Omito Beats - Took Away lyrics


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Omito Beats - Took Away lyrics

It's been a long time Since the day you left This god forsaken earth Grateful for everything you ever Did for me But it k**s me deep down Knowing that I will never ever Be able to repay you for what you did for me The pain will last more than forever 7 years down the line I'm still struggling to climb This never ending trek of sh** Cut out your self pitty Pick yourself up when you get kicked To the ground Cos over time I found Success is a journey and f** the Destination Take everything step by step Left by left right by right Never getting too far ahead It'll be over soon I been there and done it before So confide in me when I arrive at your Door Offering my well deserved support Trust me ima be your escort From start through the finish Your gonna bloody need it One of the worst days of my life I still don't understand But I'm back now and I'm back fighting Be careful before you get hit with Lightning Just promise me you'll never give up Just keep on trying You try and confuse me by telling me Your doing just fine But deep down I know your just lying It still bothers me than I still Ain't got a clue where you are now If your alright or if I'm putting On a good enough show for you Keep the comments coming I just don't give a f** In this industry you just have to get Lucky I never even got to say goodbye And it still feels weird Got so many methods to apply Musics just worth a try To help drain the pain away From the day you got taken away The day you got taken away I can't stand this feeling inside If only I had paid more attention When I was younger I wouldn't be living a life full with regret Yeah it was a test and I pa**ed But honestly I just don't care I know I need this pay to go I can't let go of the past I see people moan about their family Why do such a thing cos one day your gonna miss them your gonna need them My aspirations are being walked all over Left black and blue Just like my confidence ooh the irony Nothing better to do than to taunt People's imperfections That by the way they already probably know Seeing you low and weaker than f** Left me so stuck and tied up Cos I been there before I'm not looking back at who I was then Keep my head facing forward But I can't help but think of all the good times and the memories Trust me to put a face on it so it doesn't show And no one knows a thing When I come home the headphones go in and the world gets shut out I owe you one but there's no way to repay you I should show you tons of what I can do But then again why would you watch It ain't that special anyway Or is that what I've just been led to believe Just want one form of contact Any small kinda thing 7years on I'm still clueless and hopeless All those internet remedies are always pretty purposeless anyway I been deserted down this alleyway With no chance of aborting or Restarting at the next Check point Should live life to the fullest But how can I when there's always something holding me back It feels like I'm locked in a cage Closed with a never ending impossible code I just can't crack I'm strong for you just so you could be I did wrong for you just so you could see How happy you could be Without living in the past Times change my friend And there's nothing no one can do about it So from now on let's just start from scratch When I look across and you've got it handed to you on a plate Must admit it left me in a right state But then I realised What my destiny really was At the end of the day I just wanna make you proud And if I do that then I'll be screaming out loud Louder than I am right now Go ahead and judge me I'm still just gonna carry on Cos ngl life is weighing a ton Even right now But I still try I still carry on Without showing any piece of weakness I can't stand it being judged by Uniqueness You never know when it's your time to be buried in dirt Whether your rich or poor Good or bad We're all going to the same place anyway So respect everyone No matter what That's what he always told me Be the best you can be So ima live up to that His words still ringing in my eyes I owe you one I love you till I'm done That was the day You got taken away Taken away