UNFCCC ADP Contact Group - Paris decision (6-Nov). III: Transparency of Action and Support. lyrics


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UNFCCC ADP Contact Group - Paris decision (6-Nov). III: Transparency of Action and Support. lyrics

TRANSPARENCY OF ACTION AND SUPPORT 95. [Requests the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention to allocate financial resources for the building of the transparency-related capacity of developing country Parties in need, on a continuous basis;] {move to the Agreement} 96. Requests the SCF, when preparing guidance for the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, to include a proposal on how the Financial Mechanism could provide financial resources for the building and/or strengthening of the transparency-related capacity of developing countries in need, respecting country-driven priorities and responding to the relevant provisions of Article 9 of the Agreement and decision x/CP.21; with a view to fostering country ownership, transparency-related capacity-building shall be designed to: (a) Assist in establishing or strengthening existing national institutions for transparency-related activities, in accordance with national circumstances; (b) Provide relevant training and a**istance in meeting the provisions stipulated in Article 9 of the Agreement; (c) Assist the improvement of transparency over time; 97. Decides that a Capacity-Building Reporting Initiative should be established in order to enhance Parties' capacity to report in a transparent, accurate, complete, comparable, consistent and timely manner, pursuant to Article 9 of the Agreement; 98. Encourages the Global Environment Facility to support the establishment and operation of this initiative as a priority reporting-related need; Option 1: (paragraphs 99 and 99bis) 99. Requests the [IPC][SBSTA] to develop recommendations for modalities, procedures and guidelines in accordance with Article 9[, paragraph 6,] of the Agreement for adoption [at the first session of the CMA;] [by the COP by 2018]; 99 bis.Also requests the IPC, when developing modalities, procedures and guidelines in accordance with paragraph 99 above, to consider, inter alia, the application of technical corrections in the review of greenhouse gas inventories provided in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4(a), of the Agreement; Option 2: (paragraph 99) 99. Requests the SBSTA to develop recommendations for modalities, procedures and guidelines in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 6, of the Agreement for adoption at the first session of the CMA, taking into account, inter alia: (a) The ability of each Party to elect one or more aspects of the flexibility to be specified in the guidance to be adopted by the CMA on the basis of the Party's capacity, such as level of detail of reporting, frequency and scope, provided that the Party revisits the flexibility regularly; (b) The importance of facilitating improved reporting and transparency over time; (c) The need to avoid undue burden and duplication; (d) The facilitative, non-intrusive nature of review; Option 1: (paragraphs 100-100quater) 100. Further requests that the progress of work under the work programme referred to in paragraph 99 above be reported to future sessions of the Conference of the Parties and this work be concluded no later than in 2018; 100bis. Decides that Parties' first biennial communications shall be submitted in 2022; 100ter. Decides that the review of reporting shall commence three months after the submission of the biennial communications; 100quater. Decides that the measurement, reporting and verification system established by decisions 1/CP.16 and 2/CP.17 shall be superseded by the common system of transparency of action and support, immediately following the submission of the final biennial reports and biennial update reports; Option 2: (paragraphs 100-100ter) 100. Decides to hereby establish a work programme on transparency readiness under the SBI to a**ist developing country Parties in preparing for the implementation of Article 9 of the Agreement, which would include the following: (a) Identifying capacity-building needs, taking into account lessons learned from the existing arrangements under the Convention; (b) Providing support, on an ongoing basis, to enable developing country Parties to effectively participate in the transparency system; 100bis. Requests the SBI to agree on activities to be undertaken under the above-mentioned work programme by its forty-fifth session; 100ter Also requests the SBI to provide a report to each session of the Conference of the Parties with a view to seeking guidance on further actions; Option 3: (paragraphs 100 and 100bis) 100. Decides to continue and to further strengthen the mandate of multilateral a**essment for the provision of financial resources, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building to developing countries during the international a**essment and review process for developed country Parties, in order to ensure that commitments and the provision of such support by developed country Parties and other developed Parties included in Annex II to the Convention are implemented, verified through a robust verification system and meet the needs expressed and identified by developing country Parties, recalling the mandate contained in decision 2/CP.17, paragraph 26, on revising the modalities and procedures for international a**essment and review no later than in 2016; 100bis. Also decides that developed country Parties and other developed Parties included in Annex II to the Convention shall report on the provision of financial resources, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building to developing countries, in line with the common methodologies adopted by the COP as mandated by decision 2/CP.17, paragraph 19; Option 4: (paragraph 100) 100. Also requests and the SBSTA to develop recommendations for modalities, procedures, rules and guidelines for a common framework for transparency of action and support in accordance with Article 9, paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 6, of the Agreement, taking into account the need for flexibility in the light of capability, for consideration and adoption by the CMA at its first session, on: (a) Transparency of action: (i) Parties ensure methodological consistency between the communication of nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitments][other] and their implementation; (ii) Parties include an explanation of key categories of emissions and removals excluded from their nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] and strive to include them over time; (iii) Parties, once a source, sink or activity is accounted for in a nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other], continue to include it or provide an explanation of why it has been excluded; (iv) Parties use common metrics and methodologies adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and removals; (v) [Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes used by any Party to meet its nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] are supplemental to domestic action;] (vi) Parties report on progress in the implementation of their national adaptation plans to the UNFCCC every two years and collectively exchange information and share lesson learned in the implementation of adaptation, including in the SBSTA, and by promoting, coordinating and strengthening adaptation knowledge platforms, centres and networks; (vii) Parties improve the methodologies used for reporting information on their adaptation [contributions][commitments][actions] or undertakings, their a**essment of climate change impacts, their quantification of and information on vulnerability, and their quantification of impacts, actions taken to build resilience and reduce vulnerability, and investments required, and for contributing information to the global stocktake, as set out in Article 10 of the Agreement; {still considering transparency in relation to adaptation and its support further} (b) Transparency of support: (i) Support provided, enhancing delivery of support for both adaptation and mitigation through, inter alia, the common tabular formats for reporting support, and taking into account the SBSTA agenda item on methodologies for reporting on finance, domestic measurement and international verification, and enhancing the reporting by developing countries on support received, including the use, impact and estimated results thereof; (ii) Enhanced domestic monitoring, reporting and verification systems for action and support; (iii) Developing an international system of accounting designed to avoid double or multiple counting of support across countries and donors; (iv) Information to enable the tracking of progress against the aggregate goal for finance, set out in Article 6, paragraph 8, of the Agreement, and the global stocktake set out in Article 10 of the Agreement, and the broader transformation of financial flows; (v) Drawing on the biennial a**essments undertaken by the SCF;