The Adventures of Jay Jay & Jayime Movie is a 2010 American animated-live action romantic adventure comedy film based on the Nickelodeon television series, The Adventures of Jay Jay & Jayime. The plot follows Binky's plan to steal Jay Jay's girlfriend Danielle's tiara and send it to Trenton; there, Jay Jay and Jayme must retrieve it to save Mr. Miller's life from Danielle's wrath and their home (New York) from Binky's plan. PG | Tie-in promotions were made by 7-Eleven and Burger King. The film follows the plot of the TV series The Adventures of Jay Jay & Jayime, focusing on the two adults. It begins with a live action sequence of a hood crew awaiting its treasure: tickets to The Adventures of Jay Jay & Jayme Movie. When they recover them, they sail to the movie theater and sit in front-row seats to watch the film. In the movie proper, Jay Jay dreams about managing the McDonalds restaurant. The restaurant is in trouble because a customer has no cheese on his burger, but Jay Jay saves the day. He wakes up and cheerfully prepares for the first day for New York University and wedding, hoping that his boss Mr. George Miller will promote him to manager of the restaurant. At the first day, Jay Jay is exited; his co-worker, Jayime, is given the promotion because Mr. Miller thinks she is "more cool" than Jay Jay. Meanwhile, Binky, Jay Jay's worst enemy, devises a plot to steal the recipe and frame Mr. Miller. He steals Danielle's tiara at night, sending it to Trenton. That night, Jay Jay goes to his favorite restaurant, Burger King; he drowns his sorrows in ice cream with his older brother, Terrence Wilson, waking up the next morning with a headache. Danielle barges into McDonalds, a**aults and freezes Jayme. When Jay Jay arrives later, although he criticizes Jayime, he promises Danielle he will retrieve the crown from Trenton. Danielle tells Jay Jay to return with the tiara in six days for him to thaw Mr. Miller. Jay Jay and Jayme leave for Trenton City in a sports oriented car. In Manhattan, Binky steals the recipe, using it to produce and sell the ingredients at his fraternity, the ER Bucket, with the claim that Miller bequeathed him the recipe. He sends a hit man named Dennis to pursue Jay Jay and Jayme. Jayme discovers the truth about Binky stealing Danielle's tiara, and tries to alert Danielle. However, Binky uses mind-controlling buckets disguised as souvenirs to control New York's residents, including Jay Jay's best friends and renames the city New Binky City. Meanwhile, Jay Jay and Jayime encounter a dangerous trench, but Danielle's niece Mandy helps them past it. They are stopped by Dennis, who tries to k** them with his spiked boots, but is in turn stepped on by a ma**ive "cyclops". The "cyclops" grabs Jay Jay and Jayime, and goes to his store near the subway. At the store, Jay Jay and Jayme find the crown, but are nearly stuck in a closed store. They're trying to break the doors to save the day; its smoke alarm the sprinkler system, reviving them and the other dried seafood. As the seafood attack the diver, Jay Jay and Jayime take the tiara and head for the subway. When they lose their way home, offers them a ride; Dennis catches up to them, but is knocked by a catamaran back the subway. Back at McDonalds, Danielle arrives to execute Mr. Miller. Just in time, Jay Jay and Jayime return with the crown, save Mr. Miller and confront Binky. He drops a mind-control bucket on Danielle, enslaving her. Jay Jay plays "Whatever You Like" and frees New York's residents. Binky is arrested; Danielle thanks Jay Jay for his bravery, gives Jay Jay a big hug, thaws Mr. Miller, who makes Jay Jay the manager of the McDonalds in gratitude. Jay Jay & Jayime getting ready for the wedding of Jay Jay & Danielle. The wedding reunite reduces Jay Jay as a groom and Danielle as the bride. Jay Jay and Danielle's friends and family came to the wedding. Jayime shared a friendship speech about Jay Jay. Jay Jay & Danielle share a romantic kiss as everyone cheers and leads to the wedding party that causes a celebration. In a post-credits scene, a theater usher tells the kid and his peers to leave and they reluctantly comply.