Does my body or does my heart shake? Could you tell me why my sheets are claws? Oh no? OK I'm pouring in sweat and yet I'm not even warm Where the f** is my breath, feels like I'm breathing through a straw Naw cute? Oh no? OK This night never ends I thought If thoughts were just thoughts this night would not even start Teach me careless, teach me care more Teach me less, just what to care for Reaching for something to reach for I can't trust my own two feet because the ground underneath pours down the city sewers dark Cry A little touchy are you? How touchy are you? Are you touched to tears? Cry, cry, cry My reflection in the water gets distorted in a storm I've heard that when you drown your body gets all warm I'm soaked and stone... cold My reflection in the water, back in order in a calm I'm worried sick where has it been? This calm is not that calm at all Stone by stone... throw I disappear in circles, I'm returning to the surface Maybe that's what gives you purpose Keep forgetting it's not worth it at all My reflection floats my feet pours down the city sewers dark Cry A little touchy are you? How touchy are you? Are you touched to tears? Cry, cry, cry My heart is horse's hooves Rushing through my chest, a spark ignites a fuse I'm taking my jacket off I'm laughing at my shoes My heart is horse's hooves Rushing through my chest, a spark ignites a fuse I'm taking my jacket off I'm laughing at my shoes Whatever, what ever keeps me here moves What ever leaves me here I knew would At my blown up point of view I'm laughing as my mood swings Nothing touched me too deep inside Offered me to be my bedroom floor Teach me breath, teach me teach me It should take much fewer thoughts Cry A little touchy are you? How touchy are you? Are you touched to tears? Cry, cry, cry