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IT was market day, and all were intent upon going to Kitanda (the market). The first lady to arrive brought a large basket of chicoanga (native bread), placed it under the shade of the market-tree, and then hid herself in the bush near at hand. A second lady came along with a basket (or matet) of pig, and sat herself down beneath the tree. "I wonder," said she, as she caught sight of the chicoanga, "to whom that belongs? I should very much like one piece to eat with a little of my pig. I was so busy preparing the pig for market, that I really had no time to get any chicoanga ready." She raised her voice and cried out: "To whom does this chicoanga belong? Where is its owner?" This she repeated many times., and then came to the conclusion that it had no owner. So she took one piece and ate it with her pig. By-and-bye the owner of the chicoanga came forth, and told the owner of the pig that she must pay her in pig for the chicoanga she had taken. "No," said the owner of the pig. And the people round about were called in; and after hearing what both had to say, they declared that the woman who owned the chicoanga was in the wrong; because she had hidden herself in the bush on purpose that her chicoanga should be taken by the owner of the pig, whom she had evidently seen coming. She had laid this trap to get some of the pig, and she deserved to lose her chicoanga.