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An article saying that Chicago rapper Chief Keef was “arrested for murder” after police officers found one of his dreadlocks was found at crime is just “satire.” The article was published on website Cream BMP Daily, which doesn't publish real news. “Keith Cozart known as rapper Chief Keef was charged with attempted murder as a result of a shooting that took place last week at his managers home between him and a member of his group,” it says. “A black Chicago judge overseeing Chief Keef's trial says young African American's are only good for three things rapping, singing and keeping jails occupied,'” it continues. Cream BMP has a disclaimer, saying it doesn't publish real news. “ Written by comedian CREAM. This website is comprised of satire and parody of current news and urban culture. For entertainment purposes only,” it says. The fake article adds: All of Chicago can put their guns back on safety now that Chief Keef is behind bars” Said the Chief of Police to a news crew outside of a Chicago police department. ‘The best thing that could happen to hip hop is for Chief Keef to get shot 9 times, and not survive' – Local Rapper Keith Cozart known as rapper Chief Keef was charged with attempted murder as a result of a shooting that took place last week at his managers home between him and a member of his group.” Chief Keef recently said he would pay for the funeral of a baby girl who was k**ed by her father. On Twitter on Monday, Keef wrote: “All I do is help, All [expletive] do is hate! H&H Umm ummm umm.” He added: “[Expletive] will forget when u said YES, But forever Remember when u said NO!”