Pokemon - Christmas Medley lyrics


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Pokemon - Christmas Medley lyrics

Here's your chance to sing along now We love Pokémon, and so do you Raise your voice, sing Yuletide song now All the tunes are old, the words are new Ash: Everybody knows this one! Rapidashing through the snow With a Horsea on our sleigh Slowpoke and Slowbro Laughing all the way Bellsprout starts to sing So does Magnemite Then Seaking will start to ring The jingle bells tonight! Oh! Poké Balls Poké Balls Throw them all the way You may catch the Pokémon You want on Christmas day, Hey! Poké Balls Poké Balls Throw them all the way You may catch the Pokémon You want on Christmas... Ash: Here's one of my favorites! Nidoking was falling down On his Trainer Steven First they won and then they lost So the match was even "Nidoking, return," he said "I can win this duel." So he called for all to hear: "I choose Tentacruel!" Ash: Brock, this one is for you! Nurse Joy is a girl She sure is fun But I like Jenny too Misty: Brock it, Ash! Here we go a battling Team Rocket once again Just like we have battled since I can't remember when But whatever they do I'll rely on Pikachu And we'll rock them and shock them And set them on their ear And we'll blast 'em off Into the stratosphere Ash: Meowth! Meowth: Oh! Oh! My turn? O Caterpie, O Caterpie Will youse become my bu*terfree? O Caterpie, it's very odd First you must be a Metapod! O Caterpie, O Caterpie I hope you'll be my bu*terfree! Jessie: Hey! Where's my solo? Ash: Here's one for you, Professor! Oak: Um, let me see. Oh yes. I know this one On the twelfth day of Christmas, a Trainer sent to me: Twelve Bulbasaur-ing Jessie and James: Eleven Lapras leaping Jessie, James, and Brock: Ten Tentacruel-ing Ninetales a-wagging Eight Muk a-mucking Seven Squirtle squirting Six Diglett digging James: Five Goldeen Ash: Four Charizard Meowth: Three Ekans Misty: Two Electabuzz All: And a Farfetch'd with great Agility! Ash: Now let's all get together for the big Finale! Come on! You sing along too! We wish you a Marill Christmas We wish you a Marill Christmas We wish you a Marill Christmas And a Hoppip New Year!