Outside the Lines With Rap Genius - OTL 47: Awkword Excerpt #3 - The Movement lyrics


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Outside the Lines With Rap Genius - OTL 47: Awkword Excerpt #3 - The Movement lyrics

Awkword: I was involved in a lot of those ma**ive protests, involved in some of the higher-level academic discussions about these issues. Not as a doctor or professor, but influencing…It's hard for me, I shouldn't say that. I'm a humble guy I was involved at the time in some really serious discussions with the doctors and the professors and the ones doing the sociological studies and trying to provide information that hopefully is now being taught There was definitely, as you said, something there. There's something to be learned from how big it got. I think it's so far in our retrospective now that we don't have a clue how big it was. But there were so many people at these protests all over the country, all over the world. And the ones that I was able to attend, as far as D.C., were really quite incredible SameOldShawn: You were in D.C. at that time? A: Yeah, yeah. Well, no, I never lived in D.C. I'm just saying that I was involved in various efforts in this regard. And for that purpose, the furthest physically, geographically I got was D.C. The really big ones were in D.C., and it was really crazy You're thinking about the capitol here. I mean, this is where the White House is. It's not that far away. It's a few blocks away, and every single street is blocked off. The newspaper banks, those metal things, the phone booths – everything's thrown into the streets. There's no getting to work on these days