Oscar Wilde - A Woman of No Importance (Act 1) lyrics


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Oscar Wilde - A Woman of No Importance (Act 1) lyrics

SCENE Lawn in front of the terrace at Hunstanton. [SIR JOHN and LADY CAROLINE PONTEFRACT, MISS WORSLEY, on chairs under large yew tree.] LADY CAROLINE I believe this is the first English country house you have stayed at, Miss Worsley? HESTER Yes, Lady Caroline. LADY CAROLINE You have no country houses, I am told, in America? HESTER We have not many. LADY CAROLINE Have you any country? What we should call country? HESTER [Smiling.] We have the largest country in the world, Lady Caroline. They used to tell us at school that some of our states are as big as France and England put together. LADY CAROLINE Ah! you must find it very draughty, I should fancy. [To SIR JOHN.] John, you should have your muffler. What is the use of my always knitting mufflers for you if you won't wear them? SIR JOHN I am quite warm, Caroline, I a**ure you. LADY CAROLINE I think not, John. Well, you couldn't come to a more charming place than this, Miss Worsley, though the house is excessively damp, quite unpardonably damp, and dear Lady Hunstanton is sometimes a little lax about the people she asks down here. [To SIR JOHN.] Jane mixes too much. Lord Illingworth, of course, is a man of high distinction. It is a privilege to meet him. And that member of Parliament, Mr. Kettle - SIR JOHN Kelvil, my love, Kelvil. LADY CAROLINE He must be quite respectable. One has never heard his name before in the whole course of one's life, which speaks volumes for a man, nowadays. But Mrs. Allonby is hardly a very suitable person. HESTER I dislike Mrs. Allonby. I dislike her more than I can say. LADY CAROLINE I am not sure, Miss Worsley, that foreigners like yourself should cultivate likes or dislikes about the people they are invited to meet. Mrs. Allonby is very well born. She is a niece of Lord Brancaster's. It is said, of course, that she ran away twice before she was married. But you know how unfair people often are. I myself don't believe she ran away more than once. HESTER Mr. Arbuthnot is very charming. LADY CAROLINE Ah, yes! the young man who has a post in a bank. Lady Hunstanton is most kind in asking him here, and Lord Illingworth seems to have taken quite a fancy to him. I am not sure, however, that Jane is right in taking him out of his position. In my young days, Miss Worsley, one never met any one in society who worked for their living. It was not considered the thing. HESTER In America those are the people we respect most. LADY CAROLINE I have no doubt of it. HESTER Mr. Arbuthnot has a beautiful nature! He is so simple, so sincere. He has one of the most beautiful natures I have ever come across. It is a privilege to meet HIM. LADY CAROLINE It is not customary in England, Miss Worsley, for a young lady to speak with such enthusiasm of any person of the opposite s**. English women conceal their feelings till after they are married. They show them then. HESTER Do you, in England, allow no friendship to exist between a young man and a young girl? [Enter LADY HUNSTANTON, followed by Footman with shawls and a cushion.] LADY CAROLINE We think it very inadvisable. Jane, I was just saying what a pleasant party you have asked us to meet. You have a wonderful power of selection. It is quite a gift. LADY HUNSTANTON Dear Caroline, how kind of you! I think we all do fit in very nicely together. And I hope our charming American visitor will carry back pleasant recollections of our English country life. [To Footman.] The cushion, there, Francis. And my shawl. The Shetland. Get the Shetland. [Exit Footman for shawl.] [Enter GERALD ARBUTHNOT.] GERALD Lady Hunstanton, I have such good news to tell you. Lord Illingworth has just offered to make me his secretary. LADY HUNSTANTON His secretary? That is good news indeed, Gerald. It means a very brilliant future in store for you. Your dear mother will be delighted. I really must try and induce her to come up here to-night. Do you think she would, Gerald? I know how difficult it is to get her to go anywhere. GERALD Oh! I am sure she would, Lady Hunstanton, if she knew Lord Illingworth had made me such an offer. [Enter Footman with shawl.] LADY HUNSTANTON I will write and tell her about it, and ask her to come up and meet him. [To Footman.] Just wait, Francis. [Writes letter.] LADY CAROLINE That is a very wonderful opening for so young a man as you are, Mr. Arbuthnot. GERALD It is indeed, Lady Caroline. I trust I shall be able to show myself worthy of it. LADY CAROLINE I trust so. GERALD [To HESTER.] YOU have not congratulated me yet, Miss Worsley. HESTER Are you very pleased about it? GERALD Of course I am. It means everything to me - things that were out of the reach of hope before may be within hope's reach now. HESTER Nothing should be out of the reach of hope. Life is a hope. LADY HUNSTANTON I fancy, Caroline, that Diplomacy is what Lord Illingworth is aiming at. I heard that he was offered Vienna. But that may not be true. LADY CAROLINE I don't think that England should be represented abroad by an unmarried man, Jane. It might lead to complications. LADY HUNSTANTON You are too nervous, Caroline. Believe me, you are too nervous. Besides, Lord Illingworth may marry any day. I was in hopes he would have married lady Kelso. But I believe he said her family was too large. Or was it her feet? I forget which. I regret it very much. She was made to be an amba**ador's wife. LADY CAROLINE She certainly has a wonderful faculty of remembering people's names, and forgetting their faces. LADY HUNSTANTON Well, that is very natural, Caroline, is it not? [To Footman.] Tell Henry to wait for an answer. I have written a line to your dear mother, Gerald, to tell her your good news, and to say she really must come to dinner. [Exit Footman.] GERALD That is awfully kind of you, Lady Hunstanton. [To HESTER.] Will you come for a stroll, Miss Worsley? HESTER. With pleasure [Exit with GERALD.] LADY HUNSTANTON I am very much gratified at Gerald Arbuthnot's good fortune. He is quite a PROTEGE of mine. And I am particularly pleased that Lord Illingworth should have made the offer of his own accord without my suggesting anything. Nobody likes to be asked favours. I remember poor Charlotte Pagden making herself quite unpopular one season, because she had a French governess she wanted to recommend to every one. LADY CAROLINE I saw the governess, Jane. Lady Pagden sent her to me. It was before Eleanor came out. She was far too good-looking to be in any respectable household. I don't wonder Lady Pagden was so anxious to get rid of her. LADY HUNSTANTON Ah, that explains it. LADY CAROLINE John, the gra** is too damp for you. You had better go and put on your overshoes at once. SIR JOHN I am quite comfortable, Caroline, I a**ure you. LADY CAROLINE You must allow me to be the best judge of that, John. Pray do as I tell you. [SIR JOHN gets up and goes off.] LADY HUNSTANTON You spoil him, Caroline, you do indeed! [Enter MRS. ALLONBY and LADY STUTFIELD.] [To MRS. ALLONBY.] Well, dear, I hope you like the park. It is said to be well timbered. MRS. ALLONBY The trees are wonderful, Lady Hunstanton. LADY STUTFIELD Quite, quite wonderful. MRS. ALLONBY But somehow, I feel sure that if I lived in the country for six months, I should become so unsophisticated that no one would take the slightest notice of me. LADY HUNSTANTON I a**ure you, dear, that the country has not that effect at all. Why, it was from Melthorpe, which is only two miles from here, that Lady Belton eloped with Lord Fethersdale. I remember the occurrence perfectly. Poor Lord Belton died three days afterwards of joy, or gout. I forget which. We had a large party staying here at the time, so we were all very much interested in the whole affair. MRS. ALLONBY I think to elope is cowardly. It's running away from danger. And danger has become so rare in modern life. LADY CAROLINE As far as I can make out, the young women of the present day seem to make it the sole object of their lives to be always playing with fire. MRS. ALLONBY The one advantage of playing with fire, Lady Caroline, is that one never gets even singed. It is the people who don't know how to play with it who get burned up. LADY STUTFIELD Yes; I see that. It is very, very helpful. LADY HUNSTANTON I don't know how the world would get on with such a theory as that, dear Mrs. Allonby. LADY STUTFIELD Ah! The world was made for men and not for women. MRS. ALLONBY Oh, don't say that, Lady Stutfield. We have a much better time than they have. There are far more things forbidden to us than are forbidden to them. LADY STUTFIELD Yes; that is quite, quite true. I had not thought of that. [Enter SIR JOHN and MR. KELVIL.] LADY HUNSTANTON Well, Mr. Kelvil, have you got through your work? KELVIL I have finished my writing for the day, Lady Hunstanton. It has been an arduous task. The demands on the time of a public man are very heavy nowadays, very heavy indeed. And I don't think they meet with adequate recognition. LADY CAROLINE John, have you got your overshoes on? SIR JOHN Yes, my love. LADY CAROLINE I think you had better come over here, John. It is more sheltered. SIR JOHN I am quite comfortable, Caroline. LADY CAROLINE I think not, John. You had better sit beside me. [SIR JOHN rises and goes across.] LADY STUTFIELD And what have you been writing about this morning, Mr. Kelvil? KELVIL On the usual subject, Lady Stutfield. On Purity. LADY STUTFIELD That must be such a very, very interesting thing to write about. KELVIL It is the one subject of really national importance, nowadays, Lady Stutfield. I purpose addressing my constituents on the question before Parliament meets. I find that the poorer cla**es of this country display a marked desire for a higher ethical standard. LADY STUTFIELD How quite, quite nice of them. LADY CAROLINE Are you in favour of women taking part in politics, Mr. Kettle? SIR JOHN Kelvil, my love, Kelvil. KELVIL The growing influence of women is the one rea**uring thing in our political life, Lady Caroline. Women are always on the side of morality, public and private. LADY STUTFIELD It is so very, very gratifying to hear you say that. LADY HUNSTANTON Ah, yes! - the moral qualities in women - that is the important thing. I am afraid, Caroline, that dear Lord Illingworth doesn't value the moral qualities in women as much as he should. [Enter LORD ILLINGWORTH.] LADY STUTFIELD The world says that Lord Illingworth is very, very wicked. LORD ILLINGWORTH But what world says that, Lady Stutfield? It must be the next world. This world and I are on excellent terms. [Sits down beside MRS. ALLONBY.] LADY STUTFIELD Every one I know says you are very, very wicked. LORD ILLINGWORTH It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about, nowadays, saying things against one behind one's back that are absolutely and entirely true. LADY HUNSTANTON Dear Lord Illingworth is quite hopeless, Lady Stutfield. I have given up trying to reform him. It would take a Public Company with a Board of Directors and a paid Secretary to do that. But you have the secretary already, Lord Illingworth, haven't you? Gerald Arbuthnot has told us of his good fortune; it is really most kind of you. LORD ILLINGWORTH Oh, don't say that, Lady Hunstanton. Kind is a dreadful word. I took a great fancy to young Arbuthnot the moment I met him, and he'll be of considerable use to me in something I am foolish enough to think of doing. LADY HUNSTANTON He is an admirable young man. And his mother is one of my dearest friends. He has just gone for a walk with our pretty American. She is very pretty, is she not? LADY CAROLINE Far too pretty. These American girls carry off all the good matches. Why can't they stay in their own country? They are always telling us it is the Paradise of women. LORD ILLINGWORTH It is, Lady Caroline. That is why, like Eve, they are so extremely anxious to get out of it. LADY CAROLINE Who are Miss Worsley's parents? LORD ILLINGWORTH American women are wonderfully clever in concealing their parents. LADY HUNSTANTON My dear Lord Illingworth, what do you mean? Miss Worsley, Caroline, is an orphan. Her father was a very wealthy millionaire or philanthropist, or both, I believe, who entertained my son quite hospitably, when he visited Boston. I don't know how he made his money, originally. KELVIL I fancy in American dry goods. LADY HUNSTANTON What are American dry goods? LORD ILLINGWORTH American novels. LADY HUNSTANTON How very singular! . . . Well, from whatever source her large fortune came, I have a great esteem for Miss Worsley. She dresses exceedingly well. All Americans do dress well. They get their clothes in Paris. MRS. ALLONBY They say, Lady Hunstanton, that when good Americans die they go to Paris. LADY HUNSTANTON Indeed? And when bad Americans die, where do they go to? LORD ILLINGWORTH Oh, they go to America. KELVIL I am afraid you don't appreciate America, Lord Illingworth. It is a very remarkable country, especially considering its youth. LORD ILLINGWORTH The youth of America is their oldest tradition. It has been going on now for three hundred years. To hear them talk one would imagine they were in their first childhood. As far as civilisation goes they are in their second. KELVIL There is undoubtedly a great deal of corruption in American politics. I suppose you allude to that? LORD ILLINGWORTH I wonder. LADY HUNSTANTON Politics are in a sad way everywhere, I am told. They certainly are in England. Dear Mr. Cardew is ruining the country. I wonder Mrs. Cardew allows him. I am sure, Lord Illingworth, you don't think that uneducated people should be allowed to have votes? LORD ILLINGWORTH I think they are the only people who should. KELVIL Do you take no side then in modern politics, Lord Illingworth? LORD ILLINGWORTH One should never take sides in anything, Mr. Kelvil. Taking sides is the beginning of sincerity, and earnestness follows shortly afterwards, and the human being becomes a bore. However, the House of Commons really does very little harm. You can't make people good by Act of Parliament, - that is something. KELVIL You cannot deny that the House of Commons has always shown great sympathy with the sufferings of the poor. LORD ILLINGWORTH That is its special vice. That is the special vice of the age. One should sympathise with the joy, the beauty, the colour of life. The less said about life's sores the better, Mr. Kelvil. KELVIL Still our East End is a very important problem. LORD ILLINGWORTH Quite so. It is the problem of slavery. And we are trying to solve it by amusing the slaves. LADY HUNSTANTON Certainly, a great deal may be done by means of cheap entertainments, as you say, Lord Illingworth. Dear Dr. Daubeny, our rector here, provides, with the a**istance of his curates, really admirable recreations for the poor during the winter. And much good may be done by means of a magic lantern, or a missionary, or some popular amusement of that kind. LADY CAROLINE I am not at all in favour of amusements for the poor, Jane. Blankets and coals are sufficient. There is too much love of pleasure amongst the upper cla**es as it is. Health is what we want in modern life. The tone is not healthy, not healthy at all. KELVIL You are quite right, Lady Caroline. LADY CAROLINE I believe I am usually right. MRS. ALLONBY Horrid word 'health.' LORD ILLINGWORTH Silliest word in our language, and one knows so well the popular idea of health. The English country gentleman galloping after a fox - the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable. KELVIL May I ask, Lord Illingworth, if you regard the House of Lords as a better institution than the House of Commons? LORD ILLINGWORTH A much better institution, of course. We in the House of Lords are never in touch with public opinion. That makes us a civilised body. KELVIL Are you serious in putting forward such a view? LORD ILLINGWORTH Quite serious, Mr. Kelvil. [To MRS. ALLONBY.] Vulgar habit that is people have nowadays of asking one, after one has given them an idea, whether one is serious or not. Nothing is serious except pa**ion. The intellect is not a serious thing, and never has been. It is an instrument on which one plays, that is all. The only serious form of intellect I know is the British intellect. And on the British intellect the illiterates play the drum. LADY HUNSTANTON What are you saying, Lord Illingworth, about the drum? LORD ILLINGWORTH I was merely talking to Mrs. Allonby about the leading articles in the London newspapers. LADY HUNSTANTON But do you believe all that is written in the newspapers? LORD ILLINGWORTH I do. Nowadays it is only the unreadable that occurs. [Rises with MRS. ALLONBY.] LADY HUNSTANTON Are you going, Mrs. Allonby? MRS. ALLONBY Just as far as the conservatory. Lord Illingworth told me this morning that there was an orchid there m beautiful as the seven deadly sins. LADY HUNSTANTON My dear, I hope there is nothing of the kind. I will certainly speak to the gardener. [Exit MRS. ALLONBY and LORD ILLINGWORTH.] LADY CAROLINE. Remarkable type, Mrs. Allonby. LADY HUNSTANTON She lets her clever tongue run away with her sometimes. LADY CAROLINE Is that the only thing, Jane, Mrs. Allonby allows to run away with her? LADY HUNSTANTON I hope so, Caroline, I am sure. [Enter LORD ALFRED.] Dear Lord Alfred, do join us. [LORD ALFRED sits down beside LADY STUTFIELD.] LADY CAROLINE You believe good of every one, Jane. It is a great fault. LADY STUTFIELD Do you really, really think, Lady Caroline, that one should believe evil of every one? LADY CAROLINE I think it is much safer to do so, Lady Stutfield. Until, of course, people are found out to be good. But that requires a great deal of investigation nowadays. LADY STUTFIELD But there is so much unkind scandal in modern life. LADY CAROLINE Lord Illingworth remarked to me last night at dinner that the basis of every scandal is an absolutely immoral certainty. KELVIL Lord Illingworth is, of course, a very brilliant man, but he seems to me to be lacking in that fine faith in the nobility and purity of life which is so important in this century. LADY STUTFIELD Yes, quite, quite important, is it not? KELVIL He gives me the impression of a man who does not appreciate the beauty of our English home-life. I would say that he was tainted with foreign ideas on the subject. LADY STUTFIELD There is nothing, nothing like the beauty of home- life, is there? KELVIL It is the mainstay of our moral system in England, Lady Stutfield. Without it we would become like our neighbours. LADY STUTFIELD That would be so, so sad, would it not? KELVIL I am afraid, too, that Lord Illingworth regards woman simply as a toy. Now, I have never regarded woman as a toy. Woman is the intellectual helpmeet of man in public as in private life. Without her we should forget the true ideals. [Sits down beside LADY STUTFIELD.] LADY STUTFIELD I am so very, very glad to hear you say that. LADY CAROLINE You a married man, Mr. Kettle? SIR JOHN Kelvil, dear, Kelvil. KELVIL I am married, Lady Caroline. LADY CAROLINE Family? KELVIL Yes. LADY CAROLINE How many? KELVIL Eight. [LADY STUTFIELD turns her attention to LORD ALFRED.] LADY CAROLINE Mrs. Kettle and the children are, I suppose, at the seaside? [SIR JOHN shrugs his shoulders.] KELVIL My wife is at the seaside with the children, Lady Caroline. LADY CAROLINE You will join them later on, no doubt? KELVIL If my public engagements permit me. LADY CAROLINE Your public life must be a great source of gratification to Mrs. Kettle. SIR JOHN Kelvil, my love, Kelvil. LADY STUTFIELD [To LORD ALFRED.] How very, very charming those gold-tipped cigarettes of yours are, Lord Alfred. LORD ALFRED They are awfully expensive. I can only afford them when I'm in debt. LADY STUTFIELD It must be terribly, terribly distressing to be in debt. LORD ALFRED One must have some occupation nowadays. If I hadn't my debts I shouldn't have anything to think about. All the chaps I know are in debt. LADY STUTFIELD But don't the people to whom you owe the money give you a great, great deal of annoyance? [Enter Footman.] LORD ALFRED Oh, no, they write; I don't. LADY STUTFIELD How very, very strange. LADY HUNSTANTON Ah, here is a letter, Caroline, from dear Mrs. Arbuthnot. She won't dine. I am so sorry. But she will come in the evening. I am very pleased indeed. She is one of the sweetest of women. Writes a beautiful hand, too, so large, so firm. [Hands letter to LADY CAROLINE.] LADY CAROLINE [Looking at it.] A little lacking in femininity, Jane. Femininity is the quality I admire most in women. LADY HUNSTANTON [Taking back letter and leaving it on table.] Oh! she is very feminine, Caroline, and so good too. You should hear what the Archdeacon says of her. He regards her as his right hand in the parish. [Footman speaks to her.] In the Yellow Drawing-room. Shall we all go in? Lady Stutfield, shall we go in to tea? LADY STUTFIELD With pleasure, Lady Hunstanton. [They rise and proceed to go off. SIR JOHN offers to carry LADY STUTFIELD'S cloak.] LADY CAROLINE John! If you would allow your nephew to look after Lady Stutfield's cloak, you might help me with my workbasket. [Enter LORD ILLINGWORTH and MRS. ALLONBY.] SIR JOHN Certainly, my love. [Exeunt.] MRS. ALLONBY Curious thing, plain women are always jealous of their husbands, beautiful women never are! LORD ILLINGWORTH Beautiful women never have time. They are always so occupied in being jealous of other people's husbands. MRS. ALLONBY I should have thought Lady Caroline would have grown tired of conjugal anxiety by this time! Sir John is her fourth! LORD ILLINGWORTH So much marriage is certainly not becoming. Twenty years of romance make a woman look like a ruin; but twenty years of marriage make her something like a public building. MRS. ALLONBY Twenty years of romance! Is there such a thing? LORD ILLINGWORTH Not in our day. Women have become too brilliant. Nothing spoils a romance so much as a sense of humour in the woman. MRS. ALLONBY Or the want of it in the man. LORD ILLINGWORTH You are quite right. In a Temple every one should be serious, except the thing that is worshipped. MRS. ALLONBY And that should be man? LORD ILLINGWORTH Women kneel so gracefully; men don't. MRS. ALLONBY You are thinking of Lady Stutfield! LORD ILLINGWORTH I a**ure you I have not thought of Lady Stutfield for the last quarter of an hour. MRS. ALLONBY Is she such a mystery? LORD ILLINGWORTH She is more than a mystery - she is a mood. MRS. ALLONBY Moods don't last. LORD ILLINGWORTH It is their chief charm. [Enter HESTER and GERALD.] GERALD Lord Illingworth, every one has been congratulating me, Lady Hunstanton and Lady Caroline, and . . . every one. I hope I shall make a good secretary. LORD ILLINGWORTH You will be the pattern secretary, Gerald. [Talks to him.] MRS. ALLONBY You enjoy country life, Miss Worsley? HESTER Very much indeed. MRS. ALLONBY Don't find yourself longing for a London dinner- party? HESTER I dislike London dinner-parties. MRS. ALLONBY I adore them. The clever people never listen, and the stupid people never talk. HESTER I think the stupid people talk a great deal. MRS. ALLONBY Ah, I never listen! LORD ILLINGWORTH My dear boy, if I didn't like you I wouldn't have made you the offer. It is because I like you so much that I want to have you with me. [Exit HESTER with GERALD.] Charming fellow, Gerald Arbuthnot! MRS. ALLONBY He is very nice; very nice indeed. But I can't stand the American young lady. LORD ILLINGWORTH Why? MRS. ALLONBY She told me yesterday, and in quite a loud voice too, that she was only eighteen. It was most annoying. LORD ILLINGWORTH One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age. A woman who would tell one that, would tell one anything. MRS. ALLONBY She is a Puritan besides - LORD ILLINGWORTH Ah, that is inexcusable. I don't mind plain women being Puritans. It is the only excuse they have for being plain. But she is decidedly pretty. I admire her immensely. [Looks steadfastly at MRS. ALLONBY.] MRS. ALLONBY What a thoroughly bad man you must be! LORD ILLINGWORTH What do you call a bad man? MRS. ALLONBY The sort of man who admires innocence. LORD ILLINGWORTH And a bad woman? MRS. ALLONBY Oh! the sort of woman a man never gets tired of. LORD ILLINGWORTH You are severe - on yourself. MRS. ALLONBY Define us as a s**. LORD ILLINGWORTH Sphinxes without secrets. MRS. ALLONBY Does that include the Puritan women? LORD ILLINGWORTH Do you know, I don't believe in the existence of Puritan women? I don't think there is a woman in the world who would not be a little flattered if one made love to her. It is that which makes women so irresistibly adorable. MRS. ALLONBY You think there is no woman in the world who would object to being kissed? LORD ILLINGWORTH Very few. MRS. ALLONBY Miss Worsley would not let you kiss her. LORD ILLINGWORTH Are you sure? MRS. ALLONBY Quite. LORD ILLINGWORTH What do you think she'd do if I kissed her? MRS. ALLONBY Either marry you, or strike you across the face with her glove. What would you do if she struck you across the face with her glove? LORD ILLINGWORTH Fall in love with her, probably. MRS. ALLONBY Then it is lucky you are not going to kiss her! LORD ILLINGWORTH Is that a challenge? MRS. ALLONBY It is an arrow shot into the air. LORD ILLINGWORTH Don't you know that I always succeed in whatever I try? MRS. ALLONBY I am sorry to hear it. We women adore failures. They lean on us. LORD ILLINGWORTH You worship successes. You cling to them. MRS. ALLONBY We are the laurels to hide their baldness. LORD ILLINGWORTH And they need you always, except at the moment of triumph. MRS. ALLONBY They are uninteresting then. LORD ILLINGWORTH How tantalising you are! [A pause.] MRS. ALLONBY Lord Illingworth, there is one thing I shall always like you for. LORD ILLINGWORTH Only one thing? And I have so many bad qualities. MRS. ALLONBY Ah, don't be too conceited about them. You may lose them as you grow old. LORD ILLINGWORTH I never intend to grow old. The soul is born old but grows young. That is the comedy of life. MRS. ALLONBY And the body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy. LORD ILLINGWORTH Its comedy also, sometimes. But what is the mysterious reason why you will always like me? MRS. ALLONBY It is that you have never made love to me. LORD ILLINGWORTH I have never done anything else. MRS. ALLONBY Really? I have not noticed it. LORD ILLINGWORTH How fortunate! It might have been a tragedy for both of us. MRS. ALLONBY We should each have survived. LORD ILLINGWORTH One can survive everything nowadays, except d**h, and live down anything except a good reputation. MRS. ALLONBY Have you tried a good reputation? LORD ILLINGWORTH It is one of the many annoyances to which I have never been subjected. MRS. ALLONBY It may come. LORD ILLINGWORTH Why do you threaten me? MRS. ALLONBY I will tell you when you have kissed the Puritan. [Enter Footman.] FRANCIS Tea is served in the Yellow Drawing-room, my lord. LORD ILLINGWORTH Tell her ladyship we are coming in. FRANCIS Yes, my lord. [Exit.] LORD ILLINGWORTH Shall we go in to tea? MRS. ALLONBY Do you like such simple pleasures? LORD ILLINGWORTH I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex. But, if you wish, let us stay here. Yes, let us stay here. The Book of Life begins with a man and a woman in a garden. MRS. ALLONBY It ends with Revelations. LORD ILLINGWORTH You fence divinely. But the bu*ton has come of your foil. MRS. ALLONBY I have still the mask. LORD ILLINGWORTH It makes your eyes lovelier. MRS. ALLONBY Thank you. Come. LORD ILLINGWORTH [Sees MRS. ARBUTHNOT'S letter on table, and takes it up and looks at envelope.] What a curious handwriting! It reminds me of the handwriting of a woman I used to know years ago. MRS. ALLONBY Who? LORD ILLINGWORTH Oh! no one. No one in particular. A woman of no importance. [Throws letter down, and pa**es up the steps of the terrace with MRS. ALLONBY. They smile at each other.] ACT DROP.