Prince Ea - The Brain lyrics


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Prince Ea - The Brain lyrics

[Intro Skit: Cla** Teacher] Quiet down cla**, qu-quiet down! Mister Preston, take your seat please! Miss Davenport cellphones turned off and put away! Honestly people, my heavens! Thank you! Now today' session we feature a very special guest He comes to us all the way from Saint Louis, Missouri His name is Prince Ea Some of you young people might already be familiar with him Mister Ea will be attempting a feat that is never yet been accomplished in the history of Hip Hop A lyrical look into the 3 pounds organ between the ears and behind the eyes The human brain Now without further ado Is it truly an honor to have him with us today Please gives Mister Ea a warm welcome [Verse 1: Prince Ea] It's a puzzle, so subtle, I'm going to take it apart Hemispherically divested of its extraneous parts See encompa**ed inside of that cranial vault Is the brain, the mainframe And its expansion was due to the advancement of language and art But before that, it was used to outsmart predators Physically weak, yo, we had to be exceptional We had to adapt, we had to make developments Living on Mother Natures doorstep In Africa them Savannahs was absolutely enormous The carnivore threat had us stressed Until them neurons started to fire like a Corvette And Nature selected, and we evolved the more sophisticated cerebral cortex This is the part for deep thought and consciousness Them tiny little Hominids finally got cognitive We started living in groups, developing tools Co-operating and distributing food It may not seem like much but for our species The way of life changed and our image improved The occipitals grew, the parietals and the temporal too The frontal lobe damn near went through the roof If you don't know what these are let me explain them to you, let me explain This is the brain [Skit: Teacher] Wow! That was amazing! I told you guys he was good How do you talk so fast? That's, astounding! Oh! Wha- Oh! There's more!? Oh, I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry! [Verse 2: Prince Ea] Now see the parietal lobe is the spacial awareness center It prevents you from bumping into things, maintaining the body's position Assessing the distance from objects Along with keeping a composite of your self image Now the occipital region is limited division Perception like a projector for a motion picture It's simple, after you see an image its characteristics Are transmitted to this area for recognition Now the temporal is something different Complex and extensive on both sides like peripherals Derived from its Latin name lobus tempus, or lobus temporalis Meaning pod in the temple of the head Which makes perfect sense, because this is the area you access When you're remembering a prayer Yeah, your memory and the auditory senses Language, comprehension's also found in this dimension Now, the frontal lobe runs the show Comparatively the largest of frame And no other part of the brain is coming close The most evolved of all the faculties Its main objective is to act as chief executive of the factory Responsible for creative thinking, strategy Decision making, motor functions and personality The Da Vinci in the cranial cavity But it's the connection to the lobes as a whole that truly makes the masterpiece With this device there's nothing too challenging Because if it can be conceived then it can be done Look at our keystones, we went from primitive acting All the way to splitting the atom and the sequencing the genome From harnessing fire by h*mo Erectus To the limitless energy systems of Nikola Tesla To the Sumerians creating the wheel To German inventor, Karl Benz, making the first true automobile All that we need is the chance and the tools And we can do anything that we set our minds to It was flight, the one thing they said Man couldn't do Until the Wright Brothers came with the plans they drew Of course leave it up to man to go further and greater Only 30 years later we had a man on the moon Examine the examples of proof of Man's intelligence The advances made in medicine have been exceptional We've saved and extended many lives Cause human beings were only supposed to live to age 55 Naturally, but now we go past that See, limitations have always been something that we laughed at But don't brag cause there's trouble next door And our species has always held that double-edged sword The more time that pa**ed, we struggled to find out path And for every good accomplishment is a counterpart twice as bad [Verse 3: Prince Ea] We lose touch living life so fast And exhibit behavior that can be defined as a psychopath As we advance we lose the basics, we still divide people into races And don't realize superiority by pigmentation Is nothing more than a figment of all our imaginations Look at the "science" of eugenics, one of the worst crimes to be committed Systematically sterilizing people for half a century Throwing them into ghettos and calling that "Survival of the Fittest" How smart is the man that's blinded by conviction? We don't understand certain laws are intrinsic Rationalize genocide away and defend it And naturalize the objectification of women and their subservient position See, the brain is a prison, home to many mal dispositions From imperialism, colonialism, exploitation, McDonalization and hedonism; Pedophilia, greed, the need to pillage and coerced by religion That keep people submissive The way we live is parasitic and intrusive, environmentally abusive To the point that the only thing we really produce is pollution It's been happening for so long we don't see a solution But there is one, if we act quickly We don't have to be trapped by our past history We can change it, rearrange it cause the brain is endowed With a funny thing called plasticity Which means the brain is plastic And we can mold it and shape it in whichever way that we imagine We can build a utopian palace Or it can be the reason our entire species collapses Look, it's up to us what our future holds We've got to stop abusing our homes Let's stop overruling that Golden Rule for the Rule of Gold Let's take our minds out of cruise control Man, let's stop snoozing, let's stop feuding See that we are brothers and let's make truces See, it was written in our blueprint You can't spell evolve without love so stop being foolish Let's take a lesson from our children And see the beauty that every Human Being is imbued with And maybe one day in our future We can replace the violence with violins and music It's not too late, let's do this Let's develop our minds, let's not lose them The Brain