Ptolemy - Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - Book 2: Ch. 13 lyrics


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Ptolemy - Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - Book 2: Ch. 13 lyrics

CHAPTER XIII MODE OF CONSIDERATION FOR PARTICULAR CONSTITUTIONS OF THE ATMOSPHERE THE first part of the consideration, requisite to form an estimate of the various constitutions liable to take effect in the atmosphere, applies to the general qualities pervading the several quarters of the year, and has therefore the most extended scope. In order to learn these qualities, it is necessary, in every quarter, to observe, as above directed, the new or full Moon which may happen before 1 the period of the Sun's transit through either tropical or equinoctial point, whichever it may be; and to arrange the angles (as in the case of a nativity) according to the degree and hour at which the new or full Moon may be found to happen, in every latitude for which the consideration may be desired. Such planets and stars as may have dominion over the places where the said new or full Moon happens, and over the following angle, are then to be noted, in the same manner as that stated with regard to eclipses. And after these preliminary steps have been attended to, a general inference may be drawn as to the proper qualities of the whole quarter; and the intensity or relaxation of their operation is to be contemplated from the natures of the ruling planets and stars, distinguished by the faculties they possess, and by the mode in which they affect the atmosphere. The second part of the consideration relates to each month, and requires a similar observation of the new or full Moon first taking place on the Sun's progress through each sign: and it must be remembered, that, if a new Moon should have happened at a period nearest to the Sun's transit over the past tropical or equinoctial point, the new Moon also in each succeeding sign, until the commencement of the next quarter, are to be observed; but, if a full Moon should have so happened, then similar observation is to be made of each subsequent full Moon. The angles, also, must be duly attended to, as well as the planets and stars ruling in both the places 1; and especially the nearest phases, applications, and separations of the planets, and their properties. The peculiar qualities of the two places, and the winds, liable to be excited by the planets themselves and by those parts of the signs in which they may be situated, are likewise to be considered; and also that particular wind, which is indicated by the direction of the Moon's ecliptical latitude. By the aid of these observations, and by weighing and comparing the existing vigour of each of the several properties and qualities, the general constitution of the atmosphere during each month may be predicted. The third part of this consideration appertains to significations applying more minutely, and points out their force or weakness. In this case, the partile configurations of the Sun and Moon, at the intermediate quarters, as well as at the new or full Moon, are to be attentively regarded; since there is a certain variation in the constitution of the atmosphere, which usually commences about three days before, and sometimes, also, about three days after the Moon has equated her course to the Sun. The configurations effected between the Moon, at each quarterly equation, and the planets, whether by the trine, s**tile, or other authorized distances, are also to be observed; because the peculiar property of the change in the constitutions of the atmosphere depends much upon such configurations, and may be accordingly perceived by considering the nature of the influence which the said configurated planets and the signs exercise over the atmosphere and the winds. The particular quality of the weather, thus produced, will be more fully established on certain days; especially when the brighter and more efficacious fixed stars may be near the Sun, either matutine or vespertine; as, when so posited, they most frequently convert the constitution of the atmosphere to an agreement with their own natures: and, when the Luminaries may transit any one of the angles, a similar effect is also produced. At all such positions the particular constitutions of the atmosphere are subject to variation, and thus become alternately more intense or more relaxed in their respective qualities. In this manner, by certain positions of the Moon, the flux and reflux of the sea are caused: and, when the Luminaries may be in angles, a change of the wind is produced, according to the direction of the Moon's ecliptical latitude. Finally, in all these considerations, it must be remembered that the more general and first constituted cause takes precedence, and that the particular cause comes subsequently and secondarily: and, that the operation is in the highest degree confirmed and strengthened, when the stars, which regulate the general effects, may be also configurated towards the production of the particular effects.