Neil Bartram - Person A lyrics


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Neil Bartram - Person A lyrics

[AMY, SPOKEN] Person A. Person B. A is walking toward B at a rate of three miles per hour and B is walking toward A at a rate of two miles per hour. How fast does B perceive A to be walking? [ADAM, SPOKEN] Newton's first law of motion - A body in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an eternal force is applied to it. [CATHERINE, SPOKEN] I am standing still. On the earth. The earth spins at a rate of one thousand and seventy miles per hour. The earth orbits the sun at a rate of sixty-seven thousand miles per hour. The sun travels through the galaxy at a rate of four thousand and ninety thousand miles per hour. I am NOT standing still. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] "When you are courting a nice girl, an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder, a second seems like an hour. That's relativity." - Albert Einstein. [MIKE, SPOKEN] Newton's second law of motion - A change of motion is proportional to and is made in the direction of the force applied. [MIRA, SPOKEN] Person A. [RYAN, SPOKEN] Person B. [MIRA, SPOKEN] If A's position is seven miles from B, and A is walking at a rate of four miles per hour- [RYAN, SPOKEN] -and B is walking at a rate of five miles per hour at a forty-five degree angle to the path of Person A- [MIRA & RYAN, SPOKEN] -how soon will they meet- [MIRA, SPOKEN] -and how will the path of each person be altered by that contact? [OLIVER, SPOKEN] If a tree falls in the forest- [CAROLINE, SPOKEN] Newton's third law of motion - To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. [OLIVER, SPOKEN] -and no one's there to hear it- [SARA, SPOKEN] "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." - Albert Einstein. [OLIVER, SPOKEN] -does it- [PAUL, SPOKEN] I'm rubber and you're glue. What you say bounces off me and sticks to you. [JENNY, SPOKEN] I exist only if observed. [ALL, SPOKEN] I am nothing without you.