Ptolemy - Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - Book 4: Ch. 7 lyrics


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Ptolemy - Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - Book 4: Ch. 7 lyrics

CHAPTER VII FRIENDS AND ENEMIES WITH respect to friendship and enmity, it may be observed that great and lasting familiarities, or disagreements, are respectively called sympathies and enmities; while the smaller, such as arise occasionally, and subsist for a short time only, are denominated casual intimacies and strifes: the whole are to be contemplated according to the following rules. Indications of great and lasting friendships, or enmities, may be perceived by observation of the ruling places, exhibited in the respective nativities of both the persons, between whom the friendship or enmity may subsist. It is consequently essential to observe the places of the Sun, the Moon, the ascendant, and the part of fortune; for, should all these in both nativities be in the same signs, or should either all or most of them be counterchanged in position in each nativity, and especially should the two ascendants be within the distance of seventeen degrees from each other, they will create fixed and indissoluble friendship. On the other hand, should they be in signs inconjunct, or in opposition, they will produce great and lasting enmity. If, however, they be not constituted in either of the modes above mentioned, but merely configurated in signs, they will then produce minor friendship; provided such configuration exist by trine or s**tile; but, if by quartile, they will excite minor enmity, so as to take effect at certain particular times, in which the friendship remains, as it were, inactive and subdued, while the malefics transit the configuration: and, in a similar manner, enmity also will be softened and abated, when the benefics may enter upon the configuration. The friendship and enmity, which men bear towards each other, may be cla**ed under three general heads. One kind is suggested by spontaneous wilfulness; another, by the idea of profit; and another, by pain and pleasure mutually excited. And, therefore, should either all or most of the aforesaid places be in familiarity with each other, friendship of all the three kinds will be established: so, also, should the places be entirely without familiarity, similar enmity will be established. If, however, familiarity, or absence of familiarity (as the case may be), exist only as regards the places of the luminaries, friendship or enmity will then be established by spontaneous will; and friendship thus produced is the best and most secure; while, on the other hand, enmity so arising is, in like manner, the worst and most dangerous. The friendship, or enmity, consequent on the familiarity or non-familiarity of the respective parts of Fortune, will be established on the idea of profit; and that, consequent on a similar disposition of the respective ascendants, will arise from pain or pleasure mutually excited between the parties. It will, however, be necessary to pay still further attention to the places in question, in order to observe whether any and what planets may be in elevation above them, or in aspect to them; because, among all the said places, that particular one, to which any planet in elevation, or in succession, may be adjacent, whether in the same sign, or in the next, will possess the more powerful influence over friendship or enmity: and whichever place may have its aspecting planets more powerfully benefit, will operate in a greater degree 1 to advantage in friendship, and to the relaxation of enmity. The foregoing instructions are applicable to such friendships or enmities as are great and lasting. But, in the case of others, which subsist only occasionally, and which have been defined as casual intimacies and strifes, it is essential to make observation of the motions of the planets, as exhibited by each nativity; that is to say, the times are to be calculated, on the completion of which the motions of the planets of one nativity will cause them to enter on certain places of the other nativity; for it is at such periods that certain particular friendships and enmities occur, continuing for a short time, until the said ingress of the planets shall have pa**ed over. For instance, Saturn and Jupiter, when making ingress upon each other's places, produce friendship by certain agreements, or engagements, relating either to agriculture or to inheritance: Saturn and Mars create contention and treachery spontaneously entertained: Saturn and Venus, friendship between kindred; liable, however, soon to grow cool: Saturn and Mercury, friendship on account of business, or profit, or some secret art or mystery. Jupiter and Mars create friendship in the direction of affairs, and by means of dignities; Jupiter and Venus also create friendship by means of female persons, or attendants on religion, or on oracles: Jupiter and Mercury, friendship by means of eloquence and science, and philosophical inclinations. Mars and Venus cause friendship in the course of amours, adultery, and fornication: Mars and Mercury excite hatred and strife by offences committed in business and trade, or by sorcery. And Venus and Mercury produce communion by means of the arts and sciences, by a mutual interest in literature, or by female persons. It is in this manner that the planets operate in producing friendship or enmity. And their comparative intensity or relaxation of vigour is to be distinguished by the situation of the places, which they occupy, with regard to the four principal and ruling places: for, should they be posited in angles, at the places of the respective parts of Fortune, or at those of the luminaries, they will render the casual intimacies or strifes more eminent and remarkable; but, if they be remote from these places, their effects will not be highly conspicuous. The comparative degree of injury or advantage, liable to be received, is to be discerned by means of the good or evil properties of such planets as may be thus in aspect to the aforesaid places. With respect to servants, the sign of the evil dæmon is considered as the place to which the disposition ruling over them must be referred; and it is to be observed what planets are in aspect to that place, both at the actual time of nativity, and at that of any ingresses made upon it, or oppositions to it; and also, especially, whether the lords of the said sign may be configurated in familiarity with the ruling places of the nativity, or not in familiarity.