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You ask im putting so much effort on my latest tape well its cos i have confidence in it. Might not sell,might not appeal,might not be what the game needs right now. But it defines my feelings and struggles as an upcoming artist and also tells you alot about my life. It is an LP (Long play) of more then 10 tracks,few skits and an intro and outro. Released 1 single this year and it got me 3700 likes from a mear 300 in february on my page. 4 community radio stations play listed it and most of all showed me how i have grown as an artist. I might get co*ky and arrogant at times but i try and be the best i can be. I realize im doing better then most cats in my hood and location thats west rand but i also realize its not really cos im doper then them or because i have won competitions but its actually instead of working hard i work smarter.early this year i was asking cats to share my link of a competition i was on and guis what? None shared it accept PDN. I ended up a finalist on it with a shy of 386 votes from the winner. Thats the break through artist competition then i was on the Ode meister song competition round about the same thing happened but i ended on the first round there. Where is the love?? A guy i lookup to inbox'd me asking me if all these beef's and riff's with local cats is justified for and i have to say some them they are stupid and immature. Imagen if we all worked together and featured each other with that branding of artist(s). 2 Chainz is wack but if he helps sell cd's?? Id feature his a**. Now i have tried to featured a lot of yall but everything fell through sometimes cos of me sometimes cos of yall. Ill admit i aint perfect but fuvk it dawg lets be real a lot of yall dont like me nje theres no reason and justification you just dont like me. I also address something i know im staring to sound like the aka of west rand and thats not how i want it to be i dont want to have an ego and impegmentations towards anyone locally or elsewhere. So this is an appeal i wanna start working with everybody especially cats i aint worked with in the past,if you have ideas of a track inbox a n******g or if you wanna feature feel free. Again thoes who have made up their minds of who and how i am you have no idea brah. I dare you to come closer and see the world through my eyes. Lastly to my supporters i don't have fans i have supporters thank you for the likes,downloads,shares and love nje but sadly after this Mix tape Long Play ill be taking a break from music as ill be studyn full time everything is finalised.this is not a farewell lol ill record only singles from next year not complete projects thats why im pushing it this hard i wanna leave a legacy as the king around here... Many may argue,debate,criticize but god dammit numbers don't lie! Ok now thats all i wanted to say :) I know this might have a lot of grammar and spelling errors but its just my 2 cents. Thank you #Yourboyisnice #Youdontknowmeyet