Security Guard: Hmm, Well sh**. Springtrap: Security Guard. Where are you? Security guard: You ain't touching my buns... Uh.. Hun! Oh god damnit! Springtrap: When i'm done with you... Your face will look like a mashed potato. Security guard: Yeah, Whatever. Springtrap: Ok. I'm gonna go find that child. But them i'm gonna KILL you! Security guard: Okay bye, Happy travels. Ok let's see her- AHH Springtrap: There was no child in there! Security guard: Double check! Springtrap: I know your messing with me! Where's that child? WHERE ARE YOU HIDING IT!? Security guard: Dude I don't know! Just.. Um... Freddy's behind you. Springtrap: Freddy? Phantom Freddy: Hello. Springtrap: Hello Freddy -_- Security guard: Hi, Freddy! Phantom Freddy: Hi, Security Guard Springtrap: Freddy, Don't talk to this guy. He's an a**hole. Phantom Freddy: :O Profanity Springtrap: Freddy... He's hiding a child from me and he won't show me where. Do you know what that means? Phantom Freddy: Hmm Springtrap: It means we can't throw a birthday party freddy! Phantom Freddy: NO! Springtrap: Yes! We need to find him freddy. He wasn't birthday cake! Phantom Freddy: I'll do my best.. Mam. Springtrap: STOP READING FAN FICS... THEY'RE CONFUSING YOU! I'm starting to think there is no child. Security guard: You just gotta look harder! Springtrap: That's it f**er i'm coming in there. But first i'm gonna do one final check to make sure that, that child doesn't excist. Security guard: Pfft. This job is a total joke. WHO THE fu*k ARE YOU!? Phantom Foxy: Hello. Security guard: AHHHHH Springtrap: :O This is my chance to spring on him. HAVE AT ME! Ow my f**ing knees! Security guard: Get crowbared b*tch! Thanks for the crowbar Foxy. Springtrap: Foxy... What the f**! Phantom Foxy: I don't know... I'm bored. Security guard: Hey springtrap! Springtrap: What!? (6AM Bells) Springtrap: Oh go f** yourself.