integrated and coherent manner, the International Capacity Building Mechanism shall: 1. Enhance knowledge and understanding of technical and management approaches to address capacity building needs and gaps in developing countries and countries with economies in transition by facilitating and promoting (a) action to address gaps in the understanding of and expertise in approaches to address capacity building a**ociated with implementation of the Convention, its Kyoto Protocol and the 2015 Agreement; (b) the collection, sharing, management and utilization of relevant data and information; and (c) translation into implementable actions of the synthesis of best practices, challenges, experiences and lessons learned drawn and developed by the Secretariat from the Durban Forum and any data and information from the Capacity Building Portal; 2. Strengthen dialogue, coordination, coherence and synergies among relevant stakeholders; 3. Provide leadership and coordination and, as and where appropriate, oversight on the a**essment and implementation of approaches to address capacity building needs and gaps in developing countries and countries in transition a**ociated with the implementation of the Convention, its Kyoto Protocol and the 2015 Agreement; 4. Foster dialogue, coordination, coherence and synergies among all relevant stakeholders, institutions, bodies, processes and initiatives outside the Convention, with a view to promoting cooperation and collaboration across relevant work and activities at the sub-national, national, regional and international levels; 5. Enhance action and support, including adaptation, mitigation, finance and technology, to address capacity building under the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the 2015 Agreement; 6. Provide information and recommendations on addressing capacity building implementation needs and gaps in developing countries and countries with economies in transition for consideration by the Conference of the Parties when providing relevant guidance to the financial mechanisms and their entities under the Convention, its Kyoto Protocol and the 2015 Agreement; 7. Facilitate the mobilization and securing of expertise, and enhancement of support, including adaptation, mitigation, finance and technology, to strengthen existing approaches and, where necessary, facilitate the development and implementation of additional approaches to address capacity building under the Convention, its Kyoto Protocol and the 2015 Agreement; 8. Strengthen, consolidate and enhance the sharing of relevant information, knowledge, experience and good practices, at the local, national, regional and international levels, taking into account, as appropriate, traditional knowledge and practices and gender disaggregated data and information; 9. Complement, draw upon the work of and involve, as appropriate, existing bodies and expert groups under the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the 2015 Agreement as well as on that of relevant organizations and expert bodies outside the Convention, at the sub-national, national and international levels; 10. Promote synergy and strengthen engagement with sun-national, national, regional and international organizations, centres and networks, in order to enhance the implementation of capacity building actions on mitigation, adaptation, technology and finance in developing countries and countries with economies in transition; 11. Consider data and information communicated by countries and other partners on monitoring and review of capacity building at sub-national, national, regional and international levels in relation to mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer, and support provided and received, possible needs and gaps and other relevant information; 12. Assess and provide recommends on further actions the may be required to lift constraints and fill gaps on capacity building in at sub-national, national, regional and international levels, particularly in developing countries and countries with economies in transition.] TRANSPARENCY OF ACTION AND SUPPORT 58. [Requests the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention to allocate financial resources for the building of transparency-related capacity of developing country Parties in need, on a continuous basis;;] {move to the Agreement} 58bis. Requests the Standing Committee on Finance, when preparing guidance for the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism of the COP to include a proposal on how the Financial Mechanism could provide financial resources for the building and / or strengthening the transparency-related capacity of developing countries in need, respecting country-driven priorities and responding to the relevant provisions of Article 9 and Decision x/CP.21. With the view to foster country ownership, transparency-related capacity building shall be designed to: (a) Assist in establishing or strengthening existing national institutions for transparency-related activities, in accordance with national circumstances; (b) Provide relevant training and a**istance in meeting the provisions stipulated in Article 9 of the agreement; (c) Assist the improvement of transparency over time. 58ter. Decides that a Capacity-Building Reporting Initiative should be established in order to enhance Parties' capacity to report in a transparent, accurate, complete, comparable, consistent and timely manner, pursuant to Article 9. 58quinquies.Encourages the Global Environment Facility to support the establishment and operation of this Initiative as a reporting priority need. 59. Option 1: Also requests the [IPC][SBSTA] to develop recommendations for modalities, procedures and guidelines in accordance with Article 9,[, paragraph 6,], of the Agreement for adoption [at the first session of the CMA.] [by the COP by 2018]; Option 1bis.Also requests the IPC when developing modalities, procedures and guidelines in para 59, to consider inter alia the application of technical corrections in the review of greenhouse gas inventories provided in accordance with Article 9 paragraph 4.a; Option 2: Also requests the SBSTA to develop recommendations for modalities, procedures and guidelines in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 6, of the Agreement for adoption at the first session of the CMA. It shall take into account, inter alia: (a) The ability for each Party to elect one or more aspects of the flexibility to be specified in the guidance to be adopted by the CMA on the basis of the Party's capacity, such as level of detail of reporting, frequency, and scope, provided that the Party revisits the flexibility regularly. (b) The importance of facilitating improved reporting and transparency over time; (c) The need to avoid undue burden and duplication; (d) The facilitative, non-intrusive nature of review. Option I: 59bis. Further requests that the work programme in paragraph 59 will report to future sessions of the Conference of the Parties on the progress of its work, and will conclude its work no later than 2018; 59ter. Decides that Parties' first biennial communications shall be submitted in 2022. 59quater.Decides that the review of reporting shall commence three months following the submission of biennial communications. 59quinquies.Decides that the measurement, reporting and verification system established in 1/CP.16, and 2/CP.17 shall be superseded by the common system of transparency of action and support, immediately following submission of the final biennial reports and biennial update reports. Option II: 59bis. Decides to hereby establish a work programme for transparency readiness under the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to a**ist developing country Parties in preparing for implementation of Article 9 of the Agreement, which would include the following: (a) Identifying capacity building needs, taking into account lessons learned from the existing arrangements under the Convention; and (b) Providing support, on an ongoing basis, to enable developing country Parties to effectively participate in the transparency system. 59ter. Requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to agree on activities to be undertaken under the above-mentioned work programme by its forty-fifth session. 59quaterAlso requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to provide a report to each session of the Conference of the Parties with a view to seeking guidance for further actions. Option III: 59bis. Decides to continue and further strengthen the mandate of multilateral a**essment for provision of financial resources, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building to developing countries during the International Assessment and Review process for developed country Parties, to ensure that commitments and the provision of such support by developed country Parties and other developed Parties included in Annex II are implemented, verified through a robust verification system, and meet the needs expressed and identified by developing country Parties, recalling the mandate from paragraph 26, Decision 2/CP.17, on revising the modalities and procedures of International Assessment and Review no later than 2016. 59ter. Further decides that Developed country Parties and other developed Parties included in Annex II shall report on provision of financial resources, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building to developing countries, in line with the common methodologies adopted by the COP as mandated by paragraph 19, Decision 2/CP.17. Option IV: 59. Also requests the IPC and SBSTA to develop recommendations for modalities, procedures, rules and guidelines for a common framework for transparency of action and support in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 2, 3, 4 and 6 of the Agreement, taking into account the need for flexibility in the light of capability, for consideration and adoption by the CMA at its first session, on: (a) Transparency of action; (i) Parties ensure methodological consistency between the communication of nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitments][other] and their implementation; (ii) Parties include an explanation of key categories of emissions and removals for the exclusion from their nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other], and strive to include these over time; (iii) Parties, once a source, sink or activity is accounted for in a nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other], continue to include it or provide an explanation of why it has been excluded; (iv) Parties use common metrics and methodologies adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and removals; (v) [Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes used by any Party to meet its nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] are supplemental to domestic action;] (vi) Parties report on progress in implementation of their National Adaptation Plans to the UNFCCC every two years, and collectively exchange information and share lesson learned in the implementation of adaptation, including in the SBSTA and by promoting, coordinating and strengthening adaptation knowledge platforms, centres and networks; (vii) Parties improve the methodologies for reporting information in their adaptation [contributions][commitments][actions] or undertakings, a**essments of climate change impacts, their quantification and information on vulnerability, and the quantification of impacts, and actions taken to build resilience and reduce vulnerability and investments required, and contributing information to the global stock-take, as set out in Article 10 of this Agreement; {still considering transparency in relation to adaptation and its support further} (b)Transparency of support; (i) Support provided, enhancing delivery of support for both adaptation and mitigation through, inter alia, the common tabular formats for reporting support, and taking into account the SBSTA item on methodologies for reporting on finance, domestic measurement and international verification; and enhancing reporting by developing countries on support received, including the use, impact and estimated results thereof; (ii) Enhanced domestic MRV systems for action and support; (iii) Developing an international system of accounting designed to avoid double or multiple counting of support across countries and donors; (iv) Information to enable tracking of progress against the aggregate goal for finance, set out in Article 6, paragraph x, and the global stock-take set out in Article 10, and the broader transformation of financial flows, (v) Drawing on the biennial a**essments undertaken by the Standing Committee on Finance. GLOBAL STOCKTAKE 60. Option 1: Decides that the stocktaking referred to in Article 10 of the Agreement shall be designed to: (a) Take into account [an updated synthesis report on the aggregate progress towards the below 2°C objective and the long-term goal specified in Article 3.1] [the information on the implementation of the individual and collective efforts under the Agreement]; (a)bis. Consider the aggregate effect of the nationally determined contributions communicated by Parties for subsequent commitment periods; (a)ter. Consider the state of adaptation efforts in light of mitigation trajectories; (a)quater.Take into account the state of adaptation experiences, efforts and priorities: (a) quinquies.Consider the adequacy of the mobilization and provision of means of implementation; (b) Be informed by the reports of the IPCC; (c) Take into consideration [relevant input from the MRV process] [the lessons learned from the 2013-2015 review]; (c)bis.Take into consideration options for forward planning of Parties' NDCs; (c)ter.Take into account the financial needs of developing countries to participate in the stocktake; (c)quater.Take into account input from non-state actors, relevant international organizations and international cooperative initiatives; (c) quinquies.Take into account information from the technical examination of opportunities to enhance practical action; (d) Other; recognising that modalities may differ across elements. Option 2: No text 61. Option 1: Requests the SBSTA to provide advice on how the a**essments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change can inform the stocktaking of the implementation of the Agreement pursuant to its Article 10, paragraph 1, and to report to the IPC on this matter at its [second][first] session; Option 2: No text 62. Option 1: Also requests the IPC to develop modalities for the stocktaking, referred to in Article 10, paragraph 2, of the Agreement, and make recommendations to the CMA for consideration and adoption at its first session. The IPC should be guided by paragraph 60 above and Article 10, paragraph 1, of the Agreement, take into account the advice of the SBSTA referred to in paragraph 61 above, and consider the following when developing the modalities: (a) The arrangements for the stocktaking including the institutional arrangements and the relationship with other Agreement and Convention processes and procedures; (b) The operational processes and procedures, including relevant time frames; (b) bis. The manner in which the stocktake process shall serve as an input to the High Level Sessions established under Articles 4.10 and 6.12 of the Agreement; (c) The form and nature of the outcomes of the stocktaking [taking into account the nature of the process as described in Article 10.1 of the Agreement]; Option 2: Also requests the IPC to develop modalities for the stocktaking, referred to in Article 10, paragraph 2, of the Agreement, and make recommendations to the CMA for consideration and adoption at its first session. FACILITATING IMPLEMENTATION AND COMPLIANCE 63. Requests the [IPC][ADP][COP][SBI] to develop the [additional] modalities and procedures for the [effective operation of the Committee][process][mechanism][International Climate Justice Tribunal] [, including the Committee,] referred to in Article 11 of the Agreement with a view to completing its work on this matter for consideration and adoption by the CMA at its first session; PROCEDURAL AND INSTITUTIONAL PRO VISIONS Option 1: 64. Requests the IPC to develop the draft rules of procedure of the CMA, including procedures for decision-making and voting by Parties to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 4, of the Agreement, with a view to the IPC making recommendations on this matter to the CMA at the first session of the CMA; Option 2: No text IV. [WORKSTREAM 2] [This part of draft decision has been issued as a separate document.] V. INTERIM INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 90.-91. {integrated into section i of the draft Decision} VI. ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY MATTERS 92. Takes note of the requirement for additional resources for the implementation of the relevant actions referred to in this decision; 93. Emphasizes the urgency of making additional resources available for the implementation of the relevant actions, including the actions referred to in this decision, and the implementation of the work programme referred to in paragraphs 7-9 above; 94. Urges Parties to make voluntary contributions for the timely implementation of this decision, noting the estimated budget requirement for 2016 of USD [X]; 95. Requests the Executive Secretary to provide an estimate of the budgetary implications of the actions requested in this decision to be undertaken in 2017 for consideration by the SBI at its forty-fourth session, with a view to the SBI making a recommendation thereon to the COP at its twenty-second session.]