Sports Genius - Glossary of Bowling Terms lyrics


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Sports Genius - Glossary of Bowling Terms lyrics

0-9 2 pin 2-8/Double wood 2-10 3-10/Baby Split 300 4-6-7-8-10/Greek church 4-6-7-10/Big four 5-7-10 7-10 7 pin/Stone 7 8 pin/Stone 8 9 pin/Stone 9 A Abralon Alley Approach Around the ball Arrows Axis rotation Axis tilt B Back (x) Back-up Backend (x) Bagger Baker's Doubles Behind the ball Block(ed) pattern Boards Breakdown Breakpoint Brooklyn Burn-marks Burned C Carry Carry-down Catch a handful CG Clean game Core Coverstock Cranker D Dead wood Dry Dots Double Double Dribble Dry board Dull ball Dutch 200 E F (x pin) Fill Filling frames Flat pattern Flush pocket Foul Foul line Frames Fresh oil/Fresh pattern Front (x) Front Foundation-frame Friction Full roll G Give it the business Grand Slam Gutter Guttercap H Handicap Head oil Head pin to the side wall High hit High flush Hit the ball Home alley House pattern I Inside J Jersey Smasher K k** the ball King-pin L Lanes are on fire Leave nothing in the bag Light 7 Line Loft Loft the gutter Long patterns M Majors Mark Medium patterns Messenger Midlane Minus (x) Miss it at the bottom Missing target in/out Mixer N O Off-hit Oil Oil ratio Oil pattern Open (frame) Outside Over-under P Pace PAP PBA Pearl ball Pin Pin (bowling ball) Pin bowling Pin deck bounces Pit Plastic ball Play the gutter Plus (x) Punch out Pocket Polished ball Power player Pull the ball Putting hand Q R Rack Reactive resin ball Rev-rate Reverse block Ringing 7/10 Rip the coverstock Roll S Sandbagger Scratch Scotch doubles Short pattern Shredding the rack Slick Snow Plow Spare Split Span Strike Stroker Synthetic lanes T Tacky Through the nose Transition Triple Crown Tucked pinkey Turkey/Three bagger Tweener Two-handed Typography U Urethane ball USBC V W Washout Weak 7/10 Weightblock Weighthole Wood lanes WTBA X Y Z