R.D. Boylan - Don Carlos (Act 1 Scene 1) lyrics


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R.D. Boylan - Don Carlos (Act 1 Scene 1) lyrics

The Royal Gardens in Aranjuez. CARLOS and DOMINGO. DOMINGO. Our pleasant sojourn in Aranjuez Is over now, and yet your highness quits These joyous scenes no happier than before. Our visit hath been fruitless. Oh, my prince, Break this mysterious and gloomy silence! Open your heart to your own father's heart! A monarch never can too dearly buy The peace of his own son—his only son. [CARLOS looks on the ground in silence. Is there one dearest wish that bounteous Heaven Hath e'er withheld from her most favored child? I stood beside, when in Toledo's walls The lofty Charles received his va**als' homage, When conquered princes thronged to kiss his hand, And there at once six mighty kingdoms fell In fealty at his feet: I stood and marked The young, proud blood mount to his glowing cheek, I saw his bosom swell with high resolves, His eye, all radiant with triumphant pride, Flash through the a**embled throng; and that same eye Confessed, "Now am I wholly satisfied!" [CARLOS turns away. This silent sorrow, which for eight long moons Hath hung its shadows, prince, upon your brow— The mystery of the court, the nation's grief— Hath cost your father many a sleepless night, And many a tear of anguish to your mother. CARLOS (turning hastily round). My mother! Grant, O heaven, I may forget How she became my mother! DOMINGO. Gracious prince! CARLOS (pa**ing his hands thoughtfully over his brow). Alas! alas! a fruitful source of woe Have mothers been to me. My youngest act, When first these eyes beheld the light of day, Destroyed a mother. DOMINGO. Is it possible That this reproach disturbs your conscience, prince? CARLOS. And my new mother! Hath she not already Cost me my father's heart? Scarce loved at best. My claim to some small favor lay in this— I was his only child! 'Tis over! She Hath blest him with a daughter—and who knows What slumbering ills the future hath in store? DOMINGO. You jest, my prince. All Spain adores its queen. Shall it be thought that you, of all the world, Alone should view her with the eyes of hate— Gaze on her charms, and yet be coldly wise? How, prince? The loveliest lady of her time, A queen withal, and once your own betrothed? No, no, impossible—it cannot be! Where all men love, you surely cannot hate. Carlos could never so belie himself. I prithee, prince, take heed she do not learn That she hath lost her son's regard. The news Would pain her deeply. CARLOS. Ay, sir! think you so? DOMINGO. Your highness doubtless will remember how, At the late tournament in Saragossa, A lance's splinter struck our gracious sire. The queen, attended by her ladies, sat High in the centre gallery of the palace, And looked upon the fight. A cry arose, "The king! he bleeds!" Soon through the general din, A rising murmur strikes upon her ear. "The prince—the prince!" she cries, and forward rushed, As though to leap down from the balcony, When a voice answered, "No, the king himself!" "Then send for his physicians!" she replied, And straight regained her former self-composure. [After a short pause. But you seem wrapped in thought? CARLOS. In wonder, sir, That the king's merry confessor should own So rare a sk** in the romancer's art. [Austerely. Yet have I heard it said that those Who watch men's looks and carry tales about, Have done more mischief in this world of ours Than the a**a**in's knife, or poisoned bowl. Your labor, Sir, hath been but ill-bestowed; Would you win thanks, go seek them of the king. DOMINGO. This caution, prince, is wise. Be circumspect With men—but not with every man alike. Repel not friends and hypocrites together; I mean you well, believe me! CARLOS. Say you so? Let not my father mark it, then, or else Farewell your hopes forever of the purple. DOMINGO (starts). CARLOS. How! CARLOS. Even so! Hath he not promised you The earliest purple in the gift of Spain? DOMINGO. You mock me, prince! CARLOS. Nay! Heaven forefend, that I Should mock that awful man whose fateful lips Can doom my father or to heaven or hell! DOMINGO. I dare not, prince, presume to penetrate The sacred mystery of your secret grief, Yet I implore your highness to remember That, for a conscience ill at ease, the church Hath opened an asylum, of which kings Hold not the key—where even crimes are purged Beneath the holy sacramental seal. You know my meaning, prince—I've said enough. CARLOS. No! be it, never said, I tempted so The keeper of that seal. DOMINGO. Prince, this mistrust— You wrong the most devoted of your servants. CARLOS. Then give me up at once without a thought Thou art a holy man—the world knows that— But, to speak plain, too zealous far for me. The road to Peter's chair is long and rough, And too much knowledge might encumber you. Go, tell this to the king, who sent thee hither! DOMINGO. Who sent me hither? CARLOS. Ay! Those were my words. Too well-too well, I know, that I'm betrayed, Slandered on every hand—that at this court A hundred eyes are hired to watch my steps. I know, that royal Philip to his slaves Hath sold his only son, and every wretch, Who takes account of each half-uttered word, Receives such princely guerdon as was ne'er Bestowed on deeds of honor, Oh, I know But hush!—no more of that! My heart will else O'erflow and I've already said too much. DOMINGO. The king is minded, ere the set of sun, To reach Madrid: I see the court is mustering. Have I permission, prince? CARLOS. I'll follow straight. [Exit DOMINGO. CARLOS (after a short silence). O wretched Philip! wretched as thy son! Soon shall thy bosom bleed at every pore, Torn by suspicion's poisonous serpent fang. Thy fell sagacity full soon shall pierce The fatal secret it is bent to know, And thou wilt madden, when it breaks upon thee!