Translated by A. Z. Foreman - Gethsemane lyrics


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Translated by A. Z. Foreman - Gethsemane lyrics

Distant, the stars indifferently glimmered, illumining the winding of the Road. Out past a turn there stood the Mount of Olives, and at its foot the river Kedron flowed. The meadow broke off halfway from the end. Reaching beyond, the Milky Way was there. The silver-ashen olive trees were bent on marching to the distance through that air. Up at the end rose someone's garden plot. He said to His desciples silently: "My soul is sorrowed, even unto d**h. Tarry ye here, O friends, and watch with Me" Without resistance He had now renounced, as borrowed things left merely in his trust, omnipotence and powers of wonderwork, and was like other mortals now, like us. Horizons of the night now seemed the brink of devastation and the ends of time. The universe was voided of all things and only in that garden life still climbed. And gazing back up into the black chasm, the space with neither end nor origin, his body sweating blood, He prayed His Father to let this d**hcup pa** away from Him. His mortal agony allayed with prayer, He left the garden. By the road He found all His disciples had succumbed to slumber, and lay spread sleeping on the roadside ground. He woke them: "God has granted you to live in these My days. Ye sprawl apart as clay. Behold the hour is struck. The Son of Man Himself unto the sinners shall betray." Right as He spoke, a vagrant throng of slaves appeared as if from sudden nothingness with sword and torch. Before the mob enraged came Judas mouthing up the traitor kiss. Peter unsheathed his blade against the rabble, smote off a servant's ear with the first blow, but heard Him say "Lay down thy sword, O Man! Thou shalt resolve no feud in steel. Let go. Could not My Father raise the cosmic legions in wingèd reinforcement where we stand? Then not a hair of mine would come to harm, whilst these my foes were blown apart like sands. But now the Book of Life has reached a page more precious than the holy things of men. The Word which was sent forth must be fulfilled. So, Father, let Thy will be done. Amen. For ages like unto a parable Pa** by, and as they pa** can burst ablaze And for that awful majesty I will Descend in willing torment to the grave and from the grave upon the third day rise. And even as the rafts down rivers go, As caravans of barges through the dark To me for judgement shall the ages flow."