Queen Liliuokalani - The Kumilopo - Era 11 lyrics


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Queen Liliuokalani - The Kumilopo - Era 11 lyrics

THE ELEVENTH ERA. She that lived in the heavens and Piolani (married her brother), She that was full of enjoyments and lived in the heavens, Lived up there with Kii and became his wife, Brought increase to the world. Kamahaina was born a man, Kamamule his brother; Kamainau was born next, Kamakulua was born, the youngest a woman; Kamahaina lived with Hali. Loaa was born a man, Loaa was the husband, Nakelea the wife; Le was the husband, Kanu the wife; Kalawe was the husband, Kamau the wife; Kulou was the husband, Halau the wife. The husband.--The meaning. Na'u (mine). Aa (rocky). Pulepule (insane). Nahu (stomach ache, to bite). Pono (right). Kalau (the leaf). Kulewa (stand in space). Po'u (wet night). These are myths of Gods. Poulua (Ulua night). Pae (arrive). Paeheunui (large hairy bank). Hewa (Sin). Wife.--The meaning. Kele (mire). Hehe (laughter). Mai (sick). Luke. Ponoi (one's own). Ma-ina (a groan). Kune. Kalai (clear sky). Kukululiulu (drops). Haaa (tube of roots). Kiekie (high). Kulu (drop). p. 27 The husband.--The meaning. These are myths of Gods. Maku (thick paste). Wala (overturn). Piha (full), pi-ha (dried branches). Mu (moth or ogre). Nawai (for whom). Wawa (noised abroad). Kuai (sell). Luu (dive). Mai (come hither). Maia (banana). Lana (float). Lan*lana (hopeful). Pulu (wet). Puluka (wet and dashed). Pulukene. Pulumakau (wet hook). Pulukea (damp and light). Nekue. Nakai (the seas). Kuleha (looked askance). Myths of Gods. Ike (to see). Mala (soreness). Malama (careful). Eho. Ehoaka (cast shadow) Ehoku. Keoma. Kinohi (beginning). Ponia (crowned). Meua (we). Meualua. Hoolana (float). Hoomeha (loneliness). Wife.--The meaning. Niau (glide away). Kunewa (unsteady). Pihapiha (frills or full to over-flowing). Kuku (prickles, standing up). Hele (walk). Hanehane (spirit voices). Aanai (grind). Luulea (dove indeed). Maia (by that). Paua (rainy fence). Kilo (foretell). Paepae (steps of a house). Lepea (turned over). Lelepe (fringy). Lelekau (leaped up). Lelemau (leap often). Umala. Mahili. Napoo (disappear'd). Ma-ka (face). Aoao (side). Hui (together). Puiki (embrace). Pulama (make great deal of). Pulanaia. Malaia (stale). Hahooili (landed tribe). Muala (pebble insect). Luka (drop and shake). Mamau (held down). Maukele (caught in mud). Hoohuli (tip over). Memeha (alone). p. 28 The husband.--The meaning. Pula (mote). Kuamu (like a moth). Ko'u (damp). Meia (thus). Kawala (dash it away). Huli (turn over or to seek). Loaa (found). Huhu (anger). Makuma (pimply face). Manomano (persistence). Kini (friends, many). Leha (glance). Pua (flower, glow). Puaena (bright glow). Wela (warm, heat, burnt). Maiko (name of a fish). Maikokahi. Maikolua. Hilahila (shame, diffident). Kelau (tail end). Paio (quarrel). Paia (walls). Keala (fragrance, pathway). Piao (fold up). Niau (stalk in cocoanut leaf). Launie (smooth). Mouo (buoy). Hekau (pile on). Hoopaa (make fast). Kalama (Lama tree). Helu (count). Paila (boiling, a pile, heap). Wife--The meaning. Kua (back or to fall). Kuawa (noisome). Ko'uko'u (talkative). Pekau. Mahuli (turn over and over). Imi (search). Olioli (joy). Leawale (ecstasy). Manoa (thickness). Lauahi (scoop together). Mau (permanent). Maua (two persons, we). Ena (shy, to keep away). Enaena (great heat). Ahi (fire). Kulewa (beyond depth). Kuakahi (single). Pahila. Hoohila (act timid). Lukau. Haluku (dashing noise of water). Kalaku (proclaim). Kealaula (dawn). Naia (porpoise, fishes). Kekumu (the foundation). Huluhe (dripping gum). Paa (to hold, obstruction). Kaili (snatch, skin). Ha (to breathe through the mouth). Kapala (smirch, leavings). Namu (bugbear). Opuopu (filled to overflowing). p. 29 The husband.--The meaning. Halale (noise, swashing waves). Malie (calm). Maoki (streak). Kaiwi (the bone). Kulea. Makou (us, healthy complexion). Ia'u (me). Iaka (a shadow). Makili (wrench from, parted). Heamo (s**, bring on the shoulder). Heamokau (stick for carrying bundles). Puili (embrace, clasp). Puiiliili (frequent embraces). Puiliaku (hold on to it, catch it). Mokukapewa (cut the tail of a fish). Mokukaia (the fish is cut). Piala (sprinkle water on the rocks). Kiamo (any material used for filling cracks, napkin). Koikua (falseness, to go back of). Koiele (swing). Paele (daubed with black). Keomo (plug). Hulimakani (change of wind). Wife.--The meaning. Malu (shade, protection). Kalino (a rope for hanging). Hulahe. Iwia. Kulia (stand firmly). Koula (red sugar cane). Mahea (where). Meia (that's it, with that person). Lulu (contribute, shake, calm). Lou (hook, a wink of the eye). Makea (barren country). Apomai (embrace one). Liilii (tiny bits). Heleihea (go where). Naalo (the two fronts). Naele (two blacks, miry). Heleua (walk in the rain). Komo (enter). Keaho (the breath). Kauhi (the coverlet, a yam). Peleiomo (Pele's sudden disappearance). Omoomo (s**). Nanailuna (look upwards). p. 30 The husband--The meaning. Nanaikala (look at the sun). Kalawela (the hot day). Kealakau (a high path). Kamau (luncheon, follow up). Opala (rubbish). Hali (carry). Haliluna (take up). Halimau (carry often). Halipau (carry the last). Nunua (pile upon pile). Nananaka (cracks). Oamio (hidden beneath). Omiomio (things with small tips). Aila (eaten by the heat of the sun). Ailamua (first eaten by the sun). Ailakau (permanently burnt by the sun). Ailapau (the last burning of the sun.) Manu (bird) Lilio (taut, drawn back or forward). Leheluhe (hanging lip). Kelemau (constant dampness). Kaumau (always up, on an elevation). Kaukahi (elevated alone). Mauka (on land, toward the mountain). Wife.--The meaning. Haipule (devout). Kalahuiwale (forgiveness). Hoku (star). Meu (blunt). Wene. Halima. Halilalo (take down). Halelo (smutty). Muakau (the first of the season). Nenee (stunted, creep). Leleio (fly and disappear suddenly). Ololi (narrow). Wiwini (pointed). Kukala (proclaim). Heia (entombed, caught, chased). Hele (go or went). Kaiwi (the bones). Heleupa (walk and clash the knees or heels). Makini. Aina (land). Hinapu (fall together). Puoho (awakened). Maele (cramped). Kai (sea). p. 31 The husband--The meaning. Ohi (gather). Ikamu (little people, midgets). Kalu (cleaning taro patch). Kalukalu (name of a gra** at Kauai). Lipo (darkness). Lipowao (dark forest). Pili (be together, a gra**, to bet). Pilimau (constantly together). Kahale (the house). Kahaleai (eating-house). Lawaia (to fish, or bird catcher). Mauaka (two shadows). Wana (sea egg). Wanawana (ragged edge). Wanakaulani (wana in the heavens). Wanamelu (decomposed wana). Kaulua (double canoe, two). Walaau (noisy). Hanehane (voices from spirit land). Hawane (Hawaiian palm). Heleau (I go). Hulimea (seek something). Hulimua (seek first). Ewa (uneven, district in Oahu). Omali (sickly, feeble). Wife.--The meaning. Laulau (gathered in a bundle). Namu (little people, midgets). Moena (mat). Hilipo (thrash the night, wander in the night). Na-o (mucus, phlegm). Naele (swampy). Aiku (toughened). Maumaua (to retain). Mua (first). Nuu (eat with relish). Kaio (a bird, flesh, disappearance). Lehu (ashes). Kala (a bird, the sun, a fish). Wanakau (hanging wana). Melu (soft, spongy). Hulili (glisten in the sun). Kaohi (hold back, gather). Eiaau (here I am). Hahane. Kuamu (god fond of red color). Maaku (to sling with a stone). Aiko (eat sugar-cane). Newa (stagger, a club). Ewæwa (make faces). Malimali (entice with flattery). p. 32 The husband.--The meaning. Huelo (tail). Niolo (long and slight, wiry). Pilimai (cling to me). Keanu (the cold). Kaio (a piece of fish, a bird). Huluaka (old feather). Kapuhi (the eel, a favorite). Ehio (to lean). Kakai (range of mountain, straps). Amo (to shoulder anything, carry). Amoaku (carry it away). Helemai (come here). Onaho. Pilikoa (mollusk). Mahinahina (name of a land). Poopoo (deep hole). Omana. Omanaio. Manainai (flat). Huluemau. Kaluli (rolling motion). Nakino (those bodies). Nakinolua (two bodies). Ukiki (small, stunted). Uli (bruised, dark, to steer). Mele (chant, song, to sing). Lanai (veranda, an island). Hao (iron, to grab). Pakaikai (a weed). Wife.--The meaning. Kakai (range). Eiaku (there it is). Kona (his, its, south wind). Peleau (name of a place). Pueo (owl). Kaolo (baggy). Mula (a bugbear). Emio (taken secretly). Alakai (lead). Koikoi (heavy). Kuwala (somersault). Heleaku (go hence). Kean*lii (the chief's cave). Ukulii (a mite). Halepoi (house cover). Nawai (by whom). Manamana (fingers). Huluheu (hairy down). Malanai (name of a wind). Kaalo (pa**ed by). Pau (finished). Kinohi (beginning). Ewalu (eight). Eau (quickly, to swim). Uliuli (darkness, black). Melemele (yellow). Poi (praise, exalt, food). Au (swim, tide, date or time). Puehu (scatter, all gone). p. 33 The husband.--The meaning. Moana (ocean, on the deep). Hulu (feather). He (grave, it is). Makilo (beggar). Naua (name of a society). Ua (rain, shower, shout). Peleu (broad). Mahina (moon). Mahinale. Mahinalea (moonlight enjoyment). Pipika (shrink from bashfulness). Mahele (to divide, share). Kaohi (reserved, hold back). Kona (his or hers, land on Hawaii). Iho (go down, downwards). Kulaa (his person is sacred during tabuday). Kuamauu (gra** on the back). Pahili (deceive, pretence). Keia (this). Makioi. Helehele (cut up in strips). Aukai (swim in the sea). Moekau (sleep through seasons). Huluau (I take, name of a wind). Melemele (yellow). Kumuniu (cocoanut tree) Wife.--The meaning. Hilo (to entwine, land on Hawaii). Makalii (very fine, summer). Hoeue (motion of paddling). Moi (a high chief, a fish). Upa (to slam, cut). Hama. Hamahuna. Hina (fall). Ulukua (grew on the back). Palemo (slip through, drown). Kuhinu (besmear). Puunaue (divide). Kaohiohi (hold back). Konakona (disgusted). Pelu (doubled, folded). Mailu (not sufficient, little). Holehole (stripped of bark). Halulu (crash). Luluka (name of a chief). Meihiolo (things that fell). Pineha. Milo (dragged downwards). Helemau (go often). Pulama (brought up with care). Milokua (returned secretly). Pilia (joined together). p. 34 The husband.--The meaning. Amoi. Kunewa (stagger). Pahilo (delicate person, sickly). Napoi (cover of calabash). Kulana (unsteady). Kakau (an object before them). Holeha (used for haole). Paani (play, amusements). Lewa (swing). Pihaulu (full of balls or bread fruit). Kelewaa (canoe steerer). Kakio (boils). Hulipena. Mokiweo. Kapalama (seclusion). Kapalamalama (some ceremony of tabu). Wikani (drawn too tight, too salt). Kapehi (to strike, throw at). Hiwa (anything precious is a hiwa). Pano (deep darkness). Opelau (many bundles). Mahilu. Hoolewa (swing, carry from place to place). Kumau (firmness, large calabash, long-standing). Papalele (flying board). Wife.--The meaning. Akua (god, feared). Hulema. Piliaiku (drenching wet). Kaale (ocean wave, swallow). Nawa (insignificant beings). Poipoi (smother fire or words). Hulupehu (swollen feather). Malanaopi (fold loosely). Kukelemio (hidden swamp). Hoiha. Kinohili (thrashed body). Hiliha (to braid with four strands). Miko (salted, preserved). Pakala (small Kala, a fish). Kepooha (the four heads). Kepoolimaha (the four-headed hands). Kamakolu (three-fingered mesh). Kalukuu (the shaking down). Kahiwahiwa (the precious sacred one). Kekaliholiho (the choice sprig). Maha (rested). Kaena (boaster). Waiau (swimming water). Kahaka (ladder). Mukala. p. 35 The husband.--The meaning. Haole (foreign). Makua (parents). Leho (cowrie). Opikana. Helemaka (moving eye). Kukuhale (beam of a house). Pohakukau (piling stone). Helua (counted). Komokomo (ring within ring, entered). Poeleele (dark night). Nukueleele (dark lips). Mama (swift, chew). Hamama (open, to gap). Kuemi (draw backward). Opiliwale (shiver from cold). Ahulimai (turn to me). Maikomo (nearly caught). Hununu (humpy, lumpy). Hoolohe (listen, obey, heard). Kumaua (we stood). Koikoi (begged, entreated, heavy). Mauawa (looks after, frequent use of awa). Wife.--The meaning. Kuwahine (female Ku, sister). Kaluakekane (the husband's second). Holomau (constantly running). Nahenahe (soft, flimsy, gentle). Liko (young shoot of tree or shrub). Hinaulu (growing Hina, growing gray). Hinamai (fall towards you). Kalani (the heavens). Malie (calm, gently). Hoolua (cook in Ti leaves, name of a wind). Papakele (wet board). Pakapaka (coarse, rough). Malele (not a pinch was given away). Kulua (stood together, two). Kapoulena (the yellow post). Mahinuele (shiny black). Pelemau (frequently, loose ground). Kamanu (the bird). Nawaikaua (whose are we? rain water). Kulukaua (rain drops). Hau (snow, dews, frost). Kolokolo (to persist). p. 36 The husband.--The meaning. Kelelua (to dampen). Makana (present). Mahili (braid of strands). Kukona (forbidding looks). Kanawai (laws, to be warned). Lohilohi (slowly). Apikili. Hoomaku (lowering clouds). Olepe (oysters, thrown over). Kala (forgiven, wrench open). Hulipau (search thoroughly). Makohi (dig, traces of footsteps). Oopuola (live mudfish). Niuhuli (upset cocoanut). Ohao (fasten a dog, tumor in the stomach). Nuu (to gauge, steps, upper grade). Lena (stare, bilious). Ahiahi (evening). Ahiahihia (were belated last eve). Ahiakane (fire or light of Kane). Ahiakapoloa (fire of a long night). Wife.--The meaning. Aa (dwarf, fearless, root of a tree or shrub). Mahiopu (motion of digging). Wili (twirl, twist). Naka (shake, tremble with fear). Hapele (loose ground like slush.) Hapeleau (swim in slush). Nohilo. Nahalau. Makau (fear, fish hooks). Heleaua (went with stinginess). Hulimakeau (turn with the tide). Hulimakele (turn to swampy place). Nahalau (the sheds, large sheds). Nakulii (grovellers, small stands). Nakumau (the large calabashes). Helemai (come here). Palemo (slip through, drowned). Opihi (shell-fish). Ounauna (hermit crab). Wanaku (standing sea egg). Kikala (the thighs). p. 37 The husband.--The meaning. Ahiakapokau (fire of night in the season). Ahiakulumau (constantly dropping fire). Ahiakamake (fire of d**h). Ahiakaolu (fire of comfort). Pohinakau (misty). Moulikaina. Hooku (to fit, to be made to stand). Manaweulani (by the ta**elly heaven). Hoomailu (make small). Mailu (small, insignificant). Polehua (night of lehua). Puulele (flying lump). Hamohulu (brush with feather). Iamama ('tis finished). Kuinewa (blow from a club). Holopulau (run altogether). Makanewanewa (moving eyes). Melia (with Lia). Humuhumu (sew, to stitch together). Ukianu (coarse gra** growing in cold places). Ukinala (coarse gra** plaited). Ukiakamau (coarse gra**, often shaken). Ukilelewa (coarse gra** hanging). Wife.--The meaning. Hapuu (fern-root, a mountain). Makani (wind). Kilou (hook on). Honika (kiss with emphasis). Hilahea. Hoomaka (to begin). Nanana (spider). Laukunu (broiled leaf). Puluea (dust of Pulu). Lehuane (dust of ashes). Keahu (the pile). Noelo (insinuate, tease). Noeula (red mist). Noenoe (misty, foggy). Pilimauu (flower gra**). Hinakona (he will slip up). Helepuau (I went also). Melemele (yellow). Palamau (always ripe). Nenue (a fish of the kind called perch). Ilimaka (raw skin or hide). Keohoko (leaves of sugarcane). Laumeki (a kind of eel). p. 38 The husband.--The meaning. Ukinahina (coarse gra** for Hina). Hoopulu (dampen). Nahiole (no fires). Mukiki (kisses, smacking lips when hurt). Kiola (throw away). Mulemulea (bitter). Kukawa (between times). Kamio (to disappear). Hoomu (left in a pile). Hailau (to be sacrificed in numbers). Hoomauke-a (continue to burn). Kuaua (heavy shower). Moeiho (lie down). Manuala (that bird, sweet bird). Kolealea (woman who leaves her child for pleasure). Hilohilo (twine ropes). Maluipo (shelter for lover). Awaia (treachery on some one). Hoohinu (polish up, smear with grease). Eapu (to grasp or gulp it down). Ialo (a front). Heiau (temple). Heiaumana (powerful temple). Pulemo (slipped through). Wife.--The meaning. Nilea. Oloolohu (festered, bubbled). Kealapii (the ladder). Makino. Ia-a (those rocks). Helelu (walk and strew). Maikaiwa (from the ninth). Molemole (lag behind, roots). Unauna (crab in a shell). Pamakani (hibiscus). Muli (younger). Wailuhi (drink that inebriates). Imihia (sought for). Kawele (drag, wipe up, wave gracefully). Kauwewe (rushes, put over heated stones). Hokelona. Hokii (sickly, consumptive). Milo (twine, drag downwards). Ohouma (narrow chested). Uluoha (to grow finely). Makalewa (hanging eyes). Piioha (go up for kalo tops). Hoohiwa (to make much of). Maluolua (both in peace). p. 39 The husband.--The meaning. Kaukeoa (place the rafters). Helemua (went first). Kalele (lean on). Paepae (pillow, door-sill). Keoa (the rafters). Kapouhina (the fallen post). Kapouhinaha (four fallen posts). Hoopiopio (sorcery). Hoopioaka (make a curving shadow). Hoolahalaha (make flat). Hoomahilu (try to be distant). Nanewa (the clubs). Nanawaa (look for canoes). Hookilo (pretend sk** in sciences). Kumeheu (stand on the trail). Leleiluna (fly upwards). Halekumu (house founded). Halepaio (house of dispute). Halemoeanu (cold sleeping house). Haleluakini (house of worship). Halekuamu (house of the goddess Kuamu). Haiola (life offered for sacrifice). Kalelemauliaka (last breath of vapor). Wife.--The meaning. Hiileia (precious burden). Puainea (something delicate and nice). Wamakona (time of unfriendliness). Limaauki (hand of ki stalks). Puameli (honey flower). Kuamaulu (tired back). Hokuaala (fragrant shoulder). Pionuu (curving ascent). Pioanuenue (arching rainbow). Pulau (applied to fishing). Makua (parents, aunts, or uncles). Peleuwao (Peles' protection). Oma (oven). Pilikamau (hanger on). Leleawa (fly across an opening). Mainahu (stomach ache). Kimonaue (a game). Holio (constantly before one's eyes or thoughts). Keokeo (white). Malii. Noio (Mother Cary's chickens). Laulaha (spread abroad). Miloha (rope of four-strand twist). p. 40 The husband.--The meaning. Koiniho (axe of teeth). Pooku (standing head). Haleimiloea (house of science). Panionio (many colored). Kealakikee (the crooked path). Oiaku (that's it). Huini (name of a wind). Pa (hit, barren woman, plate). Pana (bow and arrow, snapped). Panakahi (one snap). Paikekalua (hit in the hole). Puukolukolu (three heaps). Napuueha (four heaps or hillocks). Palimakahana (work by fives). Waiakea (broad water). Kaeamauli (Mauli's turtle). Kokoiele (swing). Kaholookaiwa (the flight of the Iwa). Kalelenohinalea (the sacrifice of Hinalea). Panaakahiahinalea (first stroke by Hinalea). Panaikaluakahinlea (second stroke by Hinalea). Wife.--The meaning. Naku (wallow, wade). Paleamakau (ward off with fear). Hilohilo (old skin). Liho (something choice). Maiau (natty, dainty, clever). Kaniho (a tooth). Naihu (the noses; the prows). Aiano (it is there). Koliau (I whittle). Aliaoe (you go away, or stand aside). Piliwale (to impose on your friends). Heleiamai (drawing down the lower eyelid). Hookonokono (to insist). Helimaia (that is a hand). Hepahuno (it has burst). Eleiku (standing black). Maumau (over and over again). Heoioi ('tis pointed). Aluaku (slack away). Helule (limber). Painaina (crackling noise). p. 41 The husband.--The meaning. Puukoluakukahinalea (third heap by Hinalea). Napuuikahakahinalea (fourth heap by Hinalea). Palimawaleahinalea (fifth heap by Hinalea). Akahiakaeaakilolo (first by the turtle Akilolo). Paluaakaeaakilolo (second by the turtle Akilolo). Puukoluakaeaakilolo (third heap by the turtle Akilolo). Puuhakahaaakilolo (fourth heap by the turtle Akilolo). Puulimakaeaakaakilolo (fifth heap by the turtle Akilolo). Akahi Keewe (first relation or generation). Palua Keewe (second relation or generation). Paukolu (third relation or generation). Puuha Keewe (fourth heap of relation or generation). Pulima Kaewe (five handfuls of relation or generation). Waiakaea Kaewe (oceans full of relation or generation): Kamaulia Kaewe (hanging on relation or generation). Koielea Kaewe (swung in relation or generation). Wife.--The meaning. Noakawalu (the eighth is free). Piliamoa (leant like a chicken). Manu (bird). Lelekeamo (the shoulder-stick flew). Kelekeau (the fat gall). Umikaua (tenth battle, let's smother him). Mailo (sickly, delicate). Nihohoe (tooth like a paddle). Paliiuka (precipice near the mountain). Paliikai (precipice near the sea). Makaimoimo (winking eyes). Lauohokena (that's a hair). Pui (fat). Nahinahi. Kamehai (wonderful, strange). Ulupo (dense forest, darkness). p. 42 The husband.--The meaning. Kuaiwaa Kaewe (ground by canoes the numbers relation or generation). Henahuno (it does bite, stomach ache). Panakahikenahu (one stroke and then a bite). Pan*luakenahu (two strokes and then a bite). Panakolukenahu (three strokes and then a bite). Panahakenahu (four strokes and then a bite). Lewelimakenahu (five swings and then a bite). Paakaeakenahu (held the breath and then a bite). Omaulikekenahu (all hold together and then a bite). Koielehakenahu (four swings and then a bite). Kuaiwakelekenahu (nine watery bites). Hekaunano (only four). Papio (to face downwards). Manuakele. Kaunuka (draw up the thighs). Makii (flattened). Kupololiili (dark night of changing pebbles). Kupoka (so it is night). Kupokanaha (forty standing nights). Koponee (the night of your removal). Wife.--The meaning. Newaiku (stagger'd from a stroke). Puhemo (weakly, fainting). Lahilahi (delicate, thin). Kaukeahu (heap in a pile). Ulalena (name of a wind on Maui). Eiawale (there it is, they have arrived). Konukonu (deep). Uli (black, dark, bruise). Nainai (shallow, prominent chest). Pilomoku (bad odor from a ship). Nahae (torn, slit). Welawela (heat warm). Loiloi (fastidious). Kealo (the right side of anything, or front). Kukamaka (pierced the eye or face). Auhee (scatter, flee). Haihae (traitor). Milio. Hamunu. Naia (porpoise, the fishes). p. 43 The husband--The meaning. Kupohaha (dark night of feeling). Kupoko (the night of success). Kupo-e (suddenly dark). Kupou (stoop down). Kupolele (dark night of flight). Kupololo (dark night of palsy or brain). Kupolili (dark night of jealousy). Kuponakanaka (dark night of trembling). Kupohilili (dark night). Kupohalalu (dark night of Halalu fishes). Kupohelemai (dark night of coming). Kupokalalau (dark night of wandering). Kupolahauma (dark night of wrestling). Kupoliilii (dark night of littleness). Kupolonaanaa (dark night of cramps). Kupolomaikau (dark night of chronic sickness). Kupolohelele (dark night of flying Lo or being). Kupolopaiuma (dark night of slapping chest). Kupolohaihai (dark night of breaking). Wife.--The meaning. Pakau (plate hung or put up). Hemolua (loosed in pairs). Naio (worms in food or water). Kelekele (fat, muddy). Hapulu (stem of a Pulu tree). Napulu (that light substance found in a Pulu tree). Kuamoo (path). Muumuu (maimed, broken limbed). Moonawe (slow, writhing snake). Helua (hole, counted, worn out). Poiwa (ninth night). Nana (look, audacious, month). Nakulu (drops, rumbling noise). Eiamai (here it is). Lelehewa (mistaken interference). Kimopu (to fall together). Holi (thin, slight). Kupolupaiuma (dark night of scattering strokes of chest). Luli (roll, turn one way or the other). p. 44 The husband.--The meaning. Kupokeleau (dark night of swamps.) Kupolonaunau (dark night of chewing). Kupoloahilo (dark night of Hilo, night of the moon). Kupolomakanui (dark night of big eyes). Kupomaiana (very dark it became). Kupolokahuli (dark night of overthrow). Kupololili (dark night of Lo jealousy). Kupololililili (dark night of extreme jealousy). Kupololalala (dark night of sun bath). Kupolohalala (dark night of reeling). Kupololuana (dark night of a gathering). Kupololailai (dark night of a calm). Kupololaiolo. Kupoloololaimai (dark night of calmness coming). Kupololaiaku (dark night of calmness going). Kupolohilihili (dark night of strokes). Kupolomalimali (dark night of Lo seeking favor). Kupoloale (dark night of Lo swallowing). Wife.--The meaning. Makeamo (by the carrying). Imo (wink, twinkle). Lua (hole, wrestle). Hulili (glare). Manu (bird). Hulu (feather). Namaka (the eyes). Pulupuli. Naku (wade). Ahi (fire). Hoaka (glitter, second night of the moon). Lelea (to jump or leap, he leapt the fence). Hanau (give birth, was born). Ilimai (willed to me, a legacy). Hooilo (winter months). Makan*lau (numbers of presents). Hulipumai (they all turned over). Leleiluna (flew upwards). p. 45 The husband.--The meaning. Kupoloimo (dark night of Lo winking). Kupolokalili (dark night of Lo with jealousy). Kupolomene. Kupolohulu (dark night of Lo's feathers). Kupolohulilau (dark night of search leaves). Kupolohulimai (dark night to turn backward). Kupolokamanao (dark night of thoughts). Kupolokeweka. Kupolokulu (dark night of dropping). Kupolonehea. Kupolohaliu (dark night of facing you, or up or anywhere). Kupolonakunaku (dark night to wallow). Kupoloololi (dark night of unevenness). O Polo (night of Lo). Polohili (Lo's night of striking). Polokau (Lo's night of hanging or put up). Polouli (Lo's night of darkness). Polopolo. Polohamu (Lo's night of greed). Wife.--The meaning. Holookoa (whole, actually ran). Uliuli (dark, blackness). Hiwauli (precious one of darkness). Kinopu (prancing). Makaiao (watching of the dawn). Makiaoea (sickly fingernail). Ewa (uneven, make faces). Lukona. Eapaipai (flapping tortoise). Hulihele (search around). Maliu (listen to me, hearken to me). Uliau (I am bruised). Holeaku (strip it). Nolu (soft, spongy). Kau (put up, season). Uli (dark, bruise). Polo (to pretend). Hamu (eating this, that, and everything, to search). Nini (pour out, offended). p. 46 The husband.--The meaning. Polonini (Lo's night of anger, pour). Polohaihai (Lo's dark night of breaking). Poloheihei (pretending racing). Kupolohanuai (stand and pretend to seek food). Polomahimahi. Poloaku. Polomai. Eliakapolo (the digging of the polo). Ekukukapolo (the standing polo). Halimaikapolo. Hoopoloiho. Poloku (night of danger). Polokane. Polohiwa (choice polo). Polomua (the first polo). Popolomea (something polo). Popolohuamea (berries of mea). Popolokaia. Polonananana (spider god). Polomakiawa. Poloanewa. Polohauhau (striking polo). Polohehewa. Polomehewa. Poloulaa (overturning god). Poloahiwa. Wife--The meaning. Haihai (break into pieces). Hei (caught). Hanuai (search for food). Ewa (uneven). Kolo (creep). Maluape (protecting ape). Pelepele (swampy). Puaa (pig). Puaakame. Uluea (growing turtles). Hiamanu. Paka (cut off in pieces, tobacco). Leleamio (leap neatly). Halu (yield when pressed). Menea. Miomio (slick, prim). Omo (s**). Lanaki (float ki). Manahulu. Laohe (day of bamboo). Peleaku. Nan*le (void). Huamua (first word). Hewa (sin, wrong, mistake). Makolu (deep cut, measure three fingers). Hiwa (choice, precious). p. 47 The husband.--The meaning. Poloula (redness of the god Polo). Polowe-na. Poloimu. Polokakahia. Poloi. Poloii (yellow polo). Polohipa (strange polo). Polohipakeke. Polohi-pakaka. Polohi-hele-hele-lahiki. Polohi-paukahiki. Polohilele. Poloahaumea (Haumea's polo night). Poloahiluna (fire god above). Polokaumai (Polo's night above). Polokaulani (Polo's night in heaven). Poloikamakani (Polo in the wind). Poloikai (Polo towards the sea). Poloikamehana (Polo in heat). Poloimaumau (Polo of firmness). Poloimauna (Polo of the mountain). Poloilaau (Polo of the wood). Poloikanahele (Polo of the forest). Wife.--The meaning. Ula (red, bright). We-na (red glow). Mohalu (anything that yields when pressed). Kanakau. Ii (mouldy). Hipa (odd). Pepa. Meao (something to pierce). Lahiki (sun is come). Kahiki (foreign land). Kaahiki (journey). Haumea (a goddess). Ahiluna (fire above). Kaumai (laid on, lay it on). Kaulani (on the heavens or sacred place). Kamakani (the wind). Ikai (at sea, bring some salt water). Kamehani. Maumau (over and over). Mauna (mountain, hill). Laau (wood, stick). Kanahele (forest of trees). Kukulu (build, implant). p. 48 The husband.--The meaning. Poloikukulu (Polo did build). Poloihoomoe. Poloihanahana. O Polokahiau. Poloikalua (Polo in the ditch). Poloahiko. Poloikaha. Poloihilima. Poloioaiku. Polomauli. Polokokoiele. Polokuaiwa. Polohemo. Polokinau. Polokii. Pololii. Polowaikaua. Liili. Liiliauau. Liilikamau. Liililiili. Liilihalula. Liilimama. Liilimanua. Liilihakahaka. Liiliha. Liilihemoaku. Liilikaumai. Liiliaolo. Wife.--The meaning. Hoomoe (laid down). Hanahana (hot, excessive heat). Kahaiau (temple). Luahiko. Hiko. Kaha (large, fat). Lima (hands). Waiku (standing water). Mauli (gasping). Koiele (swing). Iiwa. Hemo (undone, wrenched, taken of, separated). Nahunahu (in travail, bitten in bits). Oliiloa. Mano (shark). Halula (sea eggs). Pomea (night of things). Auau (bathe, bathing). Kamau (to eat, to fasten firmly). Holiholi (thin, slight). Nanaahu (inspect the tapas). Hole (strip). Holehole (as above). Pilimau (close companionship). Hoohene (to make fun of). Iwiaku (bone of the bonito). Lahikama. Iliuli (dark skin). Oloolo (baggy, hang loosely). p. 49 The husband.--The meaning. Liilipihapiha. Liilinuunuu. Liilihelelima. Liiliau. Liilimiha. Liilinanaia. Liilipelu-a. Liilimahimahi. Liilikaliaka. Liilimelau. Liilileoleo. Liililimanu. Liilikapili. Liiliholowaa. Liiliholomau. Liilikalele. Liilikaili. Liilipoipo. Liiliwalewale. Liilihanahana. Liilihuliana. Liiliwahipali. Liilinohopali. Liilinohoana. Liilikauhale. Liilipulepule. Liilila. Liilihou. Liilikakii. Liilikahuli. Wife.--The meaning. Nuunuu (crimpy). Helelinaa (walk on crags). Auli (who*edom, by Uli the god). Nolunolu (soft as down). Haleakeaka (house of shadow). Puluka (stalk of the Pulu). Maluli. Makauma (eye for wrestling). Nahili (put on a false trail). Poloa (long night). Popoko (short night). Poimoimo (blinking night). Poiauwale (night gone without incidents). Poilumai (night of strewing). Poinanaia (forgot the fishes). Onanana (pain of travail). Nanaue (looking askance). Nahuila (the red fires). Meia (with him or her, so). Kulaimoku (overturn the ship). Pihi (small). Pililau (enormous stakes on bet). Maeleele (numbness). Kauhale (houses). Palia (craggy precipice). Pule (pray, prayer). Halawai (meeting, met). Leleipaoa (flew at dead of night). Miliamau (fondle often). Kulana (unsteady, position). p. 50 The husband.--The meaning. Liilih*mole. Liilipukaua. Liilililulilo. Liililan*lana. Liililanakila. Liililanaau. Liilimalana. Liiliahula. Liilipukiu. Liilipaluku. Liilimaemae. Liiokioki. Liialiilii. Liiakauliilii. Liiakamama. Liiamama. Liipaepae. Liiumu. Liiluakii. Liiluakini. Liimolohi. Liikauunahele. Liiaupa. Liimuliawa. Liinewaku. Liihomali. Liipulama. Liipalama. Liiohinu. Wife.--The meaning. Iwaiwa (maiden-hair fern). Luna (upward, above, official). Kaua (we, us). Lilo (gone, given away). Kila (steel, seal). Kilaua. Maaa (name of Lahama wind). Lana (float, launch). Piko (navel, centre). Hulikau (overturned on top). Pakapaka (blotches). Liilii (small bits). Lilioma. Manukele (wet-bird). Mama (swift, chew). Paepae (sill of a door). Umu (native oven). Kii (image, went after something). Kini (1,000, forties, friends). Lohi (late, slowly). Nahele (forest, woods weeds). Upa (slammed, banged, slapped). Liawa. Newaku (stood unsteady). Mali (fasten the bait with twine, deceive). Pulama (fondle, make great deal of). Palama (seclusion). Ohinu (to besmear, to roast). Omaka (sprout, budding, sowing of). p. 51 The husband.--The meaning. Liiomaka. Liipau. O A (light, on fire, some thing brilliant). Alii (a chief, person of rank). Aliilaa (chief dedicated). Aliiaka (shadow of a chief). Aliimau (always a chief). Aliialii (chief of chiefs). Aliipoi (chief made much of). Aliikono (chief's invitation). Aliipahu (stabbing chief). Aliiume (chief that would drag you down). Aliihala (chief full of crime). Aliiponi (chief dedicated). Aliilanahu (charcoal chief). Aliikaea (tired chief). Wife.--The meaning. Olua (you two). Kaneiwa (nine husbands). O Lii (finest, tiny). Laa (dedicated to a deity or high chief). Aka (shadow, laugh, but). Mau (fastened, caught, things, more than one). Alii (chief, person of rank). Pohea (which or what, night or night of call). Mii (clasp). Pahu (punch, push, burst). Ume (draw towards you). Hala (missed, gone, pandan*s). Poniponi (very black). Kelenanahu (besmeared with charcoal). Kaekaea (palatable). Hohonupuu (deep hill). Aliihonupuu (chief with throat like a turtle). Opuupuu (full of lumps). }Kaeahonu (life of the turtle). Aliilehelehe (chief with lips). Aliimakolu (chief thrice the rank). Aliinohouka (chief who lived in the mountains). Aliihimuhani. Aliileleiona (flyaway chief). Lehelehe (lips, talkative). Hinakolu (thrice thrown). Mauka (towards the mountain). Haui (sideways). Lopiana. p. 52 The husband.--The meaning. Aliiwalaau (noisy chief). Aliikuwala (acrobat chief). Aliikomokomo (turning in chief). Aliiaku (made chief of). Aliinewa. Aliikuhikuhi (pointing chief). Aliikilo (chief of science). Aliikiloloa (chief that saw in the future). Aliikilopoko (chief that had no depth). O Aliiemi (backward chief). Aliikolo (creeping chief). Aliihelu (chief who tells of his favors). Aliiheluone (chief who dug sand). Aliipuuone (chief who made sand-hill). Aliikamanomano (chief fond of encroaching). Aliihukeakea. Aliipauku (half a chief). Aliinana (staring chief, kind chief). Aliikilokilo (chief of prophecy). Aliikiloluna (chief astrologer). Aliikilolono (chief sk**ed in sound). Aliikiloau (chief sk**ed in swimming). Wife.--The meaning. Kukeleau (I am drenched). Manaaala. Lupuhi (shaking eels). Ikuwa (swell of sound). Mania (smooth, drowsy). Lahulahu. Loa (long, high). Pokopoko (stubby, short, little bits). Anana (measure, six feet). Amiami (sway one's body backward and forth). Lepau (point). Lepeake. Malamu (field of moths). Mahakea (barren field). Hoouli (to turn dark). Pololani (night of Lo's in the heavens). Kalakala (rough surface). Huli (turn over). Kelea (surface made smooth). Halululu (rumbling sounds). Kalahai (broken or interrupted day). Kanamu (little gods). p. 53 The husband.--The meaning. Aliikilohonua (chief sk**ed in the earth). Aliikilouli (chief sk**ed in prophesying). Aliikilokai (chief sk**ed about the seas). Aliikilonalu (chief sk**ed about surfs). Aliikilohulu (chief sk**ed about feathers). Aliikiloahu (chief sk**ed about mounds). Aliikilomakani (chief sk**ed about the wind). Aliikilola (chief sk**ed about observing the sun). Aliikilohoku (chief sk**ed about observing the stars). Aliikilomalama (chief sk**ed about observing the months). Aliikilomakalii (chief sk**ed about observing the winter). Alliikilokau (chief sk**ed about observing the seasons). Aliikilohooilo (chief sk**ed about summer). Aliikaanaau (chief sk**ed about hearts or thoughts). Aliikaanamalama (chief sk**ed about dividing months). Wife.--The meaning. Heanaipu (cave of gourds). Hoowili (repetition). Ume (draw downwards). Ohi (gather, collect). Pelapela (filthy, smutty). Oheohe (slight, slim). Malumalu (shade, safety). Lipoa (a seaweed). Kanulau (plant sprouts). Nahele (weeds or forest). Hoopulu (make damp). Kakelii (belong to the chief). Hulu (feather, down). Lono (heard). Kea (white, to be crossed). p. 54 The husband.--The meaning. Aliikaanaua (chief who divides the rain). Aliikilomoo (chief sk**ed about serpents). Aliikilokua (chief sk**ed about one's back). Aliikiloalo (chief sk**ed about one's front). Aliikilohope (chief sk**ed about one's fate). Aliikilomua (chief sk**ed about one's future). Mua (first, future). Muapo (future darkness). Muahaka (future of war). Mualele (future of escape). Muakaukeha (future of pride). Muahale (future of house). Muahalekapu (future of sacred house). Muaanoano (sacred future). Muakekele. Muahaipu (first to break). Muawaa (prow of a canoe). Muapoipoi (first to fondle). Muakamalulu. Muahelei (first to stretch). Muakohukohu. Muakahukahu. Muaoma. Muan*lu. Wife--The meaning. Papahuli (overturned board). Moolio (taut). Kilohi (look backward with self-admiration). Anapu (flash). A-aa (veins). Pehe. Wanaku (pierced by wana). Haina (betrayed). Kulamau (forgiven repeatedly). Hilipo (slash in the night). Keanukapu. Laapilo. Hoohali (draw out to betray). Nauia (that is yours; chew it). Ipu (container, a vessel or dish). Kahiko (old, stale). Po-i (cover up the dish, cover of a dish). Helenaku (walk shuffling). Kaukahi (singly). Lulu (shake, lull). Moolelo (a tale, history). Kapili (to join together). Kahu (servant). Anoano (holy). p. 55 The husband.--The meaning. Muan*luhaki. Muan*lupopoi. Muan*lukalohe. Muan*luhaikakala. Mualala. Muahaipu. Muapule. Muahanuala. Muaikekele. Muaipoipo. Muakalaikii. Muaikawaa. Muaiopele. Muaiopola. Muapali. Muahoopo. Muaunu. Muahai. Mualupe. Muakala. Muawekea. Muahilo. Muakahu. Muakahukahu. Muaamama. Muaahilu. Muaanoa. Muaalealea. Muainakalo. Muaohupu. Muaikauka. Wife.--The meaning. Nalu (surf). Pokii (younger in birth). Nanaku. Moku (island, cut, pulled apart). Hoonahu (pretend to bite). Apiapi (gills of a fish). Mahoa. Ahia (lighter color, how many). Mulemule (easily offended). Akia (bit in two, a tree). Lena (yellowish). Auhuhu (poisonous shrub). Laaumele (singing wood). Laalaau (woody, branches). Wahine (woman, female). Kikana. Ui-a (beautiful or charming). Kahuli (changeable, overturned). Elieli (dig, dug). Moomoo (soaking and bundling of tapa before pounding). Kapu (sacred). Lau (leaf). Eiwa (nine). Hiliahu (weave the cloth). Kaomi (press down). Auwe (an exclamation, oh!). Olopule. Kaimai (led hither). Kinika. Niniha (cross, ill temper). Niniahu. p. 56 The husband.--The meaning. Muaikumuka. Muaikaunukukanaka. Muaokalele. Muaokahaiku. Muaokahanuu. Muaokalani. Muamamao. Muanuunuu. Muaokamoi. Muaokahai. Muaokeoma. Muaokepahai. Muaokaoliko. Muaokapahu. Muaokahana. Muaokahanai. Muaokaipu. Muaumeumeke. Muaapoi. Muaahuliau. Muaipapio. Muailoiloi. Loimua. Loikahi. Loilua. Loiloi. Loikalakala. Loiloloi. Loilolohi. Loinuiloi. Loiloikaka. Loiakama. Loiiopoe. Loiloinui. Wife.--The meaning. Moemole. Mokukaha (wide cut). Opilopilo (stench). Meheia. Kamanuhaahaa (humble-bird). Leleamio (jump sprightly). Aumalani. Kahakaua (division of war). Holi (thin). Haehae (to tear). Mano (four thousand). Opelele (flying bundle). Ehu (yellow). Kapilipili (paste together). Hapoe. Hunu. Ohekele (watery tube). Pukapu (sacred couch). Ponouli. Lehiwa (to admire). Keleauma. Pohopoho (exposing the back). Nanio. Pa-e (heard). Pililauhea. Manukoha (chirping bird). Kanaia (it is his). Naio (worms). Puhimaka (raw eels). Kalino (rope for throttling). Kalaniahu (robe of heaven). Poepoe (round). Hiloauama. Uhuau. p. 57 The husband.--The meaning. Loipouli. Loimia. Loiapele. Loiahemahema. Loiakio. Loialuluka. Loiahamahamau. Loioloolo. Loikolohonua. Loiipulau. Loianomeha. Loikinikini. Loimanomano. Loiloimai. Loiloikapu. Loiloikala. Loiloinahu. Loiloipili. Loiahuahu. Loikulukulu. Loipilipa. Loipilipili. Loihalalu. Loihalululu. Loiloilele. Loiloipa. Loipakeke. Loiloipo. Loiloipololo. Loiipololo. Loikamakele. Loihialoa. Wife.--The meaning. Muku (short, stubby). Leleiona (fly towards him). Haikala. Nakulu (the drops). Kukala (proclaim). Hiipoi. Olo (baggy, water jug). Papaa (slab). Hano (asthma). Mahoe (twins). Kaloa (24th, 25th, 26th night of the moon). Pokipoki (a bug). Kinikahi. Holiolio (pa**ing objects). Alohi (dazzling). Aheaka (it is a shadow). Naio (sill, edge). Wali (ground). Walihooke. Nohopali (sit on precipice). Nohinohi (variegated). Mahealani (16th night of the moon). Palimu (mount of midgets). Kahiona (countenance). Lukama. Kahikahi (to rub, smooth). Waikeha. Manini (a fish). Hinalo (the flower of the pandan*s). Oamaamaku (schools of mullet). Lahi (a species of banana). Keleakaku. p. 58 The husband.--The meaning Loimanuwa. Loikalokalo. Loiihiihi. Loihilimau. Loimoemoe. Loipilopilo. Loikoikoi. Loikoiii. Loiloloilo. Loiloloilo. Loiloloikapu. Loilalolo. Loiloinaka. Loiloila. Loiloikopea. Loiimaumaua. Loiikukii. Loiimanini. Loiipukapuka. Loiomilu. Loiomiliapo. Loiomakana. Loiokan*loa. Loiokiikii. Loiihiikua. Loiihiialo. Loiokanaha. Loiikeluea. Loiopilihala. Loiomalelewaa. Loiieleele. Loipo. Wife.--The meaning. Lahipoko (short banana). Pauha (disappoint). Kaheka (pits in the rocks on seashores). Piopio (the cry of chicks). Hookaukau (about to sleep). Hooiloli (pregnancy). Puapua (birds' tail feathers). Mahiapo (work till night). Kulukau (hanging drops). Kupee (bracelets, anklets). Kealanuu (terraced path). Kinana (brood of chickens). Pulelehu (like ashes). Milimili (handle, fondle). Apoapoahi (catching fire). Pola (centre platform of a double canoe). Houpo (breast, bosom). Kakiwi (plant slips of branches). Polinahe (small stomach). Ipulau (bowl of leaves). Nahawiliea. Hoolaumiki. Palahalaha (flat). Hulikahikeoma. Kahiliapoapo (brush and catch). Kaheihei (the race). Hilipalahalaha (broad braid). Apuwaiolika (draught of water). Ohiohikahanu (quick breath). Palakeaka (stained shadow). Mimika. Kilika (thrash around). p. 59 Polaa (sacred night) was born. Then Storm was born, the Tide was born, The Crash was born, and also bursts of bubbles. Confusion was born, also rushing, rumbling, shaking earth. The sea became calm and mountains rose; Water became lakes and formed houses; With great awe the posts rose, And shouts ascended when the spear of Kauikaho was flung. He wrestled with Kan*loa, Kanikahoe. Second night was born in the presence of Wakea. Stormy night was born. Plenty was born. A fowl was born on the back of Wakea. Then Kupololiilialiimuaoloipo died; The Aukaha Opikokahonua died; he was a warrior. The leaves bore and disappeared, Disappeared in the darkest night.