Ptolemy - Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - Book 3: Ch. 18 lyrics


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Ptolemy - Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - Book 3: Ch. 18 lyrics

CHAPTER XVIII THE QUALITY OF THE MIND THE consideration of circumstances applicable to the body is practised under the foregoing rules. Of the spiritual qualities, however, all those which are national and intellectual are contemplated by the situation of Mercury; while all others, which regard the mere sensitive faculties, and are independent of reason, are considered rather by other luminaries of a less subtle constitution and more ponderous body; for instance, by the Moon and such stars as she may be configurated with, as well by separation, 1 as by application. Now the mind is liable to impulse in a multiplicity of directions, and the investigation of them cannot be summarily nor hastily performed, but must be conducted by means of many various observations: for the different qualities of the signs, containing Mercury and the Moon, or such stars as hold any influence over those two, are well competent to contribute towards the properties of the mind; so likewise are the configurations made with the Sun and the angles, by stars bearing any relation to the point in question; besides, also, the peculiar nature exercised by each star in operating upon the mental movements. Thus, the tropical signs generally dispose the mind to enter much into political matters, rendering it eager to engage in public and turbulent affairs, fond of distinction, and busy in theology; at the same time, ingenious, acute, inquisitive, inventive, speculative, and studious of astronomy and divination. Bicorporeal signs render the mind variable, versatile, not easy to be understood, volatile, and unsteady; inclined to duplicity, amorous, wily, fond of music, careless, full of expedients, and regretful. Fixed signs make the mind just, uncompromising, constant, firm of purpose, prudent, patient, industrious, strict, chaste, mindful of in-juries, steady in pursuing its object, contentious, desirous of honour, seditious, avaricious, and pertinacious. Oriental positions, and those in the ascendant, especially if made by planets in their proper faces, 2 make men liberal, frank, self-confident, brave, ingenious, unreserved, yet acute. Oriental stations, and positions on the mid-heaven, or culminations, make men reflective, constant, of good memory, firm, prudent, magnanimous, successful in pursuing their desires, inflexible, powerful in intellect, strict, not easily imposed upon, judicious, active, hostile to crime, and skilful in science. Precedent and occidental positions make men unsteady, irreverent, imbecile, impatient of labour, easily impressed, humble, doubting, wavering, boastful, and cowardly, slothful, lazy, and hard to rouse. Occidental stations, and positions on the lower heaven (as well as Mercury and Venus, when making vespertine descension by day, and rising in the night), will render the mind ingenious and sagacious, but not capable of great recollection, nor very industrious; yet inquisitive in occult matters, such as magic and sacred mysteries; also studious of mechanics, and mechanical instruments: addicted to the observation of meteors, to philosophy, to augury by means of birds, and to the judgment of dreams. Further, should the planets having dominion be in places of their own, and in conditions suitable to their own qualities, the mental properties will be rendered exquisite, unimpeded, and successful: and especially if these planets rule at the same time over both places; that is to say, be by some mode configurated with Mercury, and holds separation from, or application to the Moon. Should the said planets, however, not be thus constituted, but be posited in places not particularly appropriate to themselves, they will yet, even then, infuse into the composition of the mental energy the properties of their own nature; but obscurely and imperfectly, and not with such force and strong evidence as in the other case. The peculiar qualities of planets in dominion, or in elevation, are powerfully impressed upon the mental energy: for instance, persons, who, in consequence of the familiarity of the malefics, become wicked and dishonest, have their impulse to commit evil, free and unrestrained, when the said familiarity is not governed by any contrary influence. But, should a contrary condition impede and govern that familiarity, the impulse will be frustrated, and the culprits will be easily overtaken, and undergo punishment. In like manner, persons endowed with goodness and virtue, by the familiarity between the benefits and the before-mentioned places, 1 and when no contrary influence in elevation may interpose, will exert themselves with cheerfulness and alacrity in performing good actions, will be subject to no injustice, but enjoy the advantages of their honesty and virtue. If, however, this familiarity should be superseded by some contrary condition, the very mildness and humanity of these persons will operate to their disadvantage, exposing them to contempt and accusation, and rendering them liable to be wronged by the multitude. The foregoing observations, relative to the moral habit, apply generally; and the particular properties, created in the mental energies by the actual nature of the planets, according to the respective dominion of each, remain to be treated of. The planet Saturn, therefore, when alone possessing dominion of the mind, and governing Mercury and the Moon, and if posited in glory, both cosmically and with respect to the angles, 2 will make men careful of their bodies, 3 strong and profound in opinion, austere, singular in their modes of thinking, laborious, imperious, hostile to crime, avaricious, parsimonious, accumulators of wealth, violent, and envious: but, if he be not in glory, cosmically, and as regards the angles, he will debase the mind, making it penurious, pusillanimous, ill-disposed, indiscriminating, malignant, timorous, slanderous, fond of solitude, repining, incapable of shame, bigoted, fond of labour, void of natural affection, treacherous in friendship and in family connections, incapable of enjoyment, and regardless of the body. 4 Connected with Jupiter in the mode before-mentioned, being also situated in glory, Saturn will render the mind virtuous, respectful, well-intentioned, ready to a**ist, judicious, frugal, magnanimous, obliging, solicitous of good, affectionate in all domestic ties, mild, prudent, patient, and philosophical: but, if thus connected and posited ingloriously, he makes men outrageous, incapable of learning, timorous, highly superstitious, yet regardless of religion, suspicious, averse to children, incapable of friendship, cunning, misjudging, faithless, foolishly wicked, irascible, hypocritical, idle and useless, without ambition, yet regretful, morose, highly reserved, over-cautious, and dull. Conciliated with Mars, and posited in glory, Saturn renders men reckless, over-diligent, free in speech, turbulent, boastful, austere in their dealings, pitiless, contemptuous, fierce, warlike, bold, fond of tumults, insidious, deceitful, and implacable; promoters of faction, tyrannical, rapacious, hostile to the commonwealth, delighting in strife, vindictive, profound in guilt, strenuous, impatient, insolent, mischievous, overbearing, evil, unjust, obstinate, inhuman, inflexible, immutable in opinion, busy, able in office, active, submitting to no opposition, and on the whole successful in their undertakings; but, if thus connected, and not placed in glory, he will make men plunderers, robbers, adulterers, submissive to evil, seeking gain by their turpitude, infidels in religion, void of the common affections, mischievous, treacherous, thievish, perjurers, and sanguinary; eaters of unlawful food, familiar with guilt, a**a**ins, sorcerers, sacrilegious, impious, violators of the tomb, and, in short, thoroughly depraved. Conciliated with Venus, and being again in glory, Saturn makes men averse to women, and renders them fond of governing, prone to solitude, highly reserved, regardless of rank, indifferent to beauty, envious, austere, unsociable, singular in opinion, addicted to divination and to religious services and mysteries; solicitous of the priesthood, fanatical, and subservient to religion; solemn, reverential, sedate, studious of wisdom, faithful in friendship, continent, reflective, circumspect, and scrupulous in regard to female virtue: but, if he be thus conciliated, and not posited in glory, he makes men licentious and libidinous, practisers of lewdness, careless, and impure in s**ual intercourse; obscene, treacherous to women, especially to those of their own families; wanton, quarrelsome, sordid, hating elegance; slanderous, drunken, superstitious, adulterous, and impious; blasphemers of the gods, and scoffers at holy rites; calumniators, sorcerers, hesitating at nothing. If conciliated with Mercury, and if in a glorious position, Saturn makes men inquisitive, loquacious, studious of law and of medicine, mystical, confederate in secrecy, fabricators of miracles, impostors, improvident, cunning, familiar with business, quick in perception, petulant, accurate, vigilant, meditative, fond of employment, and tractable: but, if connected with Mercury, and not posited gloriously, he causes men to be frivolous, vindictive, laborious, alienated from their families, fond of tormenting, and void of enjoyment; night-wanderers, insidious, treacherous, pitiless, and thievish; magicians, sorcerers, forgers of writings, cheats, unsuccessful in their undertakings, and quickly reduced to adversity. Such are the effects of Saturn. When Jupiter alone has dominion of the mind, and is gloriously situated, he renders it generous, gracious, pious, reverent, joyous, courteous, lofty, liberal, just, magnanimous, noble, self-acting, compa**ionate, fond of learning, beneficent, benevolent, and calculated for government: and, if posited ingloriously, he will endow the mind with qualities apparently similar to these, but not of such virtue and lustre: as, instead, of generosity, he will then cause profusion; instead of piety, bigotry; for modesty, timidity; for nobleness, arrogance; for courteousness, folly; for elegance, voluptuousness; for magnanimity, carelessness; and for liberality, indifference. Conciliated with Mars, and being in glory, Jupiter will make men rough, warlike, skilful in military affairs, dictatorial, refractory, impetuous, daring, free in speech, able in action, fond of disputation, contentious, imperious, generous, ambitious, irascible, judicious, and fortunate: but, if thus connected, and not placed in glory, he makes men mischievous, reckless, cruel, pitiless, seditious, quarrelsome, perverse, calumnious, arrogant, avaricious, rapacious, inconstant, vain and empty, unsteady, precipitate, faithless, injudicious, inconsiderate, senseless,. and officious; inculpators, prodigals, triflers, altogether without conduct, and giving way to every impulse. When conciliated with Venus, and in a glorious position, Jupiter will render the mind pure, joyous, delighting in elegance, in the arts and sciences, and in poetry and music; valuable in friendship, sincere, beneficent, compa**ionate, inoffensive, religious, fond of sports and exercises, prudent, amiable, and affectionate, gracious, noble, brilliant, candid, liberal, discreet, temperate, modest, pious, just, fond of glory, and in all respects honourable and worthy; but, if posited ingloriously, when so connected, he makes men luxurious, soft, effeminate, fond of dancing, indulgent in expenses, incapable of managing women, yet amorous and lascivious; mean, slanderous, adulterous, fond of dress, dissolute, dull, wasteful, without energy, enervated, fond of personal adornment, womanish in mind, yet observant of holy rites and ceremonies, faithful, harmless, pleasant, affable, cheerful, and liberal to misfortune. If connected with Mercury, and posited in glory, Jupiter will render men fit for much business, fond of learning, and of geometry and the mathematics; poetical, public orators, acute, temperate, well-disposed, skilful in counsel, politic, beneficent, able in government, pious, religious, valuable in all useful professions, benevolent, affectionate in their families, ready in acquiring knowledge, philosophical, and dignified: but when so connected, and placed ingloriously, he will produce contrary effects, rendering men frivolous, empty, contemptible, credulous of falsehood, senseless, fanatical, trifling, petulant, affectors of wisdom, stupid, arrogant, pretenders in art, magicians, and vacillating: Yet he will also produce men sk**ed in various learning, and of strong memory, capable of imparting instruction, and pure in their enjoyments. Mars alone having dominion of the mind, and placed with glory, makes men noble, imperious, irascible, warlike, versatile, powerful in intellect, daring, bold, refractory, careless, obstinate, acute, self-confident, contemptuous, tyrannical, strenuous, stern and able in government: but, posited ingloriously, he makes men cruel, mischievous, sanguinary, tumultuous, extravagant in expense, boisterous, ruffian-like, precipitate, drunken, rapacious, pitiless, familiar with crime, restless, outrageous, hostile to their families, and infidels in religion. Should he be conciliated with Venus, and posited in glory, he renders the mind cheerful, docile, friendly, complacent, joyous, playful, frank, delighting in songs and dancing, amorous, fond of the arts, and of dramatic personation, voluptuous, brave, libidinous in desire, sensible, cautious, and discreet; disposed to free s**ual intercourse, 1 quick in anger, extravagant in expense, and jealous: but, if he have an inglorious position when thus conciliated, he makes men overbearing, lascivious, sordid, opprobious, adulterous, mischievous, liars, fabricators of deceit, cheats of their own families as well as others, eager in desire, and at the same time soon satiated, debauchers of wives and virgins, daring, impetuous, ungovernable, treacherous, faithless, dangerous, fickle and weak in mind; and occasionally also wasteful, fond of dress, audacious, and shameless. Connected with Mercury, and placed in glory, Mars renders men skilful in command, cautious, strenuous, active, obstinate, yet versatile, inventive, sophistical, laborious, busy in all things, eloquent, imposing, deceitful, inconstant, overknowing, maliciously artful, quick witted, seductive, hypocritical, treacherous, habituated to evil, inquisitive, fond of strife, and successful; fair dealers with persons of habits similar to their own, and, in short, altogether mischievous to their enemies, though beneficial to their friends: but, if Mars be posited ingloriously, and thus connected, he makes men prodigal, yet avaricious, cruel, daring, bold, regretful and vacillating; liars, thieves, infidels in religion, perjurers, and impostors; seditious, incendiaries, frequenters of theatres, covered with infamy, robbers, housebreakers, sanguinary, forgers of writings, familiar with crime, jugglers, magicians, sorcerers, and a**a**ins. When Venus rules alone in a position of glory, she renders the mind benignant, good, voluptuous, copious in wit, pure, gay, fond of dancing, jealous, abhorring wickedness, delighting in the arts, pious, modest, well-disposed, happy in dreams, affectionate, beneficent, compa**ionate, refined in taste, easily reconciled, tractable, and entirely amiable: but, if contrarily posited, she renders the mind dull, amorous, effeminate, timorous, indiscriminating, 'sordid, faulty, obscure, and ignominious. Conciliated with Mercury, and posited with glory, Venus makes men lovers of the arts, philosophical, of scientific mind and good genius, poetical, delighting in learning and elegance, polite, voluptuous, luxurious in their habits of life, joyous, friendly, pious, prudent, fitted for various arts, intelligent, not misled by error, quick in learning, self-teaching, emulous of worth, followers of virtue, copious and agreeable in speech, serene and sincere in manner, delighting in exercise, honest, judicious, high-minded, and continent in desire as regards women; but, when so conciliated and posited adversely, she will make men oppressive, fit for various arts, evil-tongued, unsteady, malevolent, fraudulent, turbulent, liars, calumniators, faithless, crafty, insidious, practised in evil, uncourteous, debauchers of women, corrupters of youth, fond of personal adornment, dissolute, infamous, notoriously offensive and publicly complained of, yet striving after all things. Mercury, alone, having dominion of the mind, and being in a glorious position, renders it prudent, clever, sensible, capable of great learning, inventive, expert, logical, studious of nature, speculative, of good genius, emulous, benevolent, skilful in argument, accurate in conjecture, adapted to sciences and mysteries, and tractable: but, when placed contrarily, he makes men busy in all things, precipitate, forgetful, impetuous, frivolous, variable, regretful, foolish, inconsiderate, void of truth, careless, inconstant, insatiable, avaricious, unjust; and altogether of slippery intellect, and predisposed to error. To these influences and their effects, as above detailed, the Moon also contributes: for, should she be in the bends of her southern or northern boundary, she will render the properties of the mind more various, more versatile in art, and more susceptible of change: if she be in her nodes, she will make them more acute, more practical, and more active. Also, when in the ascendant, and during the increase of her illumination, she augments their ingenuity, perspicuity, firmness and expansion; but, when found in her decrease, or in occultation, she renders them more heavy, more obtuse, more variable of purpose, more timid, and more obscure. The Sun likewise co-operates, when conciliated with the lord of the mental temperament; contributing, if he be in a glorious position, to increase probity, industry, honour, and all laudable qualities; but, if adversely situated, he increases debasement, depravity, obscurity, cruelty, obstinacy, moroseness, and all other evil qualities.