Quentin Tarantino - Djago Unchained Script part 3 lyrics


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Quentin Tarantino - Djago Unchained Script part 3 lyrics

53 We see Django and Dr.Schultz enter the town, and slosh their horses in the mud,, down the main street of Greenville Mississippi. The buying and selling of slaves is what the whole town is built around. BLACK MEN, WOMEN, and CHILDREN in BONDAGE are everywhere you look. LINES OF CHAINED SLAVES being marched one way or the other, move through the muddy streets of Greenville. WHITE MEN on horses move them along. BUCKBOARDS filled with DOMESTIC SLAVES (HOUSE ni**erS), and pretty PONYS, driven by WHITE MEN roll through the street. A YOUNG WHITE BOY (14 years old), a shepherd, leads a bunch of SLAVE CHILDREN through town. A SHEPHERD'S DOG, HELPS HIM OUT BY MOVING THE KIDS ALONG. Impromptu slave auctions take place on almost every block. A SUBTITLE APPEARS on the bottom of the screen: GREENVILLE CHICKASAW COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI Dr.Schultz takes in this African flesh market, where human beings sell other human beings, with disgust and a little bit of shock. Django is neither disgusted or. shocked, he knows first hand how Greenville operates. As he rides Tony through town in his snappy duds, he looks'at the BLACK MEN half dressed: in chains. He REMEMBERS HIMSELF with his six Other Companions from earlier, being walked through the mud of Main Street by The Speck Brothers. On that day he might as well of been a steer. Today, with a gun on his hip, money in his pocket, in his snappy outfit, astride his steed Tony, he feels so different from these wretched half naked ba*tards it gives him a bit of a chill. Django sees the towns railroad depot, and across from it a huge SLAVE PEN, like a STEER CORRAL. At the moment there's no train in the depot. WE FLASH ON The TRAIN, at a earlier time, pulling into the depot. INSIDE ONE OF THE BOXCARS amidst a boxcar full of shirtless BLACK MALES, Django watches the train pull into the station, from inside the wooden slates of the boxcar.: A hatch in the roof of the boxcar is NOISILY YANKED OPEN, and TWO WHITE SLAVE TRADERS (RUSS AND JUDD), peer down at their human cargo. JUDD Good god almighty these n******gs stink! I F RUSS n******gs stink, where's the shock? (to the Slaves BELOW) Okay you bucks, listen up, and listen well, I'm only gonna say this once. There's a slave corral right across from this boxcar. We gittin ready to open these doors. When we do, y'all run as fast as you can, right into that pen. 'Anyone gittin off trail, gonna get hurt and hurt bad. Now you n******gs better comprehend. And that goes for any African garboons amongst y'all can't understand english ... . your American buddies better shove your a** in the right direction, or your trip to this country is going to be short, and pointless. Train to pen as fast as you can! The boxcar door is slid open, and a HUNDRED AND FIFTY BLACK MALES run full out from the train to the steer corral. We spot Django during the running. Once inside the corral, the gate is closed. COWBOYS with rifles act as prison guards. INSIDE THE CORRAL through the wooden posts, in the distance, Django watches them open up the boxcar holding the females. They do their run to their pen out of view. Django catches a quick glimpse of Broomhild.a running with the other LADIES, then she's gone from view. BACK TO DJANGO (PRESENT) Django and Dr.Schultz on top of their horses, taking in the sight of Greenville. Dr.SCHULTZ It's a spectacle out of Dante. DJANGO You should see it from the other side. Dr.SCHULTZ Frankly, I don't know if I could endure this. DJANGO You'd be surprised what you can endure. (BEAT) Where to? 675 Dr.SCHULTZ Records office. CUT TO INT - RECORDS OFFICE - DAY Dr.Schultz and Django walk into a records office, lined with books. We watch through the store front window, the black man and white man enter, and Dr.Schultz present his business card to a Dickensian looking RECORDS OFFICE WORKER. As Schultz starts his spellbinding with words routine... . The CAMERA FADES TO BLACK. BLACK TITLE CARD: BROOMHILDA INT - SLAVE PEN - DAY The same shot we saw before of Django fighting his way to the bars of the slave pen, to get a better last look of Broomhilda. Broomhilda, as before is walked by in the distance. Then, as before Django loses sight of her. EXT - MAIN STREET - GREENVILLE - DAY We follow in front of Broomhilda being lead out of the slave pen by TWO WHITE MALE SLAVERS. Her bare feet slosh in the Main Street mud, and the leg irons scrap her ankles. Up until now everything you've ever seen of Broomhilda, has only been in Django's Spaghetti Western Flashbacks. In other words, from his perspective, and memory. This is the,only time the story will shift to Broomhilda's perspective. The strong but frightened girl is led out on to the hustle and bustle, and wagon wheels and horse hoofs of Main Street. Broomhilda is not taken into that three story auction arena that Django was sold in at the beginning. Instead She's just lifted up on a parked buckboard wagon. Her SELLER (CLYDE) starts his pitch on the TWELVE or so BUYERS that watch this puny make shift auction. BROOMHILDA looks down into the crowd of twelve ugly white men, and holds her breath which one will buy her. Among the ugly white men we see Mr.HARMONY (MIKE), not quite as ugly as the rest. An older well dressed, cla**y gentleman. Next to him is his twenty four year old overweight awkward son SCOTTY HARMONY. Scotty in the audience, and Broomhilda on the wagon, THEIR EYES MEET, he nudges his dad. The Seller makes her expose her breasts to the small crowd. Then her back, revealing her whip marks. Then pointing out the runaway "r" branded in her cheek. Some of the crowd, including Scotty, react with repulsion at the sight of the whip marks. The Seller a**ures the crowd, that n******gs don't feel pain like white folks, and it only makes the women more gentle. SELLER - CLYDE Fellahs, you ain't felt gentle, till you felt n******g gal gentle. UGLY MAN makes a bid. BROOMHILDA yikes. UGLIER MAN higher bid. BROOMHILDA reacts. UGLIER BY FAR GUY makes leap frog big bid. BROOMHILDA reacts. BIG GREASY FAT GUY makes a bid. BIG FAT GREASY BEAVER PELT COVERED TRAPPER makes a bid. A GIGGLING LEERING GROUP OF BROTHERS make a bid. A SEVENTY FIVE YEAR OLD INDIAN ON A MULE makes a bid. Mr.Harmony makes a bid for his son Scotty. Broomhilda notices that. And makes more eye contact with Scotty. They look at each other as Mr.Harmony continues to bid. A LITERARY NARRATOR comes on the soundtrack. NARRATOR (VO) On that day, eight months ago, the auction was won by Mike Harmony, as a birthday present for his fat boy son Scotty. Mr.Harmony congratulates his son. From on top of the buckboard Broomhilda looks down at her new owners. Later they leave for the Harmony house. Scotty lifts Broomhilda up into the back of the buckboard. He hands her a little white bag. SCOTTY This is for you. She opens the bag,candies of many colors sit in it. SCOTTY They're jelly beans. Try one. She selects a yellow one and puts it in her mouth. SCOTTY Good huh? She nods her head, yes. We see him drive the buckboard out of Greenville with Broomhilda in the back eating her bag of jelly beans. $XT - COUNTRY ROAD - DAY The buckboard makes its way down a country road. Broomhilda in the back, and Scotty driving the wagon. Scotty bought her, but he's too scared to talk to her. Broomhilda's muddy bare feet dangle off the wagon. She's beginning to realize the young master is the shy type. BROOMHILDA Master Scotty... ? SCOTTY Yes Broomhilda? BROOMHILDA I'm lonely back here. Can I come on up with you on that seat so we can talk? SCOTTY Please, I'd love that. She climbs into the driver's seat. In more ways then one. '8 EXT - THE HARMONY HOUSE - DAY A nice two story southern house. Very nice, but hardly a plantation. The household's FOUR DOMESTIC SLAVES. Broomhilda will be the fifth. The buckboard pulls up to the front of the house. Scotty's mother, Mrs.HARMONY (MARY LOUISE), waits to meet her son, and his new bought n******g gal. The older lady looks the black girl up and down and says to her; Mrs.HARMONY What's your name, gal? BROOMHILDA Broomhilda. Mrs.HARMONY Follow me. into the kitchen, ('to her son) You stay out here. INT - KITCHEN - DAY Mrs.Harmony brings Broomhilda in her kitchen. The TWO DOMESTIC SLAVES that were in, there are chased out by the boss lady. Mrs.Harmony grabs Broomhilda by the wrist, and tells her; Mrs.HARMONY I want to have a word with you, wench. You met my boy Scotty. You can tell ain't no white girl gonna fool with him. And if they do fool with him, they fool with him for the wrong reason. Boy's twenty four, he still ain't a man yet. That's why you're here. Be nice to him. He's a very sweet boy. Play him right, he'll eat bird seed out of your palm. Play 'em wrong, you'll deal with me. BROOMHILDA I like Scotty. He's just shy is all. All he needs is a little confidence. Mrs.HARMONY And you'll give that to him? BROOMHILDA I'll do my best, mam. Scotty's a real sweet boy. Mrs.HARMONY He is, isn't he? BROOMHILDA Ah-huh. The mother lets go of the young lady's wrist. 19 NARRATOR (VO) Basically The Harmony's bought a slave bride for young master Scotty that day. And the two kids had a nice time playing house for awhile. We see Scotty and Broomhilda catching bu*terflies in bu*terfly nets in the daytime.. At night they catch LIGHTNING BUGS together. At night in Scotty's bed, while the young man lay fast asleep, Broomhilda looks at her jelly jar of GLOWING LIGHTNING BUGS. NARRATOR (VO) As Scotty's sort of defacto sweetheart, if no visitors were about, Broomhilda would even join the family at their dinner table. We see them at dinner eating fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy. NARRATOR.(VO) And pretty soon she was adopted into a member of the family. Mrs.Harmony and Broomhilda sewing together. The Harmony family and Broomhilda playing croquet in the front yard. After dinner, Mrs.Harmony entertaining the family by playing the piano. Mr.Harmony reading the women and his son a story from a storybook. NARRATOR (VO) Scotty was never happier. Scotty and Broomhilda walking holding hands at Southern magic hour. Broomhilda having s** with Scotty, baby talking with him, talking him through it, making him feel loved and secure. NARRATOR (VO) After three months of this bliss, Scotty decided to take Broomhilda for a romantic weekend in Greenville. SCOTTY AND BROOMHILDA drive through the Main Street of Greenville, dressed to the nines, in a fancy carriage. Broomhilda dressed in a beautiful white lace dress, complete with white lace gloves, fancy ladies hat, and white parasol. Scotty, very proud of his pretty Pony, is dressed in a fashion best described as plantation pimp daddy. 6O NARRATOR (VO) White masters would take their pretty Ponys to Greenville for a treat or romantic excursion, for two reasons-One, seeing how bad the other slaves had it, always made the papered Ponys appreciate their privilege position, (just in case they'd forgot). BROOMHILDA holding her parasol, looking like a black Daisy Miller, watches the OTHER SLAVES march by in the mud. They watch her too. INT - HOTEL LOBBY - NIGHT Broomhilda and Scotty, and their luggage, move into the fancy hotel lobby, and rent a room at the front desk. INSERT: HOTEL REGISTRY Scotty signs his name. The DESK CLERKS HAND checks the box on the registry book that indicates darkee female companion. INT -. GREENVILLE - NIGHT Greenville at night is a little different. At night, RICH WHITE MASTERS showing off their Ponys (like Scotty), rule the streets. NARRATOR (VO) And two, there was a sliver of society that ran through Greenville at night that catered to white masters who were infected with a condition that was normally referred to as, "n******g love." At night the streets, the bars, bistros, and buggy rides were ruled by rich white masters showing off their pretty Pony's. EXT - CLEOPATRA CLUB - NIGHT An establishing shot.of the three story house that has been converted into private club called, The Cleopatra Club. NARRATOR (VO) But the crown j**el of all this interracial frivolity, was the members only, Cleopatra Club. INSERT: GOLD PLAQUE with the name, THE CLEOPATRA CLUB on it, next to it is a profile of Nefertiti. 6! INT - THE CLEOPATRA CLUB - RESTAURANT - NIGHT The interracial joint is jumping (as long as by interracial you mean white men and black women). Scotty and Broomhilda are enjoying a fancy dinner in the clubs dining room. We see across the dining room, the powerful white man, CALVIN CANDIE, sitting with some White Men and some Black Ponys, eyeing Broomhilda. SCOTTY I gotta tell you Broomhilda - I don't care if I go to. hell for this - I love you. And if loving you means I go to hell ... . Well then hello Mr.Devil. That was actually kind of funny. Broomhilda was right, all he needed was a little confidence. She puts her hand on his. NARRATOR (VO) Then... speak of the devil and the devil appears. CALVIN CANDIE appears at their table. CALVIN CANDIE Hello, my name is Calvin Candie, I own The Cleopatra Club. And I would just like to welcome an attractive couple'like yourselves to my favorite place on earth. Scotty stands up and shakes hands with Calvin. SCOTTY Thank you so much, it's a great honor. We love it here. Pointing at a empty chair. CALVIN CANDIE May I join you?- SCOTTY Please, by all means. Calvin sits down. Broomhilda gets a sinister chill from this smiling jack. Scotty, as per usual, is clueless. CALVIN CANDIE How long have you been a member? SCOTTY We just joined this weekend. CALVIN CANDIE Well our little private oasis appreciates your patronage. Some may consider the dues excessive, but they're necessary for us to create this haven for the alternative lifestyle we've all become accustomed to. SCOTTY Well said, and money well spent. He squeezes Broomhilda's hand. Candie sees this. CALVIN CANDIE It would be.my pleasure, your first weekend at the club, to join me and my friends at my table. Broomhilda knows this is a man to be avoided. But Scotty is swept away being courted by somebody like Calvin Candie. She tries to imply they should stay where they are. He brushes her off with a, "Don't be silly." We see Calvin introduce his table of friends to the couple, and they join the party. Calvin Candie has his arm around a foxy Pony named SHEBA, whose dress is a little more revealing then the others. They drink and talk, and the White Men have a forced good time. But Calvin Candie can't hide his sinister side from Broomhilda, and it keeps her uncomfortable, until she excuses herself from the table to go to bed. Scotty's having such a good time with his fancy friends he opts to stay behind.'Broomhilda leaves in a bit of a huff, due to Scotty's disobedience. If these fancy.f**ing white men weren't around making Scotty feel so puffy chested, he'd never dismiss her that way. We FOLLOW Broomhilda out of the club, across the street, to the hotel. NARRATOR (VO) After excusing herself, she walked across the street to her hotel room. She got her white dress dirty in the mud, but she didn't care, the night was ruined anyway. Some romantic weekend. Wait till she gets home and tells his mother how he ignored her. She'll fix his fat a**. Wait till he asks her to scratch his back next time. She's gonna scrape every pimple. '3 �-. BACK AT THE CLEO CLUB The now drunk Scotty is playing poker with Calvin and his friends. NARRATOR (VO) Back at The Cleopatra Club, as the night wore on, Calvin Candie suggested'a friendly card game. As the game wore on, it came down to a two thousand dollar pot between Calvin Candie and Scotty Harmony. Luckily for him, Scotty was holding.a inside straight. Calvin holds his cards with Sheba draped around him. She whispers something in his ear. CANDIE (TO SHEBA) Really? (TO SCOTTY) You know what Sheba just tole me? Scotty, thinking about his great hand, says; SCOTTY What? CANDIE She says she thinks you're cute. SCOTTY Really? Thank you Sheba, I think you're beautiful. Sheba whispers something else in Candie's ear. CANDIE Sheba says she'd like to give you a little lip. Want some lip? Scotty, is a little surprised. SCOTTY Well, she's your Pony...I mean... CANDIE Oh hush, what's a little n******g lip 'tween friends. Go on honey, give 'em some sugar. Sheba walks over to Scotty's side of the table, and gives him a very lip intensive'soul kiss. The table enjoys the show. Then Sheba goes back to Calvin's side of the table. The game continues. G CANDIE Okay loverboy, I think you're trying to out brazen me in my own club, and I won't have it. If you're really holding cards, time to pony up. I raise you five hundred. Candie throws in his chips. SCOTTY. I see your five hundred... (throws in chips) .and raise you four hundred more. (tosses his last chips) Call. This is where Calvin Candie has waited to be all night. CALVIN CANDIE Not so fast, boy. (BEAT) Pot ain't fat enough yet. SCOTTY I'm all in. CALVIN CANDIE Ain't that too bad. Scotty doesn't intend to let this smiling Jack cheat him out of his pot, especially with him holding an inside straight. SCOTTY I would think a southern gentleman of such renown as yourself, wouldn't have to resort to buying a pot in his own club. Calvin writes on a piece of paper, then throwsit'in the pot. CALVIN CANDIE One final raise. Scotty takes the piece of paper, "What's this?" CALVIN CANDIE It's Sheba's bill of sale. SCOTTY What? I don't want her. Calvin.and the whole table laugh at that. CALVIN CANDIE You sure didn't look like you didn't want her. More laughter. CALVIN CANDIE In Greenville slaves are currency. And Sheba's worth about eight hundred dollars. I'm throwing Sheba in the pot. Match or fold? SCOTTY I'm all out of money. CALVIN CANDIE But we ain't playin' for money no more.. We matchin' n******g gals. And a n******g gal you got. SCOTTY I can't bet Broomhilda. CALVIN CANDIE In Chickasaw County, she's money. Pony her up or fold. Somebody get him a piece of paper and a pencil. Somebody does. CALVIN CANDIE Write out a bill of sale, or fold them cards. Scotty makes a pressured decision. He hurriedly takes the pencil and writes out a Bill of Sale for Broomhilda. SCOTTY Let me see your cards! Candie lays down his cards, he has a FLUSH. What Scotty's just done hits him like a ton of bricks. SCOTTY You cheated me. After Scotty uses the "C" word, everybody quiets down. CALVIN CANDIE What did you just call me? SCOTTY I called you a card cheatin' son of a b**h, cause that's what you are! Calvin calmly stands up from the table. He removes a small Derringer Gun.from his pocket, and tosses it on the table in front of Scotty. Then takes out another one, and tosses it on the table in front himself . 66 Everybody in The Cleo Club quiets down. CALVIN CANDIE Scott Harmony. For calling me a card cheat in my own club, as a southern gentleman, I challenge you to a duel. (to the Piano PLAYER) Piano player, will you hit three separate notes? (TO SCOTTY) On the third note, pick up the gun and try to k** me. (to Piano player) Piano player please ... This is all going too fast for slow Scotty. SCOTTY Wait a minute ...no! FIRST NOTE ... SCOTTY I ain't dueling with you! I don't want to duel! CALVIN CANDIE Then get out of here, get in your buggy and get out of town. SCOTTY Sure. Let me just get my girl. CALVIN CANDIE You lost that girl, fat boy. SECOND NOTE... SCOTTY Wait!... . Look ... . Mr.Candie, I'm sorry I called you a cheat. But... please...I can't give you Broomhilda. CALVIN CANDIE Last chance fat boy, go home and get'useta to f**in' another one. (BEAT) Or pick up that gun. Scotty can't leave. He can't go home without her. He can't face his parents. He can't walk out on her. No matters what happens he can't leave. 6 7 THIRD NOTE... Calvin Candie SHOOTS Scotty Harmony dead. INT - HOTEL LOBBY - NIGHT Calvin Candie and his entourage enter the hotel lobby and go up to the FRONT DESK CLERK.. CALVIN CANDLE Hello Oliver. FRONT DESK CLERK (OLIVER) Hello Mr.Candie, good evening. CALVIN CANDLE Good evening to you as well,. young Oliver. Could you please inform me which room your guest Scott Harmony is staying in? INT - HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Broomhilda is asleep in bed... WHEN ... .Calvin comes'BURSTING in the room holding his belt in his hand. He YANKS OFF the sheets that Broomhilda sleeps under. Broomhilda lies naked under the covers. Candie brings the belt down around her legs and backside. She hops out of bed. INT - HOTEL LOBBY - NIGHT Candie CHASES her naked body with his belt, from the top of the stairs, down the stairs, and through the lobby, and out the front door. All to the amusement of the WHITE HOTEL GUESTS. EXT - GREENVILLE HOTEL - NIGHT She RUNS out of the hotel naked, and then TRIPS FALLING INTO THE GREENVILLE MUD. She looks up from the mud, at Calvin Candie looking down at her. CALVIN CANDIE Welcome to Candyland. We do a SLOW ZOOM into Broomhilda's face. NARRATOR (VO) That was four months ago. CUT TO INT - GREENVILLE SLAVE AUCTION - DAY Back inside the three story Auction Block domed room. The same room Django was sold in at the beginning. Tons of WHITE BUYERS and SELLERS and BLACK SLAVES to be bought or sold fill the big hall. ONE MANDINGO SLAVE (BANJO) stands half naked on the auction block. The SELLER' (SHELBY) gives the crowd,a sales pitch about Banjo, and starts the bidding. Many different UGLY WHITE MEN make bids on the big mandingo, including Calvin Candie. Dr.SCHULTZ and DJANGO from a pair of OPERA GLASSES /-. watch Calvin Candie from up above on the 2nd floor landing. FROM Dr.SCHULTZ'S PERSPECTIVE We see Calvin Candie, and his black slave.bodyguard, BARTHOLOMEW, always dressed in a slightly ill fitting three piece suit and bowler hat, among the crowd of buyers at the auction block below. Candie's lawyer LEONIDE MOGUY joins him. Dr.SCHULTZ His name is Calvin Candle, and he is the owner of Candyland. DJANGO Candyland? The mandingo fightin' place? Dr.SCHULTZ Oh, so you heard of it? DJANGO Ain't no slave ain't heard of Candyland. Dr.SCHULTZ Well apparently, that's where your wife is, and apparently the repellent gentleman down there is the one who owns her. ��` TIME CUT 6R The White Man and Black Man find a cubby hole to talk in the auction hall. Dr.SCHULTZ How much do you know about mandingo fighting? DJANGO Not so much... A little... Master Carrucan had a couple n******gs he'd fight. Dr.SCHULTZ Can you play a mandingo expert? DJANGO What? Dr.SCHULTZ Can you convincingly masquerade as someone who is an expert on mandingo fighters? DJANGO€¢ Why? Dr.SCHULTZ Because when a man has one of the four biggest cotton plantations in Dixie, but the only thing that seems to ring his chimes is big sweaty black males, if WE want to get his attention, we better be talking about big sweaty black males. So my character is that of a big money buyer from Dusseldorf, here in Greenville to buy my way into the mandingo fight game. And your character is the mandingo expert I hired to help me do it. DJANGO They call that "One-Eyed Charly." Dr.SCHULTZ. One-Eyed Charly? DJANGO That's what you call it when you buy a slave expert. If you wanna raise horses, but don't know nothin' 'about horses, you buy yourself a One-Eyed Charly who knows about horses. He teaches ya. You wanna plant tobacco but don't know nothin' about it, you buy yourself a One-Eyed Charly knows about tobacco. Dr'. SCHULTZ Why do they call it One-Eyed Charly? 70 DJANGO You know, back on the plantation, my. job wasn't historian. Dr.SCHULTZ Testy. It's an unusual name. That's a perfectly legitimate question. So, can you convincingly play my mandingo One-Eyed Charly? Don't say, yes, if you can't. DJANGO You want me to play a black slaver? There ain't nothin lower then a black slaver. Black slavers are lower then head house n******gs, and buddy, that's pretty f**in low. Dr.SCHULTZ Then play him that way! Give me your black slaver. Django gets that. Dr.SCHULTZ Can you do that? DJANGO That, I can do. What's next? Dr.SCHULTZ To get ourselves personally invited to Candyland by Calvin Candie himself. CUT TO EXT - THE CLEOPATRA CLUB - NIGHT Dr.SCHULTZ and DJANGO stand across the street from The Cleopatra Club. Which looks like aregular nice three story house, among other.nice houses on an affluent residential block in Greenville Mississippi. They open the tiny garden gate in front of the house, walk up the stoop steps to the front door. They ring the doorbell. A pretty young black girl, dressed in a FRENCH MAID outfit opens the door. FRENCH MAID (SOUTHERN ACCENT) Bonjour. Dr.SCHULTZ