UNFCCC ADP Contact Group - Paris decision (6-Nov). III: Decisions: General and Mitigation. lyrics


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UNFCCC ADP Contact Group - Paris decision (6-Nov). III: Decisions: General and Mitigation. lyrics

III. DECISIONS TO GIVE EFFECT TO THE AGREEMENT GENERAL 22. Welcomes the efforts of all actors to address climate change, including those of civil society, the private sector, financial institutions, cities and other subnational authorities, local communities and indigenous peoples; 23. Invites the actors referred to in paragraph 22 above to scale up their efforts and support further undertaken by Parties to reduce [and/or avoid] emissions and/or to build resilience and decrease vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change; 24. Also invites the actors referred to in paragraph 22 above to demonstrate their continued efforts to address climate change via the Non-State Actor Zone for Climate Action; MITIGATION 25. Option 1: [Decides that Parties shall [submit][communicate] their first nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] in accordance with Article 3 of the Agreement;] Option 2: [Develop modalities to implement the distribution of a global carbon budget based on climate justice, considering historical responsibilities, ecological footprint, capabilities, state of development and population;] 26. [Decides that Parties shall, when pursuing all mitigation actions, ensure that they are consistent with all relevant obligations, ensure the integrity and resilience of natural ecosystems and respect customary and sustainable landuse systems;] 27. Also decides that the information to be provided by Parties when communicating their first [and each successive or resubmitted] nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] [shall][may] include, inter alia[, the information listed in decision 1/CP.20, paragraph 14]: [(a) Quantifiable information on the reference point (including, as appropriate for the type of nationally determined mitigation [commitment][contribution], a base year); (b) Time frames and/or periods for implementation; (c) Pools, gases and key categories of emissions by sources and removals by sinks included in the NDMC; (d) Assumptions, metrics, methodological approaches and key data sources, including those for projected baselines, if any, and estimating and accounting for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals; (e) If the Party intends to cooperate internationally on mitigation outcomes, a description of the intended use and how it intends to avoid double counting; (f) How the Party considers that its intended nationally determined contribution is fair and ambitious, in the light of its national circumstances; (g) How the INDC contributes towards achieving the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2;] [(h) The base year or baseline of the commitment; (i) Its deviation from the base year or baseline expressed as a percentage change; (j) The coverage of the commitment, including the anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals by sinks and greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol that are included; (k) An estimate of the anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol for the base year or baseline; (l) An identification of where the Party intends to employ land- or activity-based accounting for the anthropogenic land use, land-use change and forestry categories or activities included in its commitment and the reference value for use in accounting for those categories or activities; (m) The intended use of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes and projected impacts on the Party's nationally determined mitigation commitment; (n) An explanation of how the Party's wider commitment is considered to be a fair and ambitious contribution to the below 2°C objective;] 28. Option 1: Acknowledges that Parties may adjust the submission of their first nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] to make it consistent with the rules and guidance for accounting for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 10 of the Agreement[, consistent with Article 3, paragraph 7, of the Agreement][, subject to the requirement that Parties ensure that there is no backsliding in the level of mitigation effort]; Option 2: No text for adjustment, land use and accounting; 29. Requests the [SBI] to develop modalities and procedures for the operation and use of the registry referred to in Article 3, paragraph 9, of the Agreement, for consideration by the IPC at its [X] session, with a view to the IPC making a recommendation thereon to the CMA at its first session; 30. Also requests the secretariat to make available an interim registry in the first half of 2016 for the recording of nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitments][other] submitted in accordance with Article 3 of the Agreement, pending the adoption by the CMA of the modalities and procedures referred to in paragraph 29 above; 31. Recommends that the CMA [consider][decide upon], at its first session, with regard to Article 3, paragraph 6, of the Agreement, [whether] any additional information [shall][to] be included by Parties when communicating their nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][[other][and what information shall be included by Parties when communicating their adaptation [contribution][commitment][other]]; 32. Requests the IPC to [consider the information presented by Parties in the communication of their first NDC and how to increase the clarity, transparency and understanding thereof in order to] make a recommendation to the CMA regarding paragraph 31 above; 33. [Requests the IPC to facilitate the enhancement of the clarity, transparency and understanding of the successive or [revisited][recommunicated] intended nationally determined mitigation contributions communicated by Parties well before their finalization by providing Parties the opportunity to consider them through: (a) A facilitative dialogue that promotes clarity, transparency and understanding; (b) An updated synthesis report on the aggregate effect of the nationally determined mitigation contributions before their finalization;] 34 [Decides that each Party shall communicate a successive or [revisited][recommunicated] intended nationally determined contribution well before [the session of the CMA in 2021];] 35. Decides, in relation to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations, implementing their nationally determined [contributions][commitments][other] jointly under Article 3, paragraph 15, of the Agreement, that: (a) Parties, including regional economic integration organizations, that have reached an agreement to implement their nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitments][other] jointly shall notify the secretariat of the terms of such an agreement on the date of the deposit of their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of the Agreement, or accession thereto; (b) The secretariat shall inform Parties to the Agreement [and Parties to the Convention] of the terms of the agreement to implement jointly referred to in paragraph 35(a) above; (c) Any alteration to the composition of the Parties, including regional economic integration organizations, implementing jointly shall not affect any then current nationally determined mitigation [contribution(s)][commitment(s)][other] and shall become applicable for the purpose of the Agreement to the next nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] submitted by that organization, by Parties implementing jointly with Parties that have become members of that organization, or by Parties implementing jointly; 36. [Also decides that the IPC shall develop, for consideration and adoption by the CMA at its first session, principles and guidelines for all actions in the land sector that: (a) Ensure the integrity and resilience of natural ecosystems; (b) Respect customary and sustainable land-use systems and the security of indigenous peoples' and local communities' land tenure; (c) Are undertaken in an equitable, transparent and participatory manner; (d) Ensure food security; (e) Are consistent with all relevant international obligations;] 37. Option 1: [[Recognizing the importance of environmental integrity, transparency, accuracy, completeness, comparability, consistency and avoiding double counting,] Also decides [that the rules and guidance for the accounting [of action and support] referred to in Article 3, paragraph 10[, and Article 9, paragraph 4,] of the Agreement, for consideration and adoption by the CMA at its first session, should ensure that]: (a) [Each Party shall] [Parties] ensure methodological consistency [between the communication of nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitments][other] and the implementation thereof][throughout each implementation term and when tracking progress towards the achievement thereof]; (b) [Each Party shall] [Parties] include an explanation for the exclusion [its/their] nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] of any key categories of emissions or removals and strive to include them over time; (c) Parties shall, once a source, sink or activity is accounted for in a nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other], continue to include it or provide an explanation of why it has been excluded [and an a**essment of the impact that such exclusion has on its fulfillment of the nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other]]; (d) [Each Party shall: (i) to the extent that they use its baselines, maintain them unchanged during implementation, except for technical corrections; (ii) to the extent that they use its projected baselines, reflect the emissions and removals that would be expected without additional action]; (e) Parties use common metrics and methodologies adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and removals; (f) [Each Party shall account for both anthropogenic emissions and removals and may exclude nonanthropogenic and legacy effects;] [move (a)-(d) to agreement] (g) [Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes used by any Party to meet its nationally determined mitigation [contribution][commitment][other] [will avoid double counting and] are supplemental to domestic action;]] (h) [The use of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes is on the basis of an equivalent adjustment by both the transferring Party and the acquiring Party;] (i) [The use of realistic and meaningful reference values, based on historical and actual data or projections consistent with long-term trends in historical emissions, builds, where appropriate, on approaches established under the Convention and its instruments; in case of any change to reference values, Parties shall provide an explanation of the change;] Option 2: [No provision on international transfer of mitigation outcomes.][No text.] 38. Recognizes that existing methodologies and approaches with regard to accounting established under the Convention for REDD-plus shall be suitable for a**essing the fulfilment of nationally determined mitigation [contributions] [commitments][other] in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 10, of the Agreement; (the insertion of 38 will require the deletion of 42)] 39. Option 1: [Requests the SBSTA to develop [additional] methodologies and approaches[, where needed and appropriate,] with regard to accounting in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 10, of the Agreement [and paragraph 37 above], for consideration by the [IPC][CMA] at its [[X]][second] session;] Option 2: No text. 40. [Requests the SBSTA to elaborate accounting guidance for Parties that engage in international transfers of mitigation outcomes to avoid double counting of effort, and guidance that would enable such Parties to demonstrate that mitigation outcomes are real, permanent, additional and verified, for consideration by the IPC at its [X] session and adoption by the CMA at its first session;] 41. [Requests the SBSTA to develop methodologies and approaches with regard to accounting in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 10, of the Agreement and paragraph 37 above, for consideration by the IPC at its [X] session in 2016; such guidance shall not apply retrospectively to Parties' NDMCs;] 42. Option 1: [Also requests the IPC to elaborate the methodologies and approaches [, where needed and appropriate,] for accounting referred to in paragraph 39 above, taking into account the methodologies and approaches developed by the SBSTA, with a view to the [IPC][CMA] making recommendations thereon to the CMA at its first session;] Option 2: No text 43. Requests the SBSTA (a) Pursuant to decision 1/CP.17, to review the guidelines for international a**essment and review in 2016, together with the guidelines for biennial reports, and in 2017 to review the guidelines for international consultation and an*lysis, together with the guidelines for biennial update reports, and to report on progress made and to recommend any revisions to the guidelines for adoption by the COP at its twentythird session (November 2017); (b) Informed by the process referred to in paragraph 43(a) above and any further guidance provided by the COP, to develop a common framework for transparency of action and support, building on and further improving existing processes, including those for mitigation commitments, adaptation components of INDCs and undertakings on adaptation, and the provision of support provided and received, as well as means of a**essment against the long-term goal for mitigation, the global goal for adaptation and the aggregate scale of finance, with a view to recommending a decision to the COP at its twenty-fifth session (November 2019); 44. Requests the SBSTA, pursuant to decision 1/CP.18 and building on the work on methodologies for finance, to develop accounting for the provision of support over time, enhancing the common tabular format for biennial reports and the methodology for reporting by developed countries on support provided and enhancing the reporting by developing countries[, including those Parties whose special circumstances are recognized by the COP] on support received, taking into account the imperative to avoid double and multiple counting, as well as means of a**essment against the aggregate goal for finance provided by developed countries, with a view to recommending a decision to the COP at its twenty-fifth session (November 2019); 45. [Option 1: [Provision on response measures.][Decides to establish a cooperative mechanism by the COP at its [X] session to address the specific needs and concerns of developing country Parties[, including those Parties whose special circumstances are recognized by the COP], arising from the impacts of the implementation of response measures, by building on the work of the forum to develop a specific work programme to be undertaken by the mechanism that shall be implemented, with a view to recommending specific tools, actions and programmes to address the impacts and the implementation gaps in order to avoid and minimize adverse effects on developing country Parties[, including those Parties whose special circumstances are recognized by the COP].[Unilateral measures shall not constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade].[Parties strengthen existing arrangements by establishing a cooperative mechanism (platform) under the Convention to manage the transition to low greenhouse gas emission pathways, which would identify and then measure the impacts and which would use existing tools as much as possible and further develop tools to address identified gaps and ensure their operationalization. The governing body shall develop and adopt modalities for a permanent forum under the SBSTA]]. [Option 2: No provision on response measures.] Option I: (paragraphs 46 and 46bis) 46. [[Recommends that the CMA, at its first session, consider establishing a] [A multi-window] mechanism [is hereby established] to support [low-emission development pathways][sustainable development], to be available to a**ist Parties in fulfilling their nationally determined mitigation [contributions][commitments][other] which would be under the authority and guidance of the CMA and be supervised by a body designated by the CMA, and would aim to: (a) [Meet and] enhance mitigation ambition and the mobilization of financing for climate action; (b) Incentivize and enable participation in cost-effective mitigation action by public and private entities acting under the responsibility of a Party; (c) [Fully respect the mitigation contributions of participating Parties to ensure that global mitigation effort is not undermined]; 46bis Requests the SBSTA to elaborate modalities and procedures for the mechanism [for sustainable development] referred to in paragraph 46 above, and to report to the [IPC][CMA] at its [X] session [with a view to the IPC making recommendations,] for consideration and adoption [by the CMA] at its first session, that, inter alia: (a) Provide, where desired by the participating Parties, for the creation and issuance of real, permanent, additional and verified mitigation outcomes that [fully respect the nationally determined commitment of the host Party and that] may be used to meet nationally determined [contributions][commitments][other] in a manner that is supplementary to domestic action, is consistent with the rules and guidance for accounting [and provides for a share of proceeds for adaptation]; (b) Deliver, where desired by the participating Parties, a net [decrease] [contribution to mitigation over and above the current NDCs of the Parties participating] [or avoidance of emissions] [as well as a net increase in removals corresponding to a net carbon stock increase]; (c) [Build][Acknowledge] [on] [experience from] the [lessons learned from implementation of the] [flexible] mechanism[s] [defined in [Article 12] of the Kyoto Protocol and related decisions of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP)]][and work undertaken in the context of the review of those mechanisms] [already established under the Convention];](delete, move to Agreement as modified) (d) [Use appropriate baselines that may be based on programmatic or sectoral approaches;]] Option II: (paragraphs 46 and 46bis) 46. [Recommends that the CMA, at its first session, consider establishing a mechanism to support holistic and integrated approaches to sustainable development in harmony with nature, to be available to a**ist developing country Parties in fulfilling their nationally determined [contributions][commitments][other], including, in a balanced manner, mitigation, adaptation, provision of finance, technology transfer and capacity-building, which would be under the authority and guidance of the CMA and be supervised by a body designated by the CMA, and would aim to: (a) Enhance mitigation and adaptation ambition and the provision of public financing, technology transfer and capacity-building in an integrated manner for climate action; (b) Enhance non market-based approaches and enable participation in joint mitigation and adaptation action by public and private entities acting under the responsibility of a Party; (c) Support the implementation of the joint mitigation and adaptation approach for the integral and sustainable management of forests as an alternative policy approach to results-based payments; 46bis Requests the SBSTA to elaborate modalities and procedures for the mechanism for sustainable development referred to in paragraph 46 above, and to report to the IPC at its [X] session with a view to the IPC making recommendations, for consideration and adoption by the CMA at its first session, that, inter alia: (a) Provide, where desired by the participating Parties, for the achievement of real, permanent, additional and verified mitigation and adaptation outcomes to meet conditional nationally determined [contributions] [commitments][other] consistent with the rules of the COP;] Option III: [No text on this mechanism]