Nicholas Pileggi - Casino (Meeting in the Desert Scene) lyrics


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Nicholas Pileggi - Casino (Meeting in the Desert Scene) lyrics

EXT. DESERT SCENE - DAY A solitary ACE waiting in the vast desert, looking around. ACE looks at a sage brush and sand and a few rocks on the desert floor. This could be a hole meant for him. He steps away from it. ACE (V.O.) Meeting in the middle of the desert always made me nervous. It's a scary place. I knew about the holes in the desert, of course, and everywhere I looked, there could have been a hole. EXT. DESERT ROAD - DAY Aerial shot of NICKY driving. ACE (V.O.) Normally, my prospects of comin' back alive from a meeting with Nicky were ninety-nine out of a hundred. But this time, when I heard him say, 'A couple a hundred yards down the road', I gave myself fifty-fifty. EXT. DESERT - DAY ACE still standing in the desert. NICKY's car suddenly appears as a reflection in ACE's sungla**es, shaking ACE out of his desert-induced reverie. NICKY's car pulls up by ACE. He gets out and storms up to him. NICKY Where the f** you get off talkin' to people about me behind my back? Goin' over my head? ACE What people? NICKY What people! What'd you think, I wasn't gonna find out? ACE I don't even know what you're talkin' about, Nick. NICKY No? You said I'm bringin' heat on you?! I gotta listen to people because of your f**in' sh**?! You're ordering me out?! You better get your own f**in' army, pal! ACE I didn't do anything. I mean, I didn't order you or anybody... I only told Andy Stone that you had a lot of heat on you, and that was a problem. NICKY You want me to get out of my own f**in' town?! ACE Yeah, I said I - let the bullsh** blow over for a while so I can run the casino. Anything goes wrong with the casino, it's my a**. It's not yours, it's my a**. NICKY Oh, I don't know whether you know this or not, but you only have your f**in' casino because I made that possible! ACE I - NICKY (Interrupting) I'm what counts out here! Not your f**in' country clubs or your f**in' TV shows! And what the f** are you doin' on TV anyhow?! ACE What are you - NICKY (Interrupting) You know I get calls from back home every f**in' day?! They think you went batsh**! ACE I'm only on TV because I gotta be able to hang around the casino. You understand that. You know that. Come on. NICKY Your f**in' a**! You could have had the food and beverage job without goin' on television! You wanted to go on TV. ACE Yeah, I did want to go on TV. That way I have a forum. I can fight back. I'm known. People see me. They know they can't f** around with me like they could if I was an unknown. That's right. NICKY You're makin' a big f**in' spectacle of yourself. ACE Me?! I wouldn't even be in this situation if it wasn't for you. You brought down so much f**in' heat on me. I mean, every time I meet somebody here, the big question is do I know you. NICKY Oh, sure. Now you want to blame your f**in' license on me, is that it? ACE No, it - it - Nicky, when you asked me if you could come out here, what did I tell you? I mean, you asked me, and I knew you were going to come out no matter what I said, but what did I tell you? Do you remember what I told... NICKY (Interrupting) Back - ACE Do you remember what I told you? NICKY Back - Back up, back up a f**in' minute here. One minute. I asked you?! When the f** did I ever ask you if I could come out here?! Get this through your head, you - ACE (Interrupting) You never - ? NICKY Get this through your head, you Jew motherf**er, you. You only exist out here because of me! That's the only reason! Without me, you, personally, every f**in' wiseguy skell [Skell: the lowest form of wiseguy - a drunken bum] around'll take a piece of your f**in' Jew a**! Then where you gonna go?! You're f**in' warned! Don't ever go over my f**in' head again! You motherf**er, you! NICKY drives off, leaving an angry and frustrated ACE to ponder the desert and the holes.