Stephen McFeely - Captain America: The Howling Commandos lyrics


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Stephen McFeely - Captain America: The Howling Commandos lyrics

[Back in America, a celebration of Captain America's achievement. Senator Brandt is presenting a medal to Steve Rogers in front of military people] SENATOR BRANDT: I am honored to present this medal for valor to my personal friend... Captain America! [No one comes out] Captain America? Captain, that's your cue. [Another man comes out and whispers something in the senator's ear] STAN LEE: I thought he'd be taller. [Scene cuts back to the base of the SSR where Steve is showing the agents the bases he saw from a map back at the HYDRA base] STEVE ROGERS: The fifth one was here in Poland, right near the Baltic, and the sixth one was... about here, 30, 40 miles west of the Maginot Line. [He looks up to see everyone looking at him weirdly] I just got a quick look. PEGGY CARTER: Well nobody's perfect. STEVE ROGERS: These are the weapons factories we know about. Sergeant Barnes said that HYDRA shipped all the parts to another facility that isn't on this map. Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6. I want every Allied eyeball looking for that main HYDRA base. STEVE ROGERS: What about us? Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: We are gonna set a fire under Johann Schmidt's a**. What do you say, Rogers? It's your map... you think you can wipe HYDRA off of it? Steve Rogers: Yes, sir. I'll need a team. Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: We're already putting together the best men. STEVE ROGERS: With all due respect, sir. So am I. [In a bar] GABE JONES: So let's get this straight. We barely got out of there alive and you want us to go back? STEVE ROGERS: Pretty much. JAMES MONTGOMERY FALSWORTH: Sounds rather, fun actually. JIM MORITA: [burps] I'm in. [Jacques and Gabe converse briefly in French. Everybody looks at them] GABE JONES: We're in. DUM DUM DUGAN: Hell, I'll always fight. But you gotta do one thing for me. STEVE ROGERS: What's that? DUM DUM DUGAN: [drinks the rest of his beer in one go] Open a tab. [the soldiers all laugh merrily as Steve, smiling, gets up and walks to the bar] DUM DUM DUGAN: Well that was easy. STEVE ROGERS: [To the bartender] Another round. BARTENDER: Where are they putting all this stuff? [Bucky walks in and sits next to Steve as the rest of the Howling Commandos sing merrily and drunkenly] JAMES BARNES: See, told you. They are all idiots. STEVE ROGERS: What about you? You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of d**h? JAMES BARNES: Hell no! The little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight. I'm following him. [he smiles] Hey, you keeping your outfit, right? STEVE ROGERS: You know what? It's kinda growing on me. [Peggy walks in with a red dress] PEGGY CARTER: Captain. STEVE ROGERS: Agent Carter. JAMES BARNES: Ma'am. PEGGY CARTER: Howard has some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning? STEVE ROGERS: Sounds good. PEGGY CARTER: [looks at Howling Commandos having fun] I see your top squad is prepping for duty. JAMES BARNES: You don't like music? PEGGY CARTER: [looking intensely at Steve, who looks back] I do, actually. I might even, when this is all over, go dancing. JAMES BARNES: Then what are we waiting for? PEGGY CARTER: The right partner. 0800, Captain. STEVE ROGERS: Yes, Ma'am. I'll be there. [As Peggy leaves, Bucky looks at Steve] JAMES BARNES: I'm invisible. I'm... I'm turning into you. It's like some horrible dream. STEVE ROGERS: Don't take it so hard. Maybe she's got a friend. [Howard Stark and his a**istant test a piece of the Tesseract] HOWARD STARK: Initial signature is unusual. Alpha beta remain neutral. [looks at his a**istant and smirks] I doubt Rogers picked up on that. Seems harmless enough; hard to see what all the fuss is about. [He connects the two testing claws on the shard. The power it releases is enough to throw both Stark and his a**istant across the room] Write that down! [The next morning, Steve goes to meet with Stark to try some equipment. He walks in and sees the blonde woman] STEVE ROGERS: Excuse me. I'm looking for Mr. Stark. Pvt. LORRAINE: He's in with Colonel Phillips. [She looks up from her paper and sees that it's Captain America] Oh, of course you're welcome to wait. I, uh, read about what you did. [she hold up the newspaper showing his rescue mission] STEVE ROGERS: Oh! The...yeah! Well, that's you know? Just doin' what needed to be done. Pvt. LORRAINE: Sounded like more than that. You saved nearly four hundred men. STEVE ROGERS: Really, it's not a big deal. Pvt. LORRAINE: Tell that to their wives. [Steve gets nervous as she walks up to him] STEVE ROGERS: Uh... I don't think they were all married. Pvt. LORRAINE: You're a hero. STEVE ROGERS: Well, know? That... that depends on the definition of it really. [she grabs hold of his tie] Pvt. LORRAINE: The women of America, they owe you their thanks. And uh...seeing as they're not here... [drags him to the corner of the office and kisses him. Peggy comes in and catches Steve kissing Pvt. Lorraine] PEGGY CARTER: Captain! We're ready for you. If you're not otherwise occupied. STEVE ROGERS: [annoyed, she turns and walks ahead] Agent Carter, wait. PEGGY CARTER: Looks like finding a partner wasn't that hard after all. STEVE ROGERS: Peggy, that's not what you thought it was. PEGGY CARTER: I don't think anything, Captain. Not one thing. You always wanted to be soldier and now you are. Just like all the rest. STEVE ROGERS: Well, what about you and Stark? How do I know you two haven't been... fonduing? PEGGY CARTER: [she turns to look at him] You still don't know a bloody thing about women! [Steve finally meets with Stark] HOWARD STARK: Fondue is just cheese and bread, my friend. STEVE ROGERS: Really? I didn't think... HOWARD STARK: Nor should you, pal. The moment you think you know what's going on in a woman's head, it's the moment your goose is well and truly cooked. Me, I concentrate on work. Which at the moment is about making sure you and your men do not get k**ed. [Leads him to a type of fabric and touches it] Carbon polymer. Should withstand your average German bayonet, although, HYDRA's not going to attack you with a pocket knife. [referring to Steve's Captain America shield] I hear you're uh... kinda attached? STEVE ROGERS: It's handier than you might think. HOWARD STARK: I took the liberty of coming up with some options. [shows him a few shields] This one's fun. She's been fitted with electrical relays. It'll allow you to... [Steve notices a hidden shield] STEVE ROGERS: What about this one? [he picks up the round silver looking shield] HOWARD STARK: No! No! That's just a prototype. STEVE ROGERS: What's it made of? HOWARD STARK: Vibranium. It's stronger than steel and a third of the weight. It's completely vibration absorbent. STEVE ROGERS: How come it's not a standard issue? HOWARD STARK: That's the rarest metal on earth. What you're holding there? That's all we've got. PEGGY CARTER: [as Steve is checking out the shield made out of Vibranium] You quite finished, Mr. Stark? I'm sure the Captain has some unfinished business? [Steve holds up the Vibranium shield against him] STEVE ROGERS: What do you think? [Peggy picks up gun and shoots it at Steve as he quickly holds up the shield to protect himself] PEGGY CARTER: Yes. I think it works. [she puts the gun down and walks out of the lab, Steve and Howard looking at her stunned] STEVE ROGERS: I had some ideas about the uniform. HOWARD STARK: Whatever you want, pal. [Cue epic montage of Captain America and the Howling Commandos going after the bases Steve had seen on the HYDRA map] JOHANN SCHMIDT: You are failing! We are close to and offensive network that will shake the planet. And yet we are continually delayed, because you cannot outwit a simpleton with a shield! Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: This is hardly my area of expertise! I... I merely develop the weapons. I... I cannot fire them. JOHANN SCHMIDT: Finish your mission, doctor, before the American finishes his. HYDRA SOLDIER: Sir! I'm sorry, Herr Schmidt. We fought to the last man. JOHANN SCHMIDT: Evidently not.