Pokemon - Item List: Generation I lyrics


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Pokemon - Item List: Generation I lyrics

Pokemon, even just in Generation I, has a LOT of items. You may get an item and have no idea what to do with it, or you may be searching for methods to make money in the game. Whatever the purpose, we've got you covered with this comprehensive item list. Antidote Awakening Bicycle Bike Voucher Burn Heal Calcium Carbos Card Key Coin Coin Case Dire Hit Dome Fossil Elixer Escape Rope Ether Exp. All Fire Stone Fresh Water Full Heal Full Restore Gold Teeth Good Rod Great Ball Guard Spec. Helix Fossil HP Up Hyper Potion Ice Heal Iron Itemfinder Leaf Stone Lemonade Lift Key Master Ball Max Elixer Max Ether Max Potion Max Repel Max Revive Moon Stone Nugget Oak's Parcel Old Amber Old Rod Paralyze Heal Pokéball Pokédex Pokédoll Pokéflute Potion PP up Protein Rare Candy Repel Revive S.S. Ticket Safari Ball Secret Key Silph Scope Soda Pop Super Potion Super Repel Super Rod Thunder Stone Town Map Ultra Ball Water Stone X Accuracy X Attack X Defend X Special X Speed