All Soul-Junk Songs

Songs In album
1938 (2002) * 1938
1942 (2001) * 1942
1956 (2000) * 1956
1957 (2002) * 1957
3 Fascinating Smells * 1942
3po Soul 1956
9 Stitches For Broken Fan Belt * 1938
All Lids 1955
All Men Are Gra** * 1955
April 42nd 1955
As the Rain 1955
Blunderbuss * 1955
Cherry Stereo Chariot * 1955
Double-O Javelin 1955
Down With Sounds * 1955
Droptop Floride * 1957
Dry Bones * 1956
Duke Duncan The Kid Chef Cooks A Royal Stew * 1938
Enter Venus 1956
Eyes, Externally * 1956
Glowing Funeral * 1955
Good as Dead * 1942
Gorilla in the Mix * 1955
Gotham * 1957
Horse Posing As Unicorn * 1957
How We Flow 1956
I Am Hawkeye * 1938
ill-m-i 1956
Innerspacemen * 1957
Israel and the Limping Hip * 1942
Jammy July Pike * 1957
Jelly Wings * 1957
Judah * 1956
K.I.N.G.D.O.M.O.G.O.D * 1956
Lazy Rattlesnake 1955
Life to False Metal 1956
Live Inside the Soul-Junk Cathedral * 1942
Lordy Child (Say Abba) 1956
Maratova Andaluge * 1938
May My Tongue Be Stuck Up On the Roof * 1955
Mercury * 1957
Mesa Dixie 1958
Monkeyflower & Yarrow 1956
Moonbeam? * 1955
More of the Illusory Doorprize 1955
Non-Linear * 1957
Numb Live & Looser 1955
Old Dominion * 1955
Pack of Goons * 1955
Palmbranches * 1938
Phalanx 1957
Prophecies * 1955
Pumpfake 1956
Quasars? * 1955
Rap City Ark * 1957
Rebel Syphon * 1955
Red Top * 1956
Ruby Doomsday * 1957
Sarpodyl 1956
Sea Monsters & Gargoyles * 1956
See His Face 1955
Some True Blue Gum From Seething Teeth 1955
Soon Seated * 1942
Straight From Neptune 1955
Subwoof Ape Job * 1955
Sweet to my Soul (White Hot Apostle Mix) * 1956
THE Auriginal Manglist * 1955
The Peacemaker * 1956
Thrown Down 1955
Transubstantial Peel-Out * 1955
Turn on the Solar * 1955
Underwater Saloon 1938
Ungst Func Slag Collision * 1957
Universal Two-Day City 1955
Uqbar Orbis 1957
Velodrome? 1955
Vesuvius * 1957
Vesuvius Re-Ups Erupts (Joel Skunk Remix) * 1938
Weapons! * 1942
Yawp Aspersion * 1938
Yellow Tooth Youth 1955