Spike Lee - The Story of Right-Hand--Left-Hand (Do the Right Thing) lyrics


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Spike Lee - The Story of Right-Hand--Left-Hand (Do the Right Thing) lyrics

EXT: STREET--DAY Mookie walks down the block. The streets are filled with kids playing. WE SEE stoop ball, double dutch, hand games, bike-riding, skateboarding, etc. ANGLE--MOOKIE Radio Raheem approaches Mookie. MOOKIE Whaddup. Money? RADIO RAHEEM I was going to buy a slice. MOOKIE I'll be back after I make this Delivery. RADIO RAHEEM On the rebound. Mookie stares at the gold "bra** knuckles" rings Radio Raheem wears on each hand. Spelled out across the rings are The words "LOVE" on the right hand and "HATE" on the left Hand. MOOKIE That's the dope. RADIO RAHEEM I just copped them. Let me tell You the story of Right-Hand--Left- Hand--the tale of Good and Evil. MOOKIE I'm listening. RADIO RAHEEM HATE! He thrusts up his left hand. RADIO RAHEEM It was with this hand that Brother Cain iced his brother. LOVE! He thrusts up his right hand. RADIO RAHEEM See these fingers, they lead Straight to the soul of man. The Right hand. The hand of LOVE! Mookie is buggin'. RADIO RAHEEM The story of Life is this... He locks his fingers and writhes, cracking the joints. RADIO RAHEEM STATIC! One hand is always fighting The other. Left Hand Hate is Kicking much a** and it looks like Right Hand Love is finished. Hold Up. Stop the presses! Love is Coming back, yes, it's Love. Love Has won. Left Hand Hate KO'ed by Love. Mookie doesn't know what to say, so he doesn't say anything. RADIO RAHEEM Brother, Mookie, if I love you I Love you, but if I hate you... MOOKIE I understand. RADIO RAHEEM I love you, my brother. MOOKIE I love you, Black. INT: SAL'S FAMOUS PIZZERIA--DAY Radio Raheem enters Sal's with music blaring. RADIO RAHEEM Two slices. SAL No service till you turn dat sh** Off. RADIO RAHEEM Two slices. PINO Turn it off. SAL Mister Radio Raheem, I can't even Hear myself think. You are Disturbing me and you are disturbing My customers. Sal grabs his Mickey Mantle bat from underneath the counter. Everyone, Sal, Vito, Pino, Radio Raheem, and the customers are poised for something to jump off, STATIC. CLOSE--RADIO RAHEEM He smiles and turns off the beat. RADIO RAHEEM Two slices, extra cheese. CLOSE--SAL Sal puts Mickey Mantle back into its place. SAL When you come in Sal's Famous Pizzeria, no music. No rap, no Music. Capisce? Understand?... This is a place of business. Extra Cheese is two dollars.