Whatever Velvet Rows turn to dust These curtains burn (and) all will rust because of these Eyes sewn shut. Reawaken to justify my contempt Which way do we go from here? I've gone too far Whatever Turn off the light and smile We know it's been a while Purposes understood Underneath greater good New worlds will now take over Shackled within this order Hope you enjoy yourself In this disgusting place: Women and children crying Men off to war and dying When will we understand Blood that is on our hand? Reborn to a lie. I hope I like it this time. I won't cry Gaskets filling mind's thoughts, pressures on Can't give up. Can't stop now. What is worth and what is wrong Will I fight or will I feign? The refutation of all my fears are coming soon Lament for the failed rejoice, for the spoiled to come into this vision of my inspiration